This is a very small circular hole. It is so small that it is almost invisible. Let’s send the light through this hole. Let’s observe what kind of shapes are produced by that light.
What will be the shape of the light image obtained when the light enters through such a small circular hole?
It is a circular spot of light. There is no argument about that. Is it possible to expect a shape different from that circular shape from such a hole? No. The shape should always be circular.
An eye is a very small circular hole similar to this. It is called the pupil. Science says that light enters through it. Then the light spot formed should always be circular. That is, due to the incoming light, a circular light image is formed in the eye. So the image should always be circular. If science says that we see the light spot or image that is formed, then what we see must and always be only a circular in shape.
Will it be so?
If that is the case, the any shape of an external object that can be seen by any eye should be nothing but a circular shape. The reason is that what we see as the external object is not the external object, but the object that is created by the light coming in from the pupil of the eye at that moment. So an object is just a circular shape.
If so, why do external objects appear to have different shapes? Or why objects with different shapes in the external world?
Who is responsible for those different shapes? Who is their creator?
According to the scientific theory, if we need different shapes, it is the pupil’s duty to change its shape in line with the shape you required and then only a shape different from circular can be made. That is, if world has 1000 shapes, usually rounded pupil must have 1000 its shape changes accordingly.  Does the Science have that type of a preaching ?
See ! How scientific intelligence is helpless before WISDOM.
It is not the light or any visual form enters eye. Something which is not visible (Eg; Radiation form) enters the eye from exterior. Inside makes vision\shape. There is no outside shape\vision to apprehend. If it is so, all of the above questions can be answered. The concept that something that enters the eye is a non-visual form but internal production makes it visible provides 100% accuracy to above questions. Internal productions are the shapes then. Internal shape is taken as the shape of the external object. A shape, then, is a product of itself. This is the theory of Abhidharma.
Can this be believed?
Take an example!
Let’s say you see a tree in front of you. You see the tree as the tree itself, not as a circle. If you have any disease (eye, nerve or brain), you can see that the trunk, branches and shoots of the tree in front of you are displaced here and there. That is, you see the view of the tree distorted. You are afraid of the situation and immediately come to the hospital. Will the trunk of the real tree be displaced here and there with a disease to you? Branches or shoots? It can be corrected by giving medicine to you. See ! An arisen visual aversion and its cure by giving medicine to you is because the vision belongs to you. Vision does not belong to outside of you. Can an outside of you visual aversion be corrected by giving medicine to you ?
If you see the tree in front of you, if the light coming from it entered the eye through the pupil, even if your eye, nerve or brain is upset, it doesn’t matter to the tree or incoming light. They are the same as before. If so, who is contributing to this visual aversion?
Then the visions are caused by causes within you. That is, the vision or shape is distorted because of you. That is, vision aversion or shape aversion is born according to you. Aversion or normalcy however is your creation.  If the scientific version is the vision, you will have only one vision forever that is circular appearance. But, if the Abhidarma version is the vision, you will have or can create thousands of shapes yourself and that’s why you are with thousands of shapes. As the shape is up to you, you can make thousands of such shapes on the outside by looking at what you create yourself.
See ! Shape is a product of oneself.

Pretending to be external is the main man’s handicap here. It is the nature of all human beings to follow his\her own make thinking it is external due to lack of realization or WISDOM.
Thank you !

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna