The Government should immediately proscribe all these anti-national foreign agents called “Civil Societies” and initiate a fullinvestigation with a view to take legal action against theirmisdeeds and put an end to their activities.

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Dr Sudath Gunasekara Mahanuwara

The Government should immediately proscribe all these anti-national foreign agents called Civil Societies” and initiate a full investigation with a view to take legal action against their misdeeds and put an end to their activities.

The following letter by Shenali  Waduge is a must, that should be read by all Sinhala people who love their Motherland and  the glorious Sinhala nation.  Sri Lankan politicians in particular, from the President and Prime Minister downward, who handle the destiny of the country and all policy makers and top Government officials who are in charge of the machinery of governance should take serious notice of the content of Shenalis letter.  I am  seriously concerned as to why they are sleeping and they remain deaf and blind on the irreparable disaster these anti national elements  are doing against the Sinaha nation  and while these bunches of anti- national  and unpatriotic so-called Civil Society vultures are actively engaged in destroying this paradise Island and the Sinhala Buddhist nation  even at international fora for fabulous financial gain from political and religious enemies that have been  trying to destroy  this Island nation  form 1505 up to date.

Going by the list of these so-called Civil Organizations and the people who have listed as their Chairmen, Secretaries, Executive Directors, Conveners, Governors, Advisors and Board members together with these so-called colonial disguised doner agencies such as USAID, OXFAM, NORAD, CIDA, GTZ jointly set up to destabilize and keep the third world countries as they have named them and keep them permanently as their markets  for their products and supply sources  of cheap raw materials and labour and destroy native civilizations. On the other hand  all the leading personalities who operate these Civil Societies like Pakyasothi Saravanamuththu, Radhika Kumaraswaamy, Jehan Perera, Raja Asirvadan, Milinda Moragoda, Indrajith Kumaaraswamy, Jayadeva Uyangoda, Sheffinaz Hasendeen, Reginold Thangaraja, W, C. Weliamuna, Sarath Wijesuriya, WickramaBahu Karunaratna, Gamini Viyangoda, Dambrla Amila, Nirmaal Ranjith Devasiri, Nimalka Fernando, Laal Wijenayaka, Priest Sarath Iddamalgoda and  Shaanti Sellatambi are I only the  proxies working for their foreign masters. It has becoms more than evident that all of them are a well- organized bunch of anti- Sinhala, anti- Buddhist anti -National paragons of fame acting as heavily paid proxies of the Western countries and Dollar shops in a network of interlocking mechanism to destroy this Island nation and its unique Sinhala Buddhist civilization. The absence of a government and a patriotic public service in this country like in what we have in India, as I see, is the main cause for this unfortunate situation.

proxies  All these agencies and individuals are externally manipulated by political, financial and dogmatic forces and they are controlled by non-Sinhala Buddhists, mostly Catholics, Muslims and Tamils who have vouched to destroy the Sinhala Buddhist civilization in this country. This what they could not do from 1505 up to 1948. More over all these agencies and individuals are sworn enemies of the native Sinhala Buddhists of Sri Lanka who had reigned and prospered over this country as a world-renowned nation of fame from 307 BC after the advent of Buddhism. Each of these international agencies trying to make this island their Pivot of Asia and each ethnic group within the country dreaming to take over this Island as their Homeland with internal conspiracies and external support.

Absence of a strong patriotic political or national leadership since Independence, with the singular exception of Sirima Bandaranayaka, who made a bold attempt to put the country on the correct path during her regimes during 1960 to 65 and 1970-1977. 

Moreover, all these so-called Civil Organizations are only international racketeer agencies founded and manned by self- seeking social crooks brought up, in the Colombian cultural environs, educated within the Western system of education, fully imbibed in Western culture and brainwashed to act as proxies of their Western masters. Their heads are full of alien political and social dogmas fully brain washed and completely uprooted and therefore alienated from the Sinhala Buddhist cultural matrix that form the rock foundation of its civilization and dominate the whole country. Therefore, all these Civil society barons are completely divorced from the native Sinhala milieu. And strangely it is this gang of of thupahiyas who are trying to dictate the governments of the country elected by 80 % of the native population who live in the villages all over the country which are completely different form Colombo society other than the TV, Cell phone and the Tricycle.

