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MATTHEW RUSSLE LEE – the lost legitimacy on professional journalism.!

Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press has done it again ! He has again proved how unprofessional his journalism is. Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press is a person who openly appeared on behalf of LTTE terrorists.

Hasn’t he become a terrorist by supporting terrorism ?

After participating the screening of “Lies Agreed Upon” at UN, he published a video which claim to have captured the scenes where Dr. Palitha Kohona – Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN and Maj. Gen. Shavendra Silva – deputy Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN- answering the questions raised by him.

But this “shaky video” has been deliberately edited to give an impression that Sri Lankan envoys are backing out and not answering to the point.

See the compiled video by SINHALAYA News Agency showing one of the many issues in Lee’s version:


When comparing, the Lee’s version has serious changes than what exactly took place.

  • First part of Dr. Palitha Kohona’s answer is missing in Lee’s version
  • The camera is sometimes focusing the roof of the hall for no reaso
  • When Maj. Gen. Shavendra Silva started answering to the note in the controversial Darusman report about shelling, in Lee’s version Shavendra Silva stops his answer in the middle and leaves the room. (this is how it is depicted in Lee’s video)

However, Matthew Russell Lee was totally answerless with the unexpected answer given by Maj. Gen, Shavendra on the shelling issue, reliable sources states. Matthew Russell Lee’s poor editing qualities were not enough to cover up his embarrassment at the event, but only showed his inability to accept the truth.

This can be called as “shameless Media prostitution for black money of disgusting terrorism” but never is it “Professional Journalism”.

– Sinhalaya News

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