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Dr.Sudath Gunasekara Mahanuwara 16.8.2015.

This will definitely boomerang on Sirisena and seriously affects the results of the Election like a Tsunami.

Once upon a time there was a peacock.  Of course it did not have a beautiful feather as it has today. One day it had to attend a wedding of one of its arch rivals. The purpose of attending the wedding was to avenge his own leader over some trifle issue and win over the birds of its rival group to strengthen his own group. But it had a very big problem. That is the lack of a colourful wedding suit that would outshine all others so that it could win over the followers and relations of his enemy. While the peacock was pondering over this almost impossible task there came an old witch who told the peacock not to worry as there is a bird called Avittiya living far away in the thick jungle, a close friend of her, who has a wonderful suit not worn by any other bird in this world, from whom he could burrow it. She has said that she can get it for him on the condition the she will be appointed as the chief purohita after he becomes the leader. He readily agreed and both of them immediately went to the friend and borrowed the said suit and wearing that the peacock attended the wedding. All kind of birds that had attended the party from all over were so impressed with this new costume, though little unfit to him, thought this is a new kind of bird in front of whom their leader is no leader at all, and decided to be the followers of this new bird deserting their colourless old leader. After coming home that day the next early in the morning as the sun rises in the east started to dance on the compound in front of its peahens. Everyone started dancing and singing. The peacock was so proud of its newly acquired costume,   but of course without realizing that its rear side was all open when it dances, it decided not to return the borrowed suit. From that day onwards it is wearing that suit not realizing ( as it didn’t  have the brain to understand that much) that he will be charged one day for keeping a burrowed suit illicitly belonging to somebody else and put behind bars for life or hanged, depending on the law of the land.

I related this story learnt in the kindergarten to compare the present situation in Sri Lankan politics as to how Sirisena was instigated and hired by Chandrika, the witch in the modern context, to rob the Presidency from Mahinda Rajapaksa on Jan 8. 2015.

Now coming back to the 5 page harangue Maitri rather Vairee letter in the first place I don’t think this was written by him. It is beyond my imagination. As I have been telling all the time My3 is only a cat’s paw used by Chandrikka and Ranil in their joined conspiracy to play their dirty and treacherous trick against the Sinhala nation and the Sambuddha Sasana. I am surprised a Head of a State writing such a foolish letter telling the aspirant PM that he will not appoint him and therefore he wants the aspirant to support him to appoint one out of 7 others whom he has named. Have you ever heard this kind of silly talking in any democratic state in the world? Obviously it is the people who decides as to who should be their leader and the head of the State thereafter only has to perform his constitutional duty by the country. It is simple as that. So why all these last minute letter writing unless he has up his sleeves. More over the Constitution is very clear on that issue.  He should really understand at least now that he should not violate the Constitution of the country any more. Because, he has already violated it six- seven times. The whole country knows it.

My3’s letter to MR appeared in the media is overflowing with malice and hatred intending to destroy the MR’s chances of getting elected just two days before the election. His intention therefore is highly questionable. The expulsion of the UPFAs and SLFP Secretaries has further complicated the issue. One should not get surprised even if you see MR also gets a letter expelling from SLFP membership even before next morning. In this regard I must say that MS should have been the first man who should have been sacked from the party for joining the UNP to contest elections as their candidate.  Equally difficult to comprehend is the decision of the UPFA as well as MR to hand over the leadership of both UPFA and SLFP on a platter to a man who had already deserted them to seek elections from a different party.

My3’s behavior now reminds me the story of the proverbial Bull in the china shop. On the other hand look at the world of difference between MS’S 5 page letter and the one page, three short paragraphed reply, MR has sent to him. Short, precise and to the point it has all the qualities of a reply sent by a seasoned statesman and a leader unshaken and undisturbed in a crisis situation, who is fit to lead a nation without any doubt.

I have no doubt that finally all these actions will have reactions. In this case they will definitely have immediate reactions, perhaps beyond the imagination of those who design them. In contrast to what My3 expects out of these actions, I am positive that all these actions will boomerang on him on the 17th perhaps like a Tsunami destroying all his day dreams and demolishing and razing to the ground, the Chandrikka-Ranil- Sirisena-Champaka and Rajita, 7 1/2 months old Pancha Vairee Prasada (fortress) of Jan 8th 2015 of political conspiracies.

Almost all who spoke to me today in the town, ranging from respected Buddhist monks, professional, public servants, businessmen, three wheel drivers, villagers who had  come to town and even the barber who cut my hair spoke disparagingly about what the President has done. Number of telephone calls I got from different parts of the country while confirming these sentiments clearly pointed to an Island wide wave of disapproval and disgust of this action sweeping across the country like a wild fire. The architects of these foolish and malicious designs, I am sure, will see the harvest on the 18th of August.

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