I call upon the government in power to proscribe   all these organizations immediately and start a full investigation in to all their conspiracies against this nation and misappropriation of foreign donations and charge them for felonious treason and conspiracy against the Sinhala nation and Mother Lanka.

1 The constitution of all these organizations, except one or two, clearly shows that they are manned by activist, Tamils, Muslims Catholics and disgruntled Sinhala elements calling themselves intellectuals. The common denominator that unites them is their jealousy and antipathy against the Sinhala Buddhist Nation.

2The fact that all these organizations rise only against any move that benefits the native Sinha Buddhist and none of these organizations utter a single word when and where the native Sinhala people are affected

3 Whenever they talk or agitate about human rights they only talk about minorities and always use those so-called international standards and legal arguments and never refer to the native customs or traditions

4 None of these organizations accept that this country is the land of the Sinhala Buddhist nation for 2500 years or even more.

5 . None of them agitate for the rectification of the rights of the native Sinhalese that were lost after 1505 and that were not rectified in1948 at the time of so-called independence.

6.They always agitate only on behalf of the parasitic minority groups and their rights but never a word about the majority Sinhalese who were the Buhumiputras of this Island from the dawn of history.

 7 All this evidence clearly shows that their continuance serves no purpose as arms of nation building in this country is concerned.

8 They only serve as a chain of lucrative employment for a set of Colombo based Thupahiya trouble makers, a veritable thorn in the body nation.

Usually, it is the job of the head of the state in situations like this to mobilize the State machinery to take appropriate actions in situations like this. But unfortunately, we don’t have an effective Head of State in this country at this moment. Obviously the person elected by 6.9 million in 2019 as the people‘s President has miserably failed in all three fundamental  functions of a State namely, 1.  Raksha or protection of the State from external aggression of the country.2.Palana  or maintenance of law and order within the State and 3 Yogakshema or safeguarding the Welfare of the people as Katilya has laid down millennia ago.

Is foreign-funded Civil Society” attempting to replace the Political System in Sri Lanka?

Posted on July 3rd, 2022

Shenali D Waduge

Do civil society” actually represent Sri Lankan citizens or are they representatives of those that fund or pay their salaries? Their connections and the manner they network provide clues. While they point fingers claiming politicians should serve a term, how long have they held posts in these organizations? While they project themselves as being better than politicians – how better are they, how trustworthy are they given that their funding determines the initiatives they take up & the topics they raise. It is they who began the ‘Reject 225+1” campaign as early as 2018 & we see that this campaign is in reality to replace politicians with themselves. There is increasing attempts to get ‘civil society’ involved in governance. By ‘civil society’ it is these foreign-funded entities that are attempting to take over governance.

1. Centre for Policy Alternatives

Board of Directors

    Professor Chandraguptha Thenuwara, Senior Lecturer: Department of History & Art Theory, Faculty of Visual Arts, Colombo – Chairman

    Aritha Wickremasinghe (Lawyer)

    Chandana L. de Silva (Consultant)

    Minoli De Soysa (Editor/Writer)

    Dinusha Panditaratne (Lawyer)

    Sukanya Devarajan (Former International Civil Servant)

    Zameer Careem (Medical Doctor)

    Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu – Executive Director *


    Academy for Education Development (AED)


    Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)


    European Union (EU)

    Ford Foundation

    Forum of Federations

    Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)

    International Budget Project

    International Media Support (IMS)

    National Democratic Institute (NDI)



    Save the Children in Sri Lanka

    Swiss Mission in Sri Lanka

    The Asia Foundation (TAF)

    The Berghof Foundation for Conflict Studies in Sri Lanka

    The Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit

    The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP)





In October 2014 CPA was exposed for funding corruption.  CPA was accused of billing for un-held workshops, getting grants from 2 donors for the same task (EU & UNESCO paid CPA to do same task – each paying EURO 99,497.16), duplicating receipts, hotel bills and hoodwinking donors. These are the people preaching anti-corruption! An article disclosed all details – International Federation of Journalists is one of the ‘most corrupted media organizations in the world’ including double-billing. The article included names of Rohan Edirisinghe, Sunanda Deshapriya, Victor Ivan.

2.Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV)


CMEV is made up of CPA, FMM and INFORM Human Rights Documentation Centre.

3.National Peace Council


    Joe William (Chairperson)

    G. V. D. Tilakasiri (General Secretary)

    Jehan Perera (Executive Director)

    Professor T. Jayasingam (Joint Treasurer)

    Professor M. S. Mookiah (Joint Treasurer)

    Professor S. H. Hasbullah (Director – until August)

    Venerable Buddhiyagama Chandrarathana Thero (Director)

    Visaka Dharmadasa (Director)

Governing Council

    Raja M. B. Senanayake

    Javid Yusuf (member of yahapalana constitutional council)

    A. Iyadurai

    Saroja Sivachandran

    M. H. M. Niyas

    Fr. Joseph Mary

    A. W. Hilmy Ahamed

    Suresh Dayantha De Mel

    Fr. T. Rohan Dominic

    Rohana Hettiarachchi

    Christobel Saverimuttu (Company Secretary)

4.ADVOCATA (earlier Advocata Institute)

Colombo-based neoliberal think tank connected to the US Govt

launched in May 2016 at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute

3 months after the launch Minister Malik S quotes Advocata’s privatization plans.


    Murtaza Jafferjee – Chair – Advocata Institute

    Sarath Rajapatirana – Chair – Academic Programme

    Anarkali Moonesinghe – Board Member at Lankan Angel Network

    Henry Ergas –Professor of Infrastructure Economics

    Frank Lavin – Chairman & CEO – Export Now

    Nishan de Mel – Executive Director – Verite Research

    Fredrik Erixon – Director – ECIPE (European Centre for International Political Economy linked to CATO Institute)

    Parth J Shah – President – Centre for Civil Society

    Premachandra Athukorala – Professor of economics – ANU

    Razeen Sally – Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy – NUS (Economic Advisor to former Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera) also on board of Candle Aid Sri Lanka

    Rohan Samarajiva – Chairman – Lirneasia

    Sujata Gamage – Senior Research Fellow, LIRNEasia

    Reuben Abraham – CEO – IDFC Institute

    Suri Ratnapala – Professor of Law, Queensland Uni.

    Sirimal Abeyratne – Professor in Eco., Colombo Uni.



    Nishan de Mel – Executive Director

    Subhashini Abeysinghe – Research Director

    Cilani Wijesinghe – Finance Director


    Tony Seneviratne

    Vinoth Ramachandra

    Chris Rodrigo

    Sisira Jayasuriya

    Nimal Sanderatne

    Sunil Bastian

    Michael Roberts

    Sharya Scharenguivel

    Sunil Hettiarachchi


    Rajesh Venugopal

    Rozana Himaz Salih

    Joy Pachuau

    Saliya Wickramasuriya

    Dinusha Panditaratne

    Jesse Szeto

    Amala Jayawardena

    Ranil Dhammapala

    Viran Corea

Note: Verite Research is promoting MCC economic corridor in Sri Lanka and is MCC agent in Sri Lanka

6.LIRNEASIA – established in 2005


    Rohan Samarajiva – Chair

    Vinya Ariyaratne – Vinya is also on the board of Sarvodaya Fusion – so too are Rohan Samarajiva, Madhu Rathnayaka (Virtusa),

    Jeeva Perumalpillai-Essex – Development Economist

    Lakshman Bandaranayake – Chairman Sarvodaya SEEDS

    Mervyn de Silva – Consultant Renewable Energy Development

    Visaka Nanayakkara – Senior Lecturer Univ of Moratuwa

    Shaheen Cader – former CEO Nielsen Sri Lanka


    Millie Rivera – Director Faculty Diversity, George Mason University, USA

    Indrajit Coomaraswamy – Former Governor CBSL

    Sandya Salgado – Director/CEO Ogilvy Action

    W M Bandusena – Chairman Health Services, Public Service Commission

    Sithie Tiruchelvam – Managing Partner – Tiruchelvam Associates

    Anoja J Obeysekera – Consultant Telecom/Technology Business

    Luxman Siriwardena – Former Executive Director Pathfinder Foundation

    Thusitha Perera – Company Director & Senior Finance Professional

8.National People’s Movement

Formed by Vinya Ariyaratna in 2018  with Deshodaya (entity within Sarvodaya) & United Professionals Movement together with 17 civil society groups.

Slogans used Together we can” promising to Save-Serve-Sri Lanka”. They are promoting to bring a new face” to Sri Lankan politics.

Nagahananda Kodituwakku of Vinivida Foundation is also a partner of NPM

9.The United People’s Movement

comprises Deshodaya, Kalyanamithra Society, Sinhala Weera Widana Society. What is the link with United Professionals Movement & United People’s Movement?

National Democratic Institute (NDI) – SRI LANKA

National Endowment for Democracy NED is umbrella for 3 inter-related agencies:

    Center for International Private Enterprise

    National Democratic Institute for International Affairs

    National Republican Institute for International Affairs (International Republican Institute)

NDI is funded by NED, USAID, US State Dept, Consortium for Elections & Political Process Strengthening,

NDI also received contributions from Govt of Australia, Govt of Denmark, Govt of Belgium and Open Society Foundation of George Soros. Yasmin Sooka’s report against Sri Lanka was funded by George Soros Open Society Foundation. The Google balloon over Sri Lanka Google Loon Project” is also a George Soros project. In 2016 it was announced that George Soros was to fund a 3 year economic plan for Sri Lanka.

NDI provided financial & technical assistance in Ukraine election.


Assisted in conducting election monitoring & civil education campaigns in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2019 elections.

Sri Lanka became 1st South Asian Member of Open Government Partnership in 2015 to adopt an Open Parliament Plan alongside Civil Society.

NDI partners with Sarvodaya

Thusitha Pilapitiya, Sri Lanka Resident Senior Country Director

International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES)


    Radhika Coomaraswamy (Chairman) – Former Senior UN Diplomat

    Rajan Asirwatham -Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, Corporate Director and former Senior Partner and Country Head of KPMG Ford Rhodes Thornton & Company Silva (Emeritus) Chancellor of University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Historian, political analyst and specialist in ethnic studies and conflict resolution; former professor of Sri Lanka History, University of Peradeniya; founder and former Chairman and Executive Director of ICES

    Shafinaz Hassendeen Former Senior ILO Officer and Labour/Gender specialist

    Tissa Jayatilaka was former Executive Director of the United States-Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission, and presently a Member/Council of Management, Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies (BCIS).

    Wijaya Jayatilaka Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Peradeniya and former Executive Director, Transparency International

    Gnana Moonesinghe Civil Society Activist and Writer/Author

    Jayadeva Uyangoda (Emeritus) Former Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Colombo and presently Emeritus Professor, University of Colombo.


    Milinda Moragoda – Founder

    Bernard Goonetilleke – Chairman since 2010 / DG Merchant Mercantile Bank

    Dayaratna Silva – Exec Dir

    Ahmed A. Jawad – diplomat – Norway, Saudi Arabia, Canada

    Indrajit Coomaraswamy

    Ganeshan Wignaraja – Director of Research at the ADB Institute in Tokyo, Chief Programme Officer at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London and Visiting Scholar at the IMF in Washington DC), Executive Director of the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry’s think tank in Colombo, Member of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on the Indian Ocean Member of the Monetary Policy Consultative Committee of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka)

    Rajendra Theagarajah


Jan 2014 – US Govt via USAID sign MOU with BASL President Upul Jayasuriya.

US will sponsor Civil Society Initiatives to support Rule of Law” linking BASL with US Bar Association.

Apr 2021 – US via USAID funds mobile app for Sri Lankan lawyers

Colombo Law Society members given access to online legal resources & court calendars, law reports.

Colombo Law Society in 2020 launched Hultsdorp Law Journal with US assistance providing online legal training for attorneys and law students.

CLS is affiliated to BASL with more than 4000 lawyers in Colombo.

12.Lawyers Collective:

Associated names: K S Ratnavale, Chrishantha Weliammuna, Jayampathi Wickremaratne, Lal Wijenayake, Chandrapala Kumarage, J C Weliamuna, Nagahananda Kodituwakku

They campaigned for 19a, they promoted the Aluth Parapura, they thanked all those who helped to remove Chief Justice Mohan Pieris.

BASL also called for the removal of CJ Mohan Pieris. No one has answered why there was a due process followed to remove CJ Shirani Bandarnayake while no such process was followed to remove CJ Mohan Pieris. CJ Shirani was CJ43, however CJ44 is both Mohan Pieris and CJ Sri Pavan.

13.Lawyers for Democracy

Senior Lawyer Ratnavel is also a member of Lawyers Collective

In December 2018, Lawyers for Democracy issued statement on dissolution of Parliament – signatories to this statement were K.S. Ratnavale, J.C. Weliamuna, Lakshan Dias, Sheath Nethsinhe.

No lawyers objected to present PM being appointed PM immediately after a Presidential election in Jan2015 nor objected to present PM who entered parliament after being rejected by voters.

14.National Movement for Social Justice

Led by late Ven. Madulawe Sobitha thero

In November 2014 its first meet was attended by Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, Democratic Party Leader Sarath Fonseka and MP Arjuna Ranatunga, while the former President Chandrika Bandaranaike, issued a message pledging support to the group

15.Movement for a Just Society

Headed by Prof. Sarath Wijesooriya

16.‘Paravasi Balaya’  (පුරවැසිබලය Citizen’s Power) 

Co-Convener Gamini Viyangoda

Wickramabahu Karunaratne is also associated.

17.University Teachers’ for a Just Society

Convener Venerable Dambara Amila Thero, Prof. Jagath Kumarasinghe, Prof. Rohan Fernando, Dr. Mahim Mendis, Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri all openly campaigned for 2015 Common Candidate Maithripala Sirisena.

They attended the November 2014 ‘yahapalana’ press meeting organized by Ven. Sobitha thero.

December 2014 – Nearly 150 civil society groups under leadership of Maduluwawe Sobitha thero signed agreement in December 2014 and August 2015.

Colombo-based Civil Society Group’

conveners were Pakiasothy Saravanamuttu, Nimalika Fernando, Shanti Sachithanandan, K S Ratnavale

18.‘Citizens Initiative for Constitutional Change’

Speakers at this event were – S G Punchihewa (human rights activist), Pakiasothy Saravanamuttu (CPA), Lal Wijenayake, Rohana Hettiarachchi (PAFFREL Executive Director), Kumuduini Samuel, Sudarshana Gunawardena Shan Wijetunga (Transparency International) Lionel Guruge CPA Senior Researcher in charge of CPA Outreach programas chaired the briefing.

19.People’s Movement Against Port City’

organized by Catholic priest Sarath Iddamalgoda led a protest to demand the government stop the Port City project.

Port City was stopped immediately in January 2015 by Ranil and recommenced by Ranil in 2016 but no Sarath Iddamalgoda to protest against it!

20.Aluth Parapura

personalities associated with this group are Sharmini Serasinghe, Samanalee Fonseka, Indrachapa Liyanage,

21.National Alliance of Alternative Forces

Formed in August 2019 by Professor Krishan Deheragoda (President) and Dr. Rohan Pallewatta (Leader) of Social Democratