Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
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Man is on a tour.
It’s a habit of many people to tour around the world to get environmental & social experiences. Not only them but also the 3rd world people make a bitter try to go & settle down in a rich country for happiness.
But nobody knows that they are running behind pictures of the world.
Wherever you go, you have pictures only.
Whatever you hear, you have sounds only.
Wherever you go, you have smells, tastes, tactile sensations only.
So that, even if you go around the world or go around the galaxy, what you do is, you get pictures, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations. THAT’S ALL.
Intellectuals try to escape from these pictures, smells, tastes, tactile, thoughts & come to a place called “Nibbana”, the most blissful ultimate retreat.

Dr. Dammika Wijearathna

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