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All main Presidential contestants must declare their proposed Cabinets

All main Presidential contestants must declare their proposed Cabinets, Prime Ministers with the number of Ministers and their names and photographs before the 17th September, if they are really serious in becoming the President of this 2566-year-old Sinhala Buddhist country.

So that people will know, as to what kind of ministers are going to lead the new government they are going to get after the 21stbefore they cast their vote.

Dr Sudath Gunasekara, the Secretary to former Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranayake and President Sri Lanka State Administrative Services Association (1991-94) 16.9.2024.

This is an all-important Public Commandment made on behalf the whole nation, to enable the 17 million voters to decide as to whom they should vote on the 21st to get the best team who could take the country out of the present overall political crisis including the security of this island nation, its governance, and the socio- economic mess in to which this beautiful country had been dumped in to, by all successive governments since 1978 under the 1978 constitution and more particularly the open economic policy introduced by  J.R  Jayawardhana.

In addition, they should also clearly state where they stand regarding the following issues

1 Abolish the Rajiv/JR Accord of 29th July 1987, that destroyed the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence of this country and its 2500-year-old unitary state, jealously guarded by our ancient Kings.

2  Abolish the 13th Amendment to the 1978 Constitution and the provincial Councils imposed by force and intimidation on our heads by India, that has reduced the 1978 Constitution to a mere scrap of paper thereby laying the foundation for the division of this 2500-year-old Sinhala Buddhist Kingdom in to two or more federal states with two distinct ethnic groups eternally fighting with the native Sinhala Buddhists for taking control of the whole Island that will end up firstly as a fulfilment the dream EELAM of South Indian Tamils and second to make dream of greater Bharatha come true, they were dreaming from the days of Rama

(Please state clearly whether you agree to abolish them or not)

Also please state your policy regarding the following election promises made by some candidates and state the action you propose to take if you get elected as the President.   

3 The promises made by both Ranil and Sajith to create mono-Tamil villages in the Central Hill country and plantation areas in the adjoining districts and make the 12.5 m Indian labour force, the legitimate owners of all the Sri Lanka Tea lands, just to get their votes, inadvertently paving the way for the two Indian aspirations, firstly, to create the Malayanadu at the center of this Land of the Sinhalese and secondly, to make Sri Lanka the 29th State of India and thereby drawing the curtain over the 2500 year old Sinhala Buddhist civilization on this planet.

4 The present government’s policy of outright selling and mortgaging all national assets, the land, its harbours like, Colombo and Trincomalee together with its 101 Oil tanks and 75 acres of land around the Trino harbour, the best natural harbour in the world about which Napolean once declared “who owns it, will control the Indian Ocean, together with and other assets like the Air Lanka and even the profit-making state enterprises like the Telecom, to India and Western colonial countries, under Western dictated neo economic panacea of restructuring state owned assets, that leads to more dependency on the colonial West that will finally end up in eternal bankruptcy on our part.

5 This governments excessive dependences on the IMF and the World Bank, the notorious arms of the neocolonial octopus that has replaced their guns, swords and the Catholic Church in pursuing their colonial ambitions of neo colonialism in Asia and Africa.

6 The failure to align with the BRIC the emerging future World Bank as a way out[S1]  of this present economic disaster

7 Public outcry to dissolve the present, Parliament which has ceased to honour the peoples mandate they have given in 2019 and 2020, immediately after the Presidential election, and to give a chance for people to elect a new Parliament reflecting the current aspiration of the people.

8.The popular demand for immediately replacing the1978 Constitution, the root cause of all present day political, economic and social problems with the 1972 constitution, that will put an end to all political, economic and social disasters created by the 1978 constitution until a new Constitution based on the civilization of this country is enacted

9 The demand for declaring Poson Poya as the National day in this country as it was on this day in 307 BC the Sinhala nation was born.

10. Declaring May 22nd as Independence Day  it was on that day in 1972, this country at last got freed from the British colonial clutches and finally gained its full independence with all three salient powers of the State such as Legislative, Executive and Judicial of modern Democracy, that made this country a fully free and independent Peoples Republic.

11.Declaring the Sinhala nation as the nation of this Republic and Buddhism as the State religion as they had been the ‘de facto and de jure realties and declare Malaba inhabitants in the North and the East named as Ceylon Tamils in 190l, and Planation Tamils as minorities in this country 

12. Are you  prepared to Drop the proposal by the present government and Sajith Premadasa to hand over all land in the plantation areas under a Tamil mono villages scheme with houses programmed  to be started  in the central hill country, as a political bribe to get the estate Tamil votes, and give them that to their original leagel owners, the Kandyan peasants who had been the ‘de facto and de Jure owners’ of this land from the inception of history until they were forcibly taken over by the British  colonial invaders in 1840 and thereafter after massacring the majority  and chasing out those survived ,

(I suggest that no Sinhala voter in the Kandyan areas should  vote for any candidate who does not openly oppose this great betrayal). 

This should be followed by rectifying them with all their rights to their own land and getting the British Government to pay compensation for all wrongs they have committed against the native Sinhalese from 1815 to 1948.

This should also be followed by a relocating programme of all settlers presently occupying in areas above 3500 ft msl   in mixed village clusters on land below 3500 feet msl together with landless p Kandyan Peasants

13.The Presidential candidates also should agree to declare all lands above 5000 ft msl as strictly prohibited and conserved forest. (Thahanchi kele as it was declared by the ancient Kings by Royal decree) and limit all settlement in the hill country to land below3500 ft

14   Agree to take immediate action to implement the proposed action plans under 12 and13


Firstly, protect the much-needed physical stability of the Central Hill country, the Geographical Heartland of Sri Lanka as I have named it way back in 1991, that will guarantee the perennial water flow of all 103 rivers that have their sources on these hills on which rests the survival of the entire life system on this Island nation and therefore the civilization of the whole Island as well.

Secondly, provide land rights for all estate labour as well as the landless Kandyan Peasants who had been deprived of their birth rights from 1840 by the British colonial invaders in the 19th century on words up to date by all government ever since 1948.

Thirdly, it will promote permanent social integration between the Estate Tamils Who gets citizenship rights under the Nehru Kothalawala agreement of 1953 and Kandyan Sinhala people and put an end to the estate Tamil problem in this country.

Finally, it will also put an end to Indian interference in our domestic politics in the central hill country and also it will close the door for all so-called international meddling with our internal affairs.

15 immediately work out a plan to ban the import of all luxury items to meet the urban affluent including the import of vehicles that drains the merge foreign exchange resources and all agricultural and industrial items that could be produced locally.

16. Propose a comprehensive plan to stop destruction done to agricultural sector by wild animals that is estimated to be in the region of 40 % at present.

17 Restore death penalty to all crimes pertaining to drugs, theft and mis use of state property

18 Ban all political parties based on, ethnicity, religion and separatism etc and limit the to two or three national parties

19 Draw up a comprehensive plan to protect all archaeological and religious places in the whole Island with special attention to the destruction of Buddhist monuments in the North and the East

                      I demand that all Presidential candidates must make an open statement stating their stand on each of the above items before 12th noon 18th September.