Responsibility of Archeological Department

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Responsibility of Archeological Department

May 23, 2008

Dhamsara Editorial / March Responsibility of Archeological Department


The main news item of Dhamsara Navam issue gave an account of erecting a giant concrete Cross in ruins of ancient Dagoba in Aligambe in Ampara District.

In this issue we publish the news of the removal of this Cross by the Archeological authorities. This was done in consequence of the revelation made by Dhamsara. We have to appreciate the action taken by the Archeological Department though belated indeed. In this connection we have to consider two issues.


First, why is there no measures taken to conserve and safeguard Archeological monuments of historical value. It is no secret that Buddhist monuments in the East are being wantonly destroyed, specially in the North East. In all LTTE held areas these monuments have been destroyed. Why no action has been taken to safeguard these places of Archeological value at least after the LTTE held areas are recaptured by the Government forces. Why is it that conservation of the ancient Buddhist sites are not being done under the program of regaining East(Neganahira Navodaya). If it is not included in this program steps must be taken at least now to implement a scheme of restoration and conservation of places of Archeological value in the East.

It was after the recapture of the East that the Cross referred to above has been erected on the ruined Dagoba.Ampara Archeological office is situated on the road to Aligambe , close to this site. These officials had already identified these ruins. There were some STF camps close by. If the Archeological officials were responsible enough they could have secured the assistance of these camps to safeguard this place. When we visited the place the STF provided us full protection. Removal of the Cross has also been done with the security of the STF. It is unfortunate that the Archeological officials are behaving with closed eyes. If those who are entrusted with the task of conserving and safeguarding our historical sites are acting in this manner, to whom are we , the Buddhists of our country, to look for our protection.


Secondly, does the Archeological Department believe that their responsibility is over by just removing the cross from its illegal position. Provisions of the Archeological Act are very strong. Digging an Archeological site and erecting this cross is a grave Crime involving in rigorous imprisonment. We are aware when the Chief incumbent Thero of Somawathiya Raja Maha Viharaya tried to dig a well, on the sacred area how Archeological officials framed serious charges against him. Then why are they not taking any action against Pastor Nadi Dayan who erected a cross on the Buddhist ruin at Aligambe. There is sufficient evidence against this Pastor. The Cross removed has been brought to his official residence and kept there. The photograph published in this paper indicates his presence at his residence with the removed cross. There is ample evidence to prove and punish the offenders. If the Archeological authorities keep silence in spite of their having sufficient powers, it is difficult to understand how we are going to avert the recurrence of these crimes in future.

We are watching the actions being taken by the Archeological Department. The law of the land applies equally to all, but those who are empowered to execute the law are acting as if they are unaware of this requirement. Elimination of LTTE terrorism will be completed in the East only if the Administration executes the law properly.