Tamil Politicians – Priests – Public Officials and Academics killed by the LTTE

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Tamil Politicians – Priests – Public Officials and Academics killed by the LTTE


However much the TNA or the new Northern Province Chief Minister C V Wigneswaran attempts to turn a megalomaniac terrorist banned by 32 foreign nations as a Terrorist Organization, into a ‘HERO’ there are some hard facts that Tamils should not forget. First reminder is – LTTE’s first killing spree started not by killing Sinhalese but by killing Tamils – the popular Mayor of Jaffna, Alfred Duraiappah became Prabakaran’s first target followed by scores of Tamil police officers gunned down while on duty. There are many Tamils who bemoan that a Tamil cannot become the President of Sri Lanka. They however are reluctant to admit that Mr. Lakshman Kadiragamar well on his way to becoming the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka was gunned down at his own home by the LTTE. The lists of Tamil politicians, academics, priests and other learned public officials and civil society members gunned down by the LTTE especially in ‘their’ supposed ‘homeland’ terrain of Jaffna goes to show with what fright the Tamil people would have lived under LTTE rule, something they are still too proud to admit mesmerized by the notion that whatever LTTE crimes even killing their own people, the LTTE were afterall Tamils. We then would like to know whether the living Tamils have no sympathy for the Tamils slain by the LTTE over the years and why they do not seek justice for their deaths like the rest of the Sri Lankan citizenry. These men who had been gunned down were educated, people of standing, respected by all communities and future leaders – they held all the qualifications that stood in the way of LTTE dictatorship which is why LTTE eliminated them preferring to keep the handful of politicians within the TNA who were ever ready to tow the LTTE line.

For Tamil politicians of the class of TULF/ACTC and even those in the present day TNA they cannot shy from addressing the caste/class factor which they had to swallow while rebel movements of low caste youth began to dictate how Tamils were to live and function. That freedom came in May 2009 with the elimination of the LTTE yet again it is nothing that the caste/class Tamils would ever admit for in attempting to keep alive the link through the ‘hero’ worship of the LTTE, the new Tamil leaders are hoping to once again hide the psyche of what dictates Tamil rule over Tamils and this was perfectly displayed in the bizarre ceremonial inauguration afforded to the new Chief Minister and the attire that showcased the exact nature of the mentality that the caste/class continue to suffer. While absorbed in what would continue to be a master-slave mentality unbeknown to the majority Hindus their ‘homeland’ is being deviously converted at all levels by the very sources that were helping LTTE thrive and survive! The scenario tragically is being replicated in India and in particular Tamil Nadu.

Be that as it may – the contentious argument has always been that the LTTE has been and was formed to protect the interests of the Tamil. The deaths below which excludes the ORDINARY TAMILS killed by the LTTE is proof that LTTE is not a representative of the Tamils however much hero worship the TNA and Wigneswaran currently attempts to do. The continued link to LTTE despite its elimination goes to show that the rest of the links that kept LTTE alive is keeping the TNA and Wigneswaran puppets on strings as well. These are all lessons for the Tamil polity to decide exactly where they want their future to go – not now but in 20 to 30 years and beyond and it is no better a time than now for Tamils to wonder where the TNA or Wigneswaran or even the LTTE fronts of the Christian sponsored organizations of the Tamil Diaspora are taking the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. It is these same players that are pulling the strings of the celluloid politicos in Tamil Nadu where for an aspiring to be super power – we do not expect India to go on bended knees to the theatrics of just one state. We never thought that India’s foreign policy would be determined by celluloid players of Tamil Nadu!


01. 20/04/2008 2 Tamil Catholic Priests killed by LTTE Rev Fr M.X .KARUNARATNAM- Chairman of the NorthEast Secretariat on Human Rights(NESOHR) – known as ‘Father Kili’ among LTTE cadres. Claymore mine  attack – Kilinochchi
02. 26/09/2007 Rev. Fr. NICHOLASPILLAI PACKIYARANJITH- (Mannar District Coordinator of Jesuit Refugee Service) Claymore mine  attack – Mannar
03. 21/09/2008

4 Tamil Hindu Priests killed by LTTE

SIVAKUGARAJ KURUKKAL – Chief Priest (Kurukkal) of KONESHWARAN Kovil Shot dead – Trincomalee
04. 07/02/2007 HINDU PRIEST SELLAIYA KURUKKAL PARAMESHWARAM  KURUKKAL (Santhveli Pullayarkovil – VAKARAI) Shot dead – Batticoloa
05. 03/01/2006 PRIEST SELLATHAMBY VINAGARATHNAM ( Sathively Kanagranman Temple Shot dead – Batticoloa
06. 14/09/2005 HINDU PRIEST SABANANDA SHARMA (Maradanamadam Hindu Temple) Shot dead – Jaffna
07. 28/05/2005

6 Tamil police personnel killed by LTTE while on dutry – ‘Note: 3 of the killings were well before 1983 July riots

Mr. SA THAYAGARAJA (Sub Inspector – Batticaloa ) Shot dead – Batticoloa
08. 23/09/1992 SP MR. THEOPHILUS – Shot dead – Colombo
09. 01/07/1979 IP Mr. GURUSAMAY – A witness of the SANSONI Commission. Shot dead – Jaffna
10. 07/04/1978

Tamil politicians have bemoaned that Tamils are not represented in the Police – They forget that the Tamils who served in the police were killed and others were too scared to join lest they too would be killed!

IP Mr. BASTIANPILLAI Investigator into terrorist activities. Shot dead – Mannar
11. 06/05/1978 IP, Mr. PATHMANADAN  Investigator into terrorist activities. Shot dead – Jaffna
12. 07/09/1978 IP Mr. KUMARU Shot dead – Jaffna
13. 11/03/1986

1 Tamil Judge

Mr. P.K KIRUBAKARAN – Judge, Primary Court. Shot dead
14. 05/05/1984

1 Tamil Justice of Peace

15. 12/07/2007

11 Tamil Principals (including 1 Tamil lady Principal) killed by LTTE

Mr. MANIYAM KANAPATHIPPILLAI-  Sivapirakasa Maha Vidyalaya. Shot dead – Jaffna
16. 11/10/2005 Mr. NADARAJA SHIVAGADASAN  ( Principal of J/Christian College KOPAY) Shot dead – Jaffna
17. 11/10/2005 Mr. K. RAJADORAI ( Principal of Central College – JAFFNA) Shot dead – Jaffna
18. 01/11/1995 Mrs. PASUPATHIPILLAI – Principal of Manipay  Hindu Vidyalaya. Shot dead – Jaffna
19. 31/01/1988

Targeting of Tamil principals by LTTE was directly to send a message to the Principals who were not willing to allow Tamil children to be kidnapped

Mr. S.SITHTHAMPARANATHAN – School Principal. Shot dead – Jaffna
20. 13/05/1988 Mr. MASALAMANI KANAGARANAM (Principal of Arampathi. Maha Vidyalaya) Shot dead – Jaffna
21. 03/11/1987 Mr. E. DHARMALINGAM – Principal of  Puttur College Shot dead – Batticoloa
22. 14/12/1987

and trained to become LTTE child soldiers. Many children were taken from schools and trained in combat

Mr. K ELIYATHAMBI  KANDASAMY – Principal of Palugamam Maha Vidyalaya Shot dead – Batticoloa
23. 14/12/1987 Mr. K. E. KANDASAMY Principle of PALUGAMAM Maha Vidyalaya. Shot dead – Batticoloa
24. 05/08/1986 Mr. SIVALINGAM – Principal, Sittandy Ramakrishnan Mission School. Shot dead – Batticoloa
25. 26/06/1985 Mr. C.E ANANDARAJAH – Principal of St’ Johns College. Shot dead – Colombo
26. 14/12/1987

3 Tamil teachers killed by LTTE

Mr. VELAMPPODI GUNARATNAM – Teaching PALUGAMAM Maha Vidyalaya. Shot dead – Batticoloa
27. 03/10/2005 Mr. PARAMESHVARAM ( A Teacher of OLR school JAFFNA) Hand Grenade attack – Jaffna
28. 11/10/2006 Miss SHIVAGHANA SELWAM ( Teacher of Saraswathi College- KINNLADY) Shot dead – Batticoloa
29. 27/05/1990

