Why does US ignore human rights violations in Saudi Arabia
Shenali Waduge We all welcome international calls for equality, for freedom of speech, for good governance minus corruption. We all abhor arbitrary arrests, extra judicial killings, incommunicado detentions, restrictions on…
Come with Flowers Lets Worship the Buddha and Let’s Talk about parents qualities
b;d,s .sh;a udmshkg i,lkq iuka; úfÊisß b;d,sfha jdih lrk › ,xlslhkaf.a orejkg ujqmsh .=K lshd §fï mskalula frdaufha O¾udfYdal úydrfha § bßod ^6& meje;aùug kshñ;h’ úydrdêm;s oUfo‚fha Oïudrdu ysñhka úiska…
“Jesus Christ” functions as a symbolic cloak for several hidden agendas
“Jesus Christ” functions as a symbolic cloak for several hidden agendas – Robert Price(Author) Nobody can say anything in certainity about Jesus. There are a wide range of theories on…
A Christian Question ‘JESUS CAMP’
A Christian Question ‘JESUS CAMP’ By Ashley Rogers Special to The Courier-Journal I have always been fond of the St. Francis’s quote, “Preach the Gospel to all the world. If…
DEAR JERRY FALWELL This letter was written by three sixth grade students — two of my friends and myself — as a sixth-grade history class assignment, while learning about the…
FREEDOM OF SPEECH GOING TOO FAR Thursday, 15 February 2007 Kristen Jones Kristen Jones is a public relations senior from Oklahoma City. I think of myself as a journalist, in…
JESUS, THE LIBERAL OF HISTORY, VS. JESUS, THE FASCIST OF THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT’S FANTASIES By Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo Of the 5400 hundred Gospels, fragments to whole codex’s, unearthed, the…
Rescuing Jesus
Rescuing Jesus Bush & Co. have hijacked Jesus, using him as the poster child for their callous worldview. It’s time to rescue Christ from his kidnappers. By Alessandro Camon: Oct…
Hostage drama at Vavuniya (‘Sashi’ was transferred to the Anuradhapura prison from the Vavuniya prison after assaulting a priest who had been remanded for allegedly raping a schoolgirl.)
By Supun Dias and Romesh Madusanka Eleven inmates of the Vavuniya prison took at least 84 other inmates hostage and demanded that prison officers transfer their leader a prisoner called…
Power of mass protests & Western Strategy
Shenali Waduge Countries of the Middle East have taken center stage. Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, Yemen, Morooco, Bahrain, Syria & Libya are said to be facing uprising and we are…
Sri Lankan priest gets bail Jesuit is accused of having links to Tamil rebels
Sri Lankan priest gets bail Jesuit is accused of having links to Tamil rebels: ucanews,Colombo Sri Lanka February 11, 2011 A Tamil Jesuit priest accused of having had links with…
බුදුහාමුදුරුවෝ සිංහල බෞද්ධයන්ට පමණක් ද?
පුවතක පසුබිම: බුදුහාමුදුරුවෝ සිංහල බෞද්ධයන්ට පමණක් ද? මෙම වසරට යෙදෙන 2600 සම්බුද්ධත්ව ජයන්තිය නිමිත්තෙන් ශ්රී ලංකා රජය විසින් ප්රකාශයට පත් කර ඇති වැඩපිළිවෙළ සමගම විවිධ පුද්ගලයන් අසන ප්රශ්න කීපයක් ඇත.…
EXAMPLES OF CHRISTIANS MISSIONIZING BURMA The Sunday Island of January 16, 2000 gave two news items concerning young English graduates caught missionizing in Burma. The Karen are in a state…
Target Iran: Christian Fundamentalists’ Road To The End Of The World
Target Iran: Christian Fundamentalists’ Road To The End Of The World http://www.christianaggression.org/item_display.php?id=1213935778&type=ARTICLES Yoginder Sikand June 11, 2008 Counter Currents It is not only because of insatiable greed for oil, or…
U.S. Military’s Middle East Crusade for Christ
U.S. Military’s Middle East Crusade for Christ Robert Weitzel June 10, 2008 “They are proselytizing not on behalf of the Constitution of the United States . . . but rather…
The Collapse of the Buddhist Pagoda – Kabul
The Collapse of the Buddhist Pagoda – Kabul The BBC has reported on 12th April, 1998 on the collapse of the Buddhist pagoda located high on a hill overlooking Kabul…
BAVIKONDA TEMPLE REMAINS, INDIA Bavikonda: A Protected Buddhist Monument VISAKHAPATNAM: What happened at Bavikonda has shocked peace and heritage lovers. Introduction: Vandalism (The incident brings into limelight the need to…
SC decries forceful religious conversions
New Delhi: CNN-IBN Updated Jan 21, 2011 at 12:25pm IST The Supreme Court, while upholding life imprisonment for Dara Singh and Mahendra Hembram, main accused in the killing of Australian…
හින්දු බෞද්ධ සම්බන්ධය බිදිය නොහැකි බැම්මක් – අස්ගිරි මහා නාහිමි
හින්දු බෞද්ධ සහයෝගිතා පෙරමුණ දොරට වඩී ඉන්දියාවේ ඔරිස්සා ප්රදේශයේ සිට විජය කුමරු මෙරටට පැමිණීමේ දින සිට මේ දක්වාම ඉන්දියානුසම්මිශ්රණය මෙරට තුළ දක්නට ලැබෙනවා. ඉංග්රීසීන් ඉන්දියාවේ සිට වතු කම්කරුවන් මෙරටට ගෙන…