The Christian who gave so much to Buddhism

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The Christian who gave so much to Buddhism

Ajit F. Perera

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When you see this unassuming Danish Monk, walking barefoot on a tarred road seeking “alms”, without even a pair of rubber slippers, you can never imagine the contribution he has made to Buddhism and the spreading of the Dhamma not only in this country but throughout the world!
Though born a Christian in Denmark, and being a successful lay businessman for over 18 years, Jacub Jacobson was destined to discover the infinite wisdom of the four Noble Truths and the path to eternal serenity, the Eightfold Path, resulting in his embracing the Buddhist Order, and becoming ordained under the most Ven. Agga Maha Paditha Maddihe Pannaseehe Maha Nayake Thero as Ven. Bhikku Mettavihari. That was 20 years ago.
Though it was his intention to seek the solitude of the forests to engage in meditation and seek the path to true enlightenment, fate decreed otherwise, and after 3 years, the Ven. Maha Nayake decided that he should serve the Sasana in a more practical manner by taking over the Buddhist Information Centre at the Narada Centre, in Colombo 7.
Here Ven. Mettavihari took on the gigantic task of spreading the Dhamma to the world with the meager resources available to him. Being a Computer expert in his lay life, he established a Website, and a Server system providing free e-mail to all the Buddhist Temples and any others who requested it. To spread the Dhamma, he ensured that a verse from the Dhammapada was attached to all mails that went out, many traversing the globe. With the help of a few dedicated volunteers, he was also able to make available the Tipitaka in 3 languages on the Internet for free download to anyone who required it. This is the only free download.

Not content to limit his efforts to this, he dreamt of spreading the Dhamma globally, and to make an impact in the most cost effective manner, he realized that he needed to utilize the one technology available to mankind, Television. With this in mind, Dharmavahini Foundation, (an associate of his Mettanet Foundation), was founded with the help of a few committed volunteers to establish a strictly non profit making, non political, non controversial Buddhist oriented TV Channel which will impart ONLY these values and endeavour to reform man as that important first step.  To reach the maximum coverage, it was obvious that it needed to be transmitted via Satellite. However, being a very ambitious plan, this needed huge and continuous funding as he would not be able to generate advertising income in the manner that commercial TV stations do. As such, as a 1st step, it was decided to broadcast these programmes via the Internet on “Streaming Video”, which will still reach an international audience.
Work commenced, and a new Website, was launched in addition to his current It is intended that the “Transmission content” will include Interactive Dhamma Discussions, Sermons by Monks in simple terms, as well as Mini Dramas etc. which will convey the Buddha’s teachings in a way which will entertain while educating the audience. The objective being to convey the message through a medium which will be sufficiently entertaining on its own without any overt thrusting of the Dhamma on the viewers.
He has received the support and cooperation of all the Buddhist countries in the region such as India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand etc. with several Documentaries etc already being made available. He has also received the blessings of the Sri Lankan Govt. at its highest levels.
Since then, the “Dharmavahini” channel was launched formally on LBN, the Cable TV network on Wesak Poya, 2007 achieving the distinction of being the 1st Buddhist TV Channel to be telecast. It has since been followed by 2 other channels.
Following his visits to rural areas immediately after the Tsunami in 2004, he soon realized that the children in these areas were seriously handicapped without proper education. There was a severe shortage of Teachers, and facilities available to these children. The solution to this was to bring “teachers” home to these kids, and thus began his fulfilling a life long dream of establishing an educational channel, by launching “Learn TV”, a 24 Hour telecast, in collaboration between Dharmavahini, as the content provider, as well as the Ministry of Education providing the resources, with sponsorship by Dialog TV. This has enabled students with no access or means for “private” tuition to follow their curriculam at home, at no extra cost.
However, as you would appreciate, an ambitious project of this nature still needs the support of all concerned Citizens, and he needs the support of all well wishers to support this most valuable cause. If you would like to contribute a part of your valuable time to spread the Dhamma, please email Dharmavahini Foundation [email protected] for further details or visit our website. Ven. Mettavihari could also be contacted at the Narada Centre, 380/9, Sarana Road, Colombo 7.

May the Blessing of the Triple Gem be with you and guide you always.

2 thoughts on “The Christian who gave so much to Buddhism

  1. In response to About:


    I am a convert to Buddhism from Christianity, 36 years ago. Please speak for yourself when you say, “We Buddhist respect Christians or Muslim or other followers who maintain the doctrines of their belief, but we do not accept anyone’s “right” to proselytize.”

    The noble teachings of the Enlightened One can survive and flourish amidst free and open discussion. It is the nature of change that some people born into Buddhist families will convert to other religions and some people born into other religions will convert to Buddhism.

    There is indeed one religion in the world which so fears the truth that it does not accept people’s right to proselytize, but it is not Buddhism.

    I, too, would like to see the Sasana continue to flourish in Sri Lanka. But it is an insult to the noble Triple Gem to imply that Buddhism can survive only by restricting religious freedom, including the right to proselytize.

    Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa.

    1. Thanks for the comment its not about demise the proselytize its all about protection of our own nation with Buddhism only the covertly behind religious game is vanishing the security of society and demise Buddhism using by who’s been their followers. any one should be understand that there arn’t call conversion if some one become a Buddhist. its all about his willingness or choosing right path to refrain form suffer . Buddhist are never convert any one..buddha bless you always!

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