4 Tamil civil society members

Mrs. THAMBIMUTTU – Social worker/Wife of Mr. SAM THAMBIMUTTU, EPRLF MP for Batticaloa. Shot dead – Batticoloa
30. 27/10/1988 Mr. RAJA SHANKAR – President of the Citizens Committee. Shot dead – Jaffna
31. 17/12/1987 Mr. K. SUGATHADASAN – Ex President of AMBALANTHURAI Citizens Committee. Shot dead – Batticoloa
32. 22/08/1985 Mr. D K THAMBIPILLAI President of Citizen Committee Shot dead – Oddusudan
33. 12/01/2007

21 Tamil Gramasevaka’s in public service 

Mr. VELLAYAN PREMACHANDRAN (Gramasevaka – J-383  GS Division) Shot dead – Thondamaru
34. 20/09/2007 Mr. MUTHUKUMARAN PARAMASODI – (Gramasewaka- Palaththadichenai) Shot dead – Palaththadichenai
35. 20/04/2008 Mr. KANAGARATHNAM ANADI – Gramasewaka- Kalmunai Shot dead – Batticoloa
36. 16/10/2006 Mr MARKANDU MAHENDRAN (Gramasewaka – J/95 ARIALAI Shot dead – Jaffna
37. 20/06/2005 Mr. MARIMUTTU PASKARAN ( Gramasevaka Kalmunai – 3) Shot dead – Ampara
38. 21/09/2005 Mr. A. JEEVARATHNAM (Gramasevaka – Kinniady) Hand Grenade attack – Batticoloa
39 19/10/2005 Mr. PERAIRA WEERASINGHAM ( Gramasevaka – KANKANKULAM) Shot dead – Vavuniya
40. 09/07/2004 Mr KUNJITAHMBI SIVARAZA ( Gramasevaka Karadyanaru ) Shot dead – Batticoloa
41. 20/11/1991

These Tamil Gramasevaka’s were only doing their duty to the citizens of Sri Lanka and did not deserve to be killed by the LTTE.

Mr. S WIJERATNAM – Gramasevaka, Kokkadicholai. Shot dead – Batticoloa
42. 23/11/1991 Mr. K PODIWEERARTNAM Gramasevaka -Pandariyawela. Shot dead – Batticoloa
43. 28/01/1990 Mr. KANDASAMY SADANANDAN JOTHI (Gramasevaka of  Nilaveli Division). Shot dead – Trincomalee
44. 09/09/1989 Mr. KRISHNAMOOTH – Gramasevaka Shot dead – Velvetithurai
45. 09/09/1989 Mr. SHAMMUGHANATHAN – Gramasevaka Shot dead – Velvetithurai
46. 12/10/1989 Mr. SIVENDRARAJA – Gramasevaka Shot dead – Batticoloa
47. 09/04/1987 Mr. KANAPATHIPILLAI SUNDARALINGAM – Gramasevaka Shot dead – Kalavanchikudy
48. 26/11/1987 Mr. P. SINNADURAI – AGA, Mr. HANIFFA  – Gramasevaka Shot dead – Trincomalee
49. 17/12/1987 Mr. P. SUNDARANAYAGAM – Gramasevaka , Kokkadichoalai Shot dead – Batticoloa
50. 17/12/1987 Mr. P. UNDARANAYAGAM Gramasevaka of Kokkadicholai. Shot dead – Batticoloa
51. 23/08/1986 Mr. S VISHVALINGAM – Gramasevaka Shot dead – Trincomalee
52. 03/10/1985 Mr. VADIVEL PERIMBAM – Gramasevaka Shot dead – Valachchenai
53. 25/05/1984 Mr. VATHTHIYAMPILLAI FRANCIS – Gramasevaka of Madagal. Shot dead – Sandilipai
54. 07/01/2008

30 Tamil public officials killed by LTTE

Mr.PARASURAMAN NANTHAKUMAR – President of Batticaloa District Volunteer Teacher’s Union. Shot dead – Batticoloa
55. 07/01/2008 Mr.PARASURAMAN NANTHAKUMAR – President of Batticaloa District Volunteer Teacher’s Union. Shot dead – Batticoloa
56. 05/01/2007

* Union Leaders

Mr.V.GANESHALINGAM (Agrcaltural officer) Claymore mine  attack – Vavuniya
57. 05/01/2007

* Agriculture Officers

Mr.V.MAHENDRAN (Agrcaltural officer) Claymore mine  attack – Vavuniya
58. 22/01/2007

