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Sudath Gunasekara

12 12 2017

Looking at the way things are taking shape in the present political Sunami and the bitter infighting in the SLFP as JO vs pseudo SLFP of the President unless the people take my advice outlined in the essay ‘The need for all true SLFP voters to stand with the Mahinda Rajapaksa Camp at the forthcoming Local Government elections’ appeared on 9. 12 2017, very seriously and act accordingly I have a strong feeling that there will be a re -enacting of the proverbial story of The lion, bear and the jackal” we have learned in grade 3 in school.  The story I reproduce below appeared in the Lankaweb of 22.10.2017. I repeat it here because it is so relevant to the present context and reiterate and warn the people about the imminent danger before the nation.

In this instance, I recall a story of the Lion, a Kaludeva and a cunning Fox we learned in grade three in school .One day when a Kaludeva (a bear like animal) was about to enjoy a deer killed by it there came, a Lion on the scene. The Lion interrupted and said it was he who killed it and therefore the carcass belongs to him. A fight ensued between the two. Hearing the brawl between them, a fox passing by, appeared on the scene. It thought for a while, got a brilliant idea, and applauded and encouraged both of them to fight until both of them got fatally wounded and died. There after the cunning fox consumed the deer along with its family until the whole carcass was over.

This is exactly what will happen at the end of this three corner fight. In this case MR is the lion, Sirisena the Kaludeva and Ranil the cunning fox and the Tamils, Muslims, Tamil Diaspora, NGOO and the International Community, the family of the fox. The unfortunate deer is this country, Sinhala nation and the Buddha Sasana put together. Once the Local Government elections are over and if they win they will use this as spring board for the next General election. Thereafter all these enemies will get together and install a new Constitution, parcel out the country, give 13 plus including land, police and even judicial powers to Tamils and Muslims and all what they are asking for like the power to get direct foreign aid to the Provincial Councils and self- determination etc and make this beautiful motherland of ours a land of eternal ethnic strife and a cursed battle ground of international power struggles at the expense of the Sinhala nation.”

I have never seen politico-social turmoil and a crisis like the one we have today in this country ever before. It is so confusing and chaotic I wonder whether the nemesis of this nation is already at the door step. As such unless the whole nation realize this imminent disaster and act immediately the curtain will fall in no time on this Island nation before we get up from our deep sleep.

Where are the traditional Muradevatavas of the nation who rose to save the Sinhala nation under this kind of situation in the past and the guardian Gods who are vested with the task of protecting that mission?

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