The knowledge about the MIND & THE BODYNAMA- RUPA PARICHCHEDA GNANAThe First step to go beyond the time & the spaceSuppose your name is “Peter” or “Mohamed. “Both of you,…
The knowledge about the MIND & THE BODYNAMA- RUPA PARICHCHEDA GNANAThe First step to go beyond the time & the spaceSuppose your name is “Peter” or “Mohamed. “Both of you,…
The world is a picture, IDEOLOGY makes its contents-Lord BuddhaWisdom 16YAANI CHITHRANI LOKE, SANKALPA RAAGO PURISASSA KAAMOAbove mentioned is a PALI verse uttered by the Lord Buddha to all humans…
Roughness or rough feelingReality of lifeGo to your past & think of the date you first went to school to grade 1. You can go furthermore, if your memory is…
Tour to France-wisdom 10. Suppose you have sent an application form to French company for an employment. Here, you sent an e-mail with a photo. Company people did not see…
EntanglementLet’s take a piece of wood. No one look at it, because that is not significant. But you can carve it to make a wooden bar, then it becomes a…
At the moment of death! The modern worlds is, in the sense, the current world is, full of knowledge which is spilling out now and sometimes out of control just…
Buddhism is not a religion in which one merely aspires after perfection; perfection is the normal case" (The Anti Christ 21)
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