* Education Officers

Mr. DARAMAKULASINGHAM ( CTB Depot Manager- VAVUNIYA) Shot dead – Vavuniya
59. 26/01/2007

* Engineers

Mr. THANGARASA UDAYARASAN Shot dead – Trincomalee
60. 24/04/2006

* Government Agents

Mr. ARIYARATHNAM LINKGESHWARAM  (Education Office – VALACHCHENAI) Shot dead – Batticoloa
61. 26/05/2006

* Supervisors / Managers, Secretary’s

Mr. RATHNAM RATHNARAJAH  (Provincial official Director Irrigation Engineer – BATTICALOA) Shot dead – Kalliyankadu
62. 21/06/2006 Mr.SINNAMAM THARMARAJAH ( Manager of URELU Cooperative Society) Shot dead – Jaffna
63. 04/08/2006

Includes K.T. Loganathan – Deputy General of the

Mr. PONNATURAI GANESHA MOORTHI- ( Bank Manager of People’s Bank- KANKASANTHRAI) Shot dead – Jaffna
64. 12/08/2006

Secretariat Coordinating for Peace Process killed by the LTTE during the infamous 2002 ceasefire agreement

Mr. K. LOGANADAN ( Deputy General of Secretariat Coordinating for Peace Process) Shot dead – Colombo
65. 04/04/2005 Mr THYAGARAJA KAILANADAN ( Director of Vocational Training Centre attached to Ministry of Hindu Cultural Affairs ) Shot dead – Batticoloa
66. 10/04/2005 Mr SIVARATHNAM ARUNAMBALAM ( Development Registrar of Samurdhi) Shot dead – Ampara
67. 15/04/2005 Mr T. THAWARASA ( Divisional Secretary) Shot dead – Ampara
68. 07/04/1989 Mr. RAMANATHAN – AGA, Jaffna. Shot dead – Jaffna
69. 01/05/1989 Mr. V. M.  PANCHALINGAM  – GA, for  Jaffna. Shot dead – Nallur
70. 02/05/1989 Mr. PANCHALINGAM – Assistant Manager of Marketing Depot – Kilinochchi Shot dead – Kilinochchi
71. 10/05/1989 Mr. MAHALINGAM – Asst manager of marketing Depot – KLN Shot dead – Jaffna
72. 28/06/1989 Mr.  K. PULENDRAN – AGA, Kopay Shot dead – Jaffna
73. 03/08/1989 Mr. ARASARATNAM  GANESHAPILLAI supervisor of the Irrigation Department Shot dead – Batticoloa
74. 06/09/1989 Mr. P. RAVINDRAN – Station Master Shot dead – Kilinochchi
75. 30/11/1989 Mr. K SUNDARALINGAM (Clerk of the MPCS Union, Pandirippu) Shot dead – Batticoloa
76. 11/05/1988 NADARAJAH KUGADASAN – Co-operative Manager Shot dead – Batticoloa
77. 15/09/1987 Mr. P. VIGNARAJAH – AGA, Samanthurai. Shot dead – Ampara
78. 28/09/1987 Mr. ARUMUGAMPILLAI – Secretary UC, Trincomalee Shot dead – Trincomalee
79. 08/10/1987 Mr. S. S. JEGANATHAN – AGA, Batticaloa Shot dead – Batticoloa
80. 06/11/1987 Mr. V S PARAMAGURU Dept Engineer Shot dead – Trincomalee
81. 14/12/1987 Mr. KANAPATHIPILLAI SUNDARALINGAM – Member of Gramodaya Mandalaya Shot dead – Batticoloa
82. 24/02/1985 Mr. S  GNANACHANDIRAM GA , Mullaitivu. Shot dead – Kilinochchi
83. 18/09/1984 Mr. SAMYTHAMBI GOPALAPILLAI – Special Service Officer of Thambiluvil. Shot dead – Batticoloa
84. 08/12/1984 Mr. U RAMAIAH supervisor of Cement Corporation – KKS. Shot dead – Jaffna
85. 21/09/1989

2 Tamil University Lecturers

Dr. RAJINI THIRANAGAMA – University Lectuter married to a Sinhalese, Political activist. Shot dead – Jaffna
86. 24/05/2004 Mr. KUMARAVELLU THAMBAIYA ( Lecturer of Eastern University) Shot dead – Batticoloa
87. 28/05/2008

