We challenge Canada & Ontario to produce evidence of “genocide” in Sri Lanka
We challenge anyone & any country accusing Sri Lanka of “genocide” to place their facts first. These facts should give a good background knowledge of what LTTE is & what…
UNHRC probe manipulated by LTTE international network against Sri Lanka
📚📖✒️ UNHRC probe manipulated by LTTE international network against Sri Lanka is nothing but blackmail the state and military. GoSL submission to UN probe based on false allegations communicated the…
Pretending to Represent YOUTH – JVP & LTTE have killed & ruined the lives of Sri Lanka’s YOUTH
It is interesting how two groups terrorized 2 communities beyond measure. Both targeted youth and both are responsible for their deaths, their indoctrination, trauma to their families & ruining their…
Debunking Tamil Homeland myth with 5 questions
by Shenali Waduge · 20th October 2022 Divide & Rule was a key component of colonial rule. Illegally taking over lands and territories, planting fictitious history, infesting minds with hate…
කොටින්ට යළිත් එංගලන්ත භූමිය තහනම්
බ්රිතාන්යය තුළ එල්.ටී.ටී.ඊ. සංවිධානය සඳහා වූ තහනම අඛණ්ඩව පවත්වා ගැනීමට එක්සත් රාජධානියේ ස්වදේශ කටයුතු ලේකම්වරයා තීරණය කිරීම කොරෝනා අලකලංචි හමුවේ පසුගියදා ඇසූ හොඳම ප්රවෘත්තිය වූයේය. 2000 අංක 7 දරන එක්සත්…
Real peace can only build by stopping a covert action of bad politician
By Deshabandu Palitha Ariyarathna,Propaganda secretary,National Buddhist Authority, SBPC These days Tamil politician and LTTE propagandist harassing Buddhist and engaged in activity such as name changes of Sinhala villages to Tamil…
This country needs a strong patriotic Sinhala Buddhist visionary Leader to save it from the quagmire in to which it has been put by our post-Independent politicians.
Dr. Sudath Gunasekara 29.10.2017 This conclusion is based on three 4 premises, 1The inalienable and non-negotiable premise that ‘This country is the land of the Sinhala race and the Sinhala…
Mr President the doom is almost at your door step.
Dr Sudath Gunasekara. 12.11. 2017. Mr President the doom is almost at your door step. Either act now as wisely as possible, as the Executive President and go down in…
CB Bond scam and few pertinent queries?
Sudath Gunasekara 5. 8.2017. Who brought Arjuna Mahendran, a non- citizen of this country and a citizen of Singapore Who got him appointed as the Governor of the Central Bank…
The need for a Sinhala Buddhist leader to govern this countryPosted on June 25th, 2017
Sudath Gunasekara 24.6.2017 This country had been a Sinhala Buddhist country with a Sinhala Buddhist civilization from 543 BC and had been ruled continuously by 196 Sinhala Buddhist Kings until…
කළු සුද්දන් විසින් ලංකාව කැබලි කිරීම
චන්ද්රසිරි විජයවික්රම, L.L.B.,Ph.D. රහසින් වත් පව් කිරීම ලංකාවේ උතුරු පලාත අල්ලසක් වශයෙන් ප්රභාකරන්ට බදු දීමට පිළිවෙලින් ප්රේමදාස හා චන්ද්රිකා යන ජනාධිපතිලා දෙන්නාම (රහසින්) සුදානම් වුවත් ඔහු එය ප්රතික්ෂේප කලාය කියා…
For the immediate attention of all Sinhala Buddhists
Sudath Gunasekara 7.6.2017 Please go through the following two articles Who is this Visvamitra. Apart from the content look at the language he uses to refer to Buddhist monks in…
Laksiri Fernando; an avowed Muslim?
Sudath Gunasekara 7.6.2017 I copy the following article for your prompt attention as it reveals many facets of a deep international conspiracy against the Sinhala Buddhists in this country. It…
Why one law for Sinhalese and another for Tamils by this Government?
Sudath Gunasekara Mahanuwra 20.5. 2017. The Government allowed the TNA (living proxy of LTTE) headed by Sambandan Leader of Oppositio , Vigneswarana the CM, NPC and MK Sivajilingam ( Brother…
Sinhala Buddhist masses should demand the President to take immediate, meaningful and effective steps on the following National issues -Part 111
Dr Sudath Gunasekara 14.5.2017 Sinhala Buddhist masses should demand the President to take immediate, meaningful and effective steps on the following National issues in addition to the 20 issues already…
President Sirisena should immediately take meaningful and effective steps on the following 15 key disastrous and burning issues facing the country right now.
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Mahanuwara Sinhala Bauddha Jestha Puravesiyange Sanvidhanaya and retired Perm Sec to Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranayaka. 30. 4.2017. These 15 issues are in addition to the four…
Is Sri Lanka already a colony of India?
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President (Mahanuwara Sinhala Bauddha Jesta Purawesiyange Sanvidhanaya and Ex Permanent Secretary to Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranayaka 24.4.2017 I want my readers to read the following harangue by…
Mahinda Rajapaksa being interviewed by Padma Rao Sundarji of WION’s senior international correspondent
Sudath Gunasekara 18.4.2017. Brilliant response by Mahinda Rajapaksa. How much Padma has tried to trap MR in this interview. But he has cleverly avoided all her attempts. His answers clearly…
I want all Sinhala Patriots to read the following Vituperative and malicious bogus accusation
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Mahanuwara Sinhala Bauddha Puravesiyange Sanvidhanaya I want all Sinhala Patriots to read the following Vituperative and malicious bogus accusation made against the President and Muradevata band…
Look at this idiotic statement by a man called a Chief Minister in the Tamilandu State of India
Dr Sudath Gunasekara Home States Tamil Nadu reports Tamil Nadu CM Palaniswami urges Modi for measures on ‘war-footing’ as 12 more fishermen detained in Sri Lanka By Express News Service…