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වටරැක හිමි සැලසුම් සහගත බොරු රඟපෑමක යෙදිලා
ඊට එරෙහිව නඩු පවරනවා
– පොලිස්‌ මාධ්‍ය ප්‍රකාශක
කිසියම් පිරිසක්‌ තමා බලෙන් පැහැරගෙන ගොස්‌ පහර දුන් බවට ජාතික බලසේනා සංවිධානයේ සභාපති වටරැක විජිත හිමියන් කළ පැමිණිල්ල සම්පූර්ණ අසත්‍යයක්‌ බව පොලිසිය කළ පරීක්‍ෂණවලින් හෙළිවී ඇතැයි පොලිස්‌ මාධ්‍ය ප්‍රකාශක ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ පොලිස්‌ අධිකාරී අජිත් රෝහණ මහතා පැවසීය.

Police claim Watareka staged attack

wataraka vijithaThe police claim investigations had revealed that the venerable Watareka vijitha thero, a Buddhist monk who openly spoke against the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), had staged the attack on his last week.

Police spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana told a media briefing today that legal action is to be filed against the monk over the alleged attack.

The monk was was found assaulted and left on the road in the Panadura area last week with his hands tied to the back and cut wound on his lower part of the body.

Ajith Rohana said the monk had initially claimed that he was abducted my men in robes and later he found himself in hospital.

However the police spokesman said that investigations had found the statements made by the monk were false and that he had staged the abduction with his relatives.

Ajith Rohana said that the relatives of the monk had confessed to assisting the monk to stage the whole incident and medical reports revealed the injuries caused to the monk were self-inflicted.

Watareka vijitha thero has been openly critical of the actions of the BBS and was even verbally abused by the BBS at a press conference in Colombo.

The monk even expressed opposition to the recent incidents targeting Muslims in the South. (Colombo Gazette)

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