5 Tamil media personnel killed by LTTE

Mr. Paranirupasingham Devakumar – Jaffna correspondent for the independent channel News 1st Stabbed – Jaffna
88. 12/08/2005 Mr. & Mrs Relangi Selvarajah  – Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corp Shot dead – Colombo
89. 10/05/1989 Mr. MAHALINGAM  – Reporter of the Island News Paper. Shot dead – Jaffna
90. 18/02/1989 Mr. MYLVAGANAM editor of the Daily “ELAMURUSU” Shot dead – Jaffna
91. 14/07/1989

1 Tamil Ayuredic physician

Mr. KRISHNAPILLAI – Ayuvedic Physician Shot dead – Batticoloa

90 Tamils murdered by the LTTE

2 Catholic Priests
6 Members of Civil Society
21 Gramasevaka
3 Teachers
30 Public officials
11 principals
1 political organizer
2 media
2 lecturers
1 Justice of Peace
1 Judge
3 Hindu Priests
1 health official
6 police


Assassination of Tamil Politicians by LTTE since 1975

All Ceylon Tamil Congress – 2

Communist Party – 1

EPDP members – 16

EPRLF – 7 including its leader


TELO – 7 including its leader

TNA – 5

TULF – 16 including General Secretary Amirthalingam

UNP – 13

TMVP – 1

Foreign Minister – Lakshman Kadiragamar

Jeyraj Fernandopulle







1 00/01/1900 1st Tamil killed by LTTE – a Tamil Mayor Mr. ALFRED DURAIAPPA  – MP and Mayor of JAFFNA. Shot dead – near Kovil
2 05/01/2000 ACTC – General Secretary Mr. KUMAR PONNAMBALAM – General Secretary of the All Ceylon Tamil Congress(ACTC)/ leading lawyer. shot dead
3 25/01/1989 ACTC – Tamil Candidate Mr. N K SIVAGNANAM  – All Ceylon Tamil Congress (ACTC) Candidate. shot dead – Jaffna
4 08/03/1988 Communist Party – Secretary Mr. S VIJAYANATHAM  – Secretary of the Ceylon Communist Party in JAFFNA. shot dead – Jaffna
5 04/02/1999 EPDP Member Mr. NADARAJAH SIVARAJH – The Vice Chairmen of Valikamam East Provincial Council and an EPDP member. shot dead – Jaffna
6 04/02/1999 EPDP Member Mr. BANDARI KANDASAMI – EPDP member of Valikamam East Provincial Council. shot dead – Jaffna
7 31/05/1999 EPDP Member Mr. THIYAGARAJAH RAJKUMAR – EPDP/Member and Vice Chairman of Provincial Council, Nallur. shot dead – Jaffna
8 12/10/1999 EPDP Member Mr. THAMBIRASA VINAYAGAMOORTHI @ VASIKARAN – EPDP Co-ordination Officer. shot dead – Ampara
9 02/11/1999 EPDP Member Mr. NADARAJAH ATPUTHARAJAH – EPDP, MP/Secretary of the Politbureau of the EPDP/Editor of “THINAMURUSU” (a Tamil tabloid paper). Shot dead – Colombo
10 02/03/2000 EPDP Member Mr. ANTON SIVALINGAM – EPDP/Member of  Municipal Council, Jaffna. shot dead
11 18/04/2003 EPDP Member Mr. MARIYAMUTTU RAJALINGAM @ JEGADEESAN  the Chairman of the Alayadivembu Pradeshiya Sabha. (member of EPDP). shot dead – Ampara
12 03/05/2003 EPDP Member Mr. DHARMARAJAH JEYARASA  – EPDP, Former Chairman of the Nelliady Pradeshiya Sabha. shot dead – Jaffna
13 16/06/2003 EPDP Member PONNIAH RAMACHANRAN @ PRATHAB,  Candidate Contesting the Local Govt. Election for the BATTICALOA Urban Council . Shot dead – Batticoloa
14 21/07/2004 EPDP Member Mr.RAVINDRAN VELAUDAN @ KAMALAN- the Chairman of the Alayadivembo Pradeshiya Sabha. (Member of EPDP). Shot dead – Batticoloa
