මෝඩ සුද්දට මොලේ පෑදුනු වෙලාව !
The WHITE ONLY movement in Great Britain ! The party espouses the ethnic nationalist view that only white people should be citizens of the United Kingdom. The NF calls for…
The WHITE ONLY movement in Great Britain ! The party espouses the ethnic nationalist view that only white people should be citizens of the United Kingdom. The NF calls for…
එල්ටීටීඊ තහනම තවදුරටත් පවත්වා ගෙන යාමට එක්සත් රාජධානිය තීරණය කර ඇති බව ශ්රී ලංකා විදේශ අමාත්ය අලි සබ්රි මහතා x පණිවුඩයක් නිකුත් කරමින් පවසයි. එක්සත් රාජධානියේ ,තහනම් සංවිධාන ආභියාචන කොමිසම,…
by Shenali Waduge · 13th May 2023 It is one thing to decriminalize homosexuality & enable relations between men-men & women & women but does things end there? The next…
මාධවන් නම්වූ දමිළ තරුණයෙක් වර්තමාන ඛේදවාචකය පිළිබඳව සමාජ මාධ්ය ජාලා වට සිංහල භාෂාවෙන් ලියා තිබුණු කදිම සටහනක් වෙනුවෙන් මා දුන් ප්රතිචාරය පහත පළවේ. මාධවන්, ඔබ සැබෑ මහත්මයෙක්. ඒ වගේම රටේ…
The majority of counter terrorism arrested were right wing extremists. 49% of all arrests across the uk were suspected extreme Right Wing terrorists, figures from the UK police from 09/21…
බ්රිතාන්යය තුළ එල්.ටී.ටී.ඊ. සංවිධානය සඳහා වූ තහනම අඛණ්ඩව පවත්වා ගැනීමට එක්සත් රාජධානියේ ස්වදේශ කටයුතු ලේකම්වරයා තීරණය කිරීම කොරෝනා අලකලංචි හමුවේ පසුගියදා ඇසූ හොඳම ප්රවෘත්තිය වූයේය. 2000 අංක 7 දරන එක්සත්…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Mahanuwara Sinhala Bauddha Jestha Puravesiyange Sanvidhanaya and retired Perm Sec to Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranayaka. 30. 4.2017. These 15 issues are in addition to the four…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara 5. Jan. 2017 President Udarata Urumaya Surekiime Sanvidhanaya Ever since this Government came to power all key players of the government have been talking only of minority…
Sudath Gunasekara 7.8.2016 Dear Patriotic friends I want all of you to seriously look at the following news release by the USA Embassy U.S. to assist in drafting new Sri…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara 20.5.2016 I want all of you to read the following news item on a message issued by Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn UK Why not all Sinhala…
To all concerned with this country – By Dr Sudath Gunasekara a seriously concerned citizen of Sri Lanka I wants all those who are concerned with his country to read…
To all concerned with this country – By Dr Sudath Gunasekara a seriously concerned citizen of Sri Lanka I wants all those who are concerned with his country to read…
Dr Sudarh Gunasekara, President Mahanuwara Senior Citizens Momement 18.1.2016. The age old British ‘pregnancy craving’ to own Sri Lanka as a permanent Colony of their own and the conspiracies to…
Sudath Gunasekara, President Mahanuwara Sinhala Buddhist Movement. 16.12. 2015. The way how things are currently moving in the political sphere of this country one gets utterly confused and totally lost,…
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 4.10.2015 Dear all, Now the much hyped UNHCHR Resolution on Sri Lanka is unanimously passed, I feel we are standing on the…
Sudath Gunasekara Kandy, Sri Lanka. When are we going to put an end to these Imperial Interferences in our internal matters? It appears to be a neo fashion on the…