Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
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🇮🇳⚔️🇱🇰 It is necessary to clear the misconceptions planted by Tamil Narzi leader Prabhakaran, in the minds of Indian Political Elite that the Tamils in Sri Lanka are an exceptional community needs to be granted with special rights, and rewarded with self-determination.

So far Sri Lankan Diplomatic corp have failed to restore Sri Lanka’s image that has been tarnished by LTTE around the world.

Lament politicians in Sri Lanka deliberately keeping themselves mute against terrorist propaganda. It is the Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi who incubated the LTTE inside India. Trained the LTTE, Armed them, Funded the terrorist organisation.

For 35 years Sri Lanka plunged into chaos of bombs and bloodshed.

It is the Indian Congress government responsible for the genocide that took place in Sri Lanka under the proxy war declared by Rajiv Gandhi.

Therefore it is correct time Sri Lanka and India bilaterally sought out the Economic Crisis through proper assessment of damage caused to lives and property, settled through reparations owed to Sri Lanka for atrocities committed by LTTE.

– Indika Sahabandu ✍️


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