15 16/08/2004 EPDP Member Mr. BALRAJ NADARAJAH AIYAR @ ILEIYAVAN, the EPDP Tamil media spokesman / an EPDP candidate for the Jaffna District at the General Election 2004 and a Senior journalist. Shot dead – Colombo
16 10/09/2004 EPDP Member Mr. ATHMALINGAM RAMANI @ PANDIYAN, the Deputy Orgniser of the EPDP for TRINCOMALEE. shot dead – Trincomalee
17 11/09/2004 EPDP Member Mr. MAYAN CHANDRA MOHAN @ ARULDAS – An  EPDP member, (Ex-member of KYTS ATCHUVELI Pradeshiya Sabha). shot dead – Jaffna
18 18/09/2004 EPDP Member Mr. THAMBITHURAI SIVAKUMAR @ BAWAN, the EPDP leader of THILLADI, JFN. ( An EPDP candidate for the JAFFNA District Parliamentary Election 2004). shot dead – Puttalam
19 13/05/2008 EPDP Member Miss MAHESHVARI VELAUTHAM – MP DOUGALS DEVANANDA’s  Adviser. shot dead – Jaffna
20 19/06/1990 EPFL Member Mr. PERIYATHAMBY KIRUBAKARAN – Finance Minister of North East Provincial Council . Shot dead – India
21 19/06/1990 EPRLF – LEADER Mr. KANDASAMY PATHMANABHA – EPRLF leader. Shot dead – India
22 28/04/2005 EPRLF – Member Mr MURUGESU WARDARAJA, EPRLF, A member of  PORATHIVU Pradeshiya Sabha ( Former EPRLF deputy leader in BATTICALOA.) Shot dead – Batticoloa
23 28/01/1990 EPRLF – Tamil MP Mr. P GANESHALINGAM – EPRLF, Ex Provincial Council Member. Shot dead – Trincomalee
24 07/05/1990 EPRLF – Tamil MP Mr. SAM THAMBIMUTTU – EPRLF MP for BATTIALOA. Shot dead – Trincomalee
25 19/06/1990 EPRLF – Tamil MP Mr. V K YOGASANGARI – EPRLF, MP for JAFFNA District. Shot dead – India
26 27/09/2004 EPRLF Member Mr.VALLISUNDARAM , a former member of the VALIKAMAM NORTH Pradeshiya Saba (from 1998-2002) and a member of the EPRLF ( Vardaraja Perumal group). shot dead – Jaffna
27 12/08/2005 Minister of Foreign Affairs – a Tamil Hon LAKSHMAN KADIRAGAMAR -Minister of Foreign Affairs. Shot dead at home
28 06/04/2008 Minister of Highways and Road Development Hon. Minster JEYARAJ FERNANDOPULLE  – Minister of Highways & Road Development and Chief Government Whip. Suicide Attack.
29 10/09/2000 People’s Alliance – Candidate Mr. R. J. PERIMANAYAGAM – PA Candidate for Batticaloa – General Election 2000. shot dead – Ampara
30 02/09/1999 PLOTE – Deputy Leader Mr. K MANICKADASAN – Deputy leader of PLOTE. shot dead – Vavuniya
31 14/06/2003 PLOTE – Deputy Leader Mr. SUBADDIRAN @ ROBERT, Deputy Leader of PLOTE. shot dead – Jaffna
32 31/12/1994 PLOTE – Leader Mr. ARUMUGAM CHELLIAH @ KARAVAI KANDASAMI – Vice President of DPLF/ Leader of PLOTE . Shot dead – Colombo
33 10/12/1999 Marias Anton aka David Marias Anton aka David Shot dead
34 13/01/2000 PLOTE – Member Mr. VADIVELU WIJAYARATHNAM – UC Chairman, Point Pedro. shot dead – Jaffna
35 15/07/1998 PLOTE – MP Mr. SARAVANABAWANANDAN  SHANMUGANATHAN @ VASANTHAN – PLOTE, MP for Vavuniya District. Claymore mine attack – Vavuniya
36 05/05/1999 PLOTE – MP Mr. VEERAHATHAHY GUNARATHNAM –  PLOTE Provincial Council member for Pachchilaipalli. shot dead – Vavuniya
37 13/05/1999 PLOTE – MP Mr. KAILASAPATHI – PLOTE, Pradesiya Saba member of Valikamam East. shot dead – Jaffna
38 16/07/1989 PLOTE Leader Mr. Uma Maheswaran – Chairman of the LTTE who created PLOTE Shot dead – India
39 16/07/1999 PLOTE Leader Mr. BASKARALINGAM – PLOTE leader in Vavuniya. shot dead – Vavuniya
40 11/06/1995 Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman Mr. PATHMANANDAN – Chairman of Thirukkovil Pradesiya Sabha. shot dead – Ampara
41 29/05/1999 Razik Group Leader Mr.MOORTHILINGAM GANESHAMOORTHI- RAZIK Group Leader. Suicide Attack – Batticoloa
42 03/10/1997 SLFP Jaffna Office President Mr. S P THARMALINGAM – President of   SLFP Jaffna office. shot dead – Jaffna
43 28/04/1995 SLFP Organizer – Tamil Mr. K. VINODAN- Former SLFP Organiser, JAFFNA Shot dead – Colombo
44 03/09/1994 TELO – Deputy Leader Mr. T JAYARAJAN   -Deputy leader of TELO/ Chairman of the Provincial Council in Batticaloa. Shot dead – Batticoloa
45 25/05/2005 TELO – Member Mr. PERIYAPUDI SOORIYAMOORTHI , Former Mayor of TRINCOMALEE ( A TELO member) shot dead – Trincomalee
46 07/06/2000 TELO – MP Mr. KANAPATHIPILLAI NAVARATHNA RAJAH @ ROBERT – TELO, member of Pradesiya Saba, Arapathi, Batticaloa. shot dead
47 15/07/1994 TELO – Pradeshiya Member Mr. VELEPODI ALAGIAH – TELO, Pradesiya Saba member. Shot dead – Batticoloa
48 06/06/1986 TELO Leader Mr. S. Sabaratnam – TELO Leader Shot dead by LTTE’s Kittu
49 01/06/2003 TELO Member Mr. KALIRAJAH RAMANAN Former member of the Batticaloa Minicipal Council and Former TELO member. Shot dead – Batticoloa
50 26/10/1995 TELO Member / Deputy Mayor Mr. ANTHONY THOMAS – Deputy Mayor. (TELO member) Shot dead – Batticoloa
51 02/06/2008 TMVP Member Mr. PUSHPANADAN AIYATHURE – Vice Chairman of KALUTHAVALI Pradeshiya Sabha. Shot dead – Batticoloa
52 30/03/2004 TNA – Candidate Mr.RAJAN SATHYAMOORTHY, a TNA candidate for Batticaloa District. Shot dead – Batticoloa
53 19/10/2004 TNA – Tamil MP Mr. KINGSLY RAJANAYAGAM , a former TNA MP for Batticaloa. Shot dead – Batticoloa
54 25/12/2005 TNA – Tamil MP Mr. Joseph Pararajasingham – TNA MP Batticoloa Shot dead – Batticoloa
55 08/08/2006 TNA – Tamil MP Mr. Nataraj Raviraj Shot dead – Colombo
56 20/10/2000 TNA – Tamil MP Mr. Kingsley Rasanayagam – TNA MP Batticoloa Shot dead – Batticoloa
57 08/03/1989 TULF – Chief Organizer Mr. SINNATHAMBI SABANANDAN – Chief organiser of TULF. shot dead – Jaffna
58 13/07/1989 TULF – Chief Organizer Mr. SINNATHAMBI SAMBANDANMOORTHI  – Chairman of District Development Council /Chief organizer of the TULF in Eravur. Shot dead – Batticoloa
59 26/12/1998 TULF – District Secretary / Chairman MGR Ramachandran Foundation Mr. PONNADURAI MATHIMUGARAJAH –  District Secretary of the TULF, Nallur/ The Chairman of the International M.G. Ramachandran organisation. shot dead – Jaffna
60 13/07/1989 TULF – Gen. Secretary Mr. A. AMIRTHALINGAM, MP, Secretary General of the TULF/ a Former Opposition Leader. Shot dead – at home in Colombo
61 15/07/1990 TULF – MP Mr. K KANAGARATNAM – MP for POTTUVIL Shot dead – Pottuvil
62 16/05/1998 TULF – MP Mrs. SAROJINI YOGESHWARAN – Mayor of MC, Jaffna/ Wife of Mr. V. Yogeshwaran TULF MP for Jaffna who was killed by the LTTE on 13/07/1989. shot dead – Jaffna
63 01/09/1985 TULF – Tamil MP Mr. K THURAIRATHINAM – TULF MP for POINT PEDRO. shot dead – Jaffna
64 03/09/1985 TULF – Tamil MP Mr. K RAJALINGAM – TULF, MP for UDUPPIDDI. shot dead – Jaffna
65 03/09/1985 TULF – Tamil MP Mr. V. DHARMALINGAM  –  TULF MP  for MANIPAI Father of Mr. D. SIDDHARTHAN  (PLOTE leader) shot dead – Jaffna
66 03/09/1985 TULF – Tamil MP Mr. K ALALASUNDARAM  – TULF, MP for KOPAY. shot dead – Jaffna
67 13/07/1989 TULF – Tamil MP Mr. V. YOGESHWARAN – TULF,  MP for JAFFNA. Shot dead – Colombo
68 05/07/1997 TULF – Tamil MP Mr. ARUNACHALAM THANGATHURAI – TULF MP for Trincomalee. Shot dead – Trincomalee infront of hundreds of school children
69 29/07/1999 TULF – Tamil MP Dr. NEELAN THIRUCHELVAM – TULF MP (National list)/Constitutional Lawyer. Suicide Attack.
70 07/11/2000 TULF – Tamil MP Mr. ASHLEY NIMALANAYAGAM  SAUNDRANAYAGAM- TULF MP for Batticaloa. Shot dead – Batticoloa
71 11/09/1998 TULF – Tamil MP / Mayor Mr. PONNADURAI SIVAPALAN – TULF/ Mayor of MC, JAFFNA- succeeded slain Mrs. Yogeshwaran Time Bomb Attack – Nallur kovil, Jaffna
72 20/03/1988 TULF – Tamil Organizer Mr. VELUMURUGU – TULF organizer. Shot dead – Batticoloa
73 01/01/2008 UNF – Minister Mr. T. MAHESWARAN – A former Minister of UNF government shot dead – at Colombo kovil
74 17/11/2001 UNP – Candidate Mr.SINNATHAMBY RAJKUMAR – UNP Candidate for Batticaloa district – General election 2001. Shot dead – Batticoloa
75 06/10/2008 UNP – Organizer Dr. RAJA JOHNPULLE –  Organizer of ANURADHAPURA District and wife Suicide Attack – Anuradhapura
76 11/10/2008 UNP – Tamal Organizer Mr. T.M TAVACHELVAM- UNP organizer, Vavuniya shot dead – Vavuniya
77 24/05/1981 UNP – Tamil Candidate Dr. THIYAGARAJAH – UNP Candidate for   District Development Council (DDC) elections – 1981 / MP for Vaddukodai Shot dead – Batticoloa
78 29/04/1983 UNP – Tamil Candidate Mr. K. V. RATHNASINGHAM – UNP Candidate for UC elections – POINT PEDRO. shot dead – Jaffna
79 04/06/1983 UNP – Tamil Candidate Mr. SINNATHAMBI THILAGAR –UNP, Candidate for Local Govt elections – 1983. shot dead – Jaffna
80 01/03/2004 UNP – Tamil Candidate Mr. SINNATHAMBI SUNDARAMPILLAI, UNP candidate for the Batticaloa District at the General Electen 2004. Shot dead – Batticoloa
81 01/09/1983 UNP – Tamil Municipal member Mr. MALA  RAMACHANDRAN – UNP Member of Municipal Council. Shot dead – Batticoloa
82 02/10/1980 UNP – Tamil Organizer Mr. SUBRAMANIAM  – UNP Organiser for KILINOCHCHI. Shot dead – Kilinochchi
83 15/11/1982 UNP – Tamil Organizer Mr. VALLIPURAM THAMBIPILLAI – UNP organiser for PUNNALAIKADDUVAN. shot dead – Jaffna
84 19/01/1983 UNP – Tamil Organizer Mr. K.T. PULLENDRAN – Ex-MP/UNP organiser for VAVUNIYA. shot dead – Vavuniya
85 12/08/1983 UNP – Tamil Organizer Mr. AG RAJASOORIYAR – UNP Chief Organiser for JAFFNA. shot dead – Jaffna
86 30/04/1983 Urban Council Candidate Mr. S. S. MUTTIAH – 1st Candidate for UC elections, CHAVAKACHCHERI. (retd PWD) shot dead – Jaffna

Shenali D Waduge