Interpol help sought to probe Soma Thera’s death in Russia

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Interpol help sought to probe Soma Thera’s death in Russia

July 21, 2008

Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2004, 6:30 AM

Interpol help sought to probe Soma Thera’s death in Russia

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 09:21:34 +0100

I think

It is most unlikely that interpol will assist in the investigation
of Bhante Soma’s death, and far more likely that they will obstruct and
sabotage the investigation.
People tend to assume that interpol is an
inter-governmental organisation – it is NOT. Interpol is a private
organisation founded by former Nazis from Nazi Germany and the former
Gestapo, and it exists solely to promote their own organised crime

An independent “People’s Commission” would be infinitely more
effective and
honest, especially if it is based on distributed control combined with
pooling of resources and informal coordination. If there are people who are
willing to take the initiative and the time to carry out such
investigations, and there are people willing to finance it, then let such
people uncover the truth with fortitude and perseverance. Those in power who
refuse to do what has to be done will be put to

With metta
Bhante Medhayo

email: [email protected]