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Picture Courtesy by New on Air

Mr. Sergei Lavrov, the Minister for Russian Foreign Affairs has said, the battles and bombings going on in Ukraine is not war, but a ‘special operation’ by Russia to liberate Russian speakers living in the Donbas area of East Ukraine. Since Democrats of  the US, engineered a coup against the democratically elected Government of Ukraine in 2014, by the Maidan Square protests and massacre which the subsequent US-backed Ukrainian Government then allowed real, hard–line Nazis, thousands of fascists to enter into the Government, its departments and into the army. As a result, since the coup, the Russian speaking peoples of the Donbas have been harassed, bombed and killed. An estimate of 8,000 civilians have been killed. It is for this humanitarian reason Russia decided to intervene and give this area, the Donbas, real independence, protected by Russia. Nothing of this killing was reported in the western media, but they knew about it: Russians were being killed, so it didn’t matter – a true Fascistic sentiment.

Also after this 2014 coup, the CIA and many other countries, sent military and security experts into Ukraine to train the Ukrainian army (which included many fascists) in the use of modern weapons of war, communications, etc. Note that it was all part of a plan to weaken Russia and overthrow President Putin.

The RAND Corporation is expert in drawing up plans for carrying out such operations. Ukrainians were trained and encouraged to take every opportunity to spy on, harass and weaken Russia and, possibly in the future, even planned to win a war against Russia. The US Government under Biden wanted Ukrainians to fight Russians down to the last Ukrainian! Why?

There is a long, long history of Americans disliking, even hating Russians. Now, this hatred has developed and grown until it is irrational and can be called a sort of group dementia, a neurosis, where top US. officials and decision makers all discuss and agree on unpleasant ideas of how to deal with Russia. They inhabit a kind of bubble of insanity. They want to see Russia weakened, President Putin deposed, and Russia broken up and its coal and mineral resources put at the disposal of American business interests.

However, Mr. Putin is fully aware of this insanity and has the authority to strongly oppose these American dirty tricks. After all, President Putin is a fully trained lawyer and is sharply aware of what is needed and has the ability to do what is necessary within the law. He is not alone, he is surrounded by competent supporters, the Siloviki. Not least, his efforts are all supported by the Russian legal system which knows how to neutralize Russians who work with the CIA to undermine Russian strength and unity of purpose…

The Russian leadership is united in purpose and resolve because they, too, are fully informed of all the undercurrents in world affairs and agree with his ideas.

After the start of the Russian ‘Special Operation’ the US and the Europeans imposed sanctions on Russia, confiscated their Central Bank savings, banned them from the ‘Swift” money transfer system and cancelled the Gas Pipeline “Nordstream II.” Russia became the most sanctioned country in history. However, these sanctions and punitive measures have resulted in damage to Europe’s own manufacturing base. Europe has discovered they need Russian Oil, Gas and Coal, fertilizers and metals more that Russia itself needs them, or the money! The sanctions have backfired on the EU. It is a huge miscalculation born out of ill-will and malice towards Russia! Happily, President Putin is laughing all the way to the bank!

President Putin’s army is slowly grinding down the Ukrainian army. The Russian army is well directed and is using mathematical modelling and computer local area networks installed on its equipment to weaken the Ukrainian defenses. High tech. radar signals from drones feed information to computers directing the artillery. This computer – controlled artillery can aim their rockets and shells with great precision to exactly where required. The Russian Army is very effective but on the other hand the Ukrainian army, although formidable warriors, with good equipment do not have the best leadership and organization and it shows.  At the start, the Ukrainians had similar armaments, weapons as the Russians but the Russian army is vastly more competent which enables them to target and destroy Ukrainian armor. Now, the Ukrainians are losing the battles for the Donbas.

It seems certain that in the near future Russia will want to continue on and build a corridor of land all the way to Odessa and on to Transnistria. They may even decide to go west to the Dnipro River that divides Ukraine. This is a natural barrier. After all this ‘special operations’ effort, President Putin will want to dictate peace terms to his advantage.  Also, he will always be careful to try to reduce the influence of the thousands of Nazi supporters inside his big neighbor. Russians know all about war, killing and fascism after the experience of World War II, when they lost 25 million people. And they know how unpleasant, cruel Nazis still can be, even in this present day.

Although Stalin’s army chased the German army of Fascists back to Berlin in 1945, they did not neutralize all the people following fascism in neighbouring countries like Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic states and so on. These Nazis still exist, and consist of many people in powerful positions. They exist even in this modern day and age. Many in the US government hold to this ugly ideology too, it seems deeply ingrained into the most powerful Government departments and it is incredible that they have gained so much power in the Biden Administration. Canada too, has Ukrainian emigrants in public office who act in a malign way on government decisions.

Sri Lankans should know about Nazi-ism and recent world history, as history tends to repeat itself. See the film “UKRAINE ON FIRE” by Oliver Stone.

PH.  May 2022, Kandy 


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