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The Christian Bible with its mighty God, an angry God, has been the main source of inspiration for wars, slavery, Fascism, religious conflict and so on, costing the lives of SEVERAL HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people over the last two millennia!

It is good if people make great efforts to publicize the information contained in the books below. All these books are by experts and scholars of high reputation. The information given is extremely valuable in trying to understand the past and the distortions and corruptions Christendom imposes on us in the present.

Those marked with an asterisk should be read if at all possible.

(NOTE: There is a practice for Christians to look at a book, borrow it, and you will never see the book again! Even on seeing this list, they may search out the books for destruction!)

*1)     The Misery of Christianity

by Joachim Kahl – Pelican,  1972

*2)     Christian Fundamentalism,

by David W. Hopewell

– American Atheist Press, Austin , Texas , 1998

*3)     The Bible Handbook,                – Revised edition

– American Atheist Press

(This highlights the cruelty and urging to kill)

Cranford , New Jersey (1886)

AAP:          American Atheist Press:

P.O. Box 5733 , Parsippany , New Jersey 07054 – 6733.

Web Site   <www.atheists.org>

*4)     The Dark Side of Christian History

by Helen Ellerbe              – Morningstar Books  (1995)

5)       The Unauthorised Version (of the Bible),

by Robin Lane Fox                   – Penguin, 1991

Analyses the stories and events written in the

Bible and declares that none of it is true.

6)       Deceptions and Myths in the Bible

by Lloyd M. Graham                 – Citadel press 1997

7)       Vicars of Christ,

by Peter da Rosa                      – Corgi

(Describes the dark side of the Papacy with

accounts of atrocities in the Dark Ages)

8)       King of the Jews,

by Johan Forsstrom        -Deepani Printers, Sri Lanka

9)       Out of Egypt , The Roots of Christianity Revealed,

by Ahmed Osman – Arrow Books, Random House , UK .

10)     The European Witch Craze,

by Hugh Trevor-Roper

11)     Adam, Eve and the Serpent,

by Elaine Pagels                        – Penguin

12)     In God’s Name,

by David Yallop                        – Corgi 1993

13)     A History of Torture,

by George Riley Scott               – Senate 1940

(Shows and describes instruments of torture

employed by Rome in the Dark and Middle Ages)

14)     The Jesus Mysteries

by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy     –  1999

(Shows how Christianity is derived from, and

has adopted, pagan rites)

15)     The First Crusade,

by Steven Runciman                 – Caito

16)     The Albigensian Crusade,

by Johnathan Sumption             – Faber and Faber

17)     The Messianic Legacy

by Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln   – Corgi Books (1991)

18)     A History of Pagan Europe

by Prudence Jones & Nigel Pennick   -Barnes and Noble (1999)

19)     The Vatican ’s Crusade

by Avro Manhatten




Criminal History of Christianity,

by Professor Karlheinze Deschner –  Rowohlt

(Kriminal-geschchte des Christentum)

Opus Diaboli,

by Professor Karlheinze Deschner – Rowohlt,

Taschenbuch Verlag


by Professor Karlheinze Deschner – Rowohlt,

Taschenbuch Verlag


25th. May, 2004

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