Sourece: Media Racism on Sri Lanka
Posted on March 11th, 2018
Rani Devi
Dear Lanka Web,
I read on your website about media racism on Sri Lanka. What you wrote is true as the whole world is suffering from radical Islam and the leftist media lie and make Islamist look like the victim, like in Myanmar the leftist media, United nations, Human rights and NGO’s all lie that Rohingya are victims when Rohingya have been killing Buddhists as long as they have been in Myanmar and it was jihadists who attacked the innocent villages last year when Rohngya’s went to Bangladesh.
It is only pro Islam, leftist media that are the problem, others know the media lies . India and Hindus support Myanmar and Sri Lanka 100% not Rohingya or jihadists. Most of the Indian media is leftist as they are paid by congress and other anti India people who are anti Hindu and pro Islam. India has had 70 years leftist, anti Hindu rule after British raj and since 2014 when Mr. Modi was elected the left are doing everything to remove him and they are using the media.
You wrote that India hates Sinhala Buddhists because Tamils are key to advancing their agendas. India and Hindus do not hate Sri Lanka Buddhists.
I read that the Catholic church was an ally to the tigers, the church has a lot of control of Tamil people in India and many have converted . The problem goes back to the Portuguese invasion and the changing of history and of the interpretation of Vedic scriptures that was used to divide and rule by the British and then Congress continued with this.
The Tamil’s and Hindus were told they were invaders of India that is why Mr.Modi is going to re write history because of the invaders changing history and the interpretation of the Vedas, true history should be told and it will help to stop the divide in India caused by invaders.
India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar should help each other with the Rohingya, jihad problem and together bring peace to their Countries and not think each other an enemy.
Thank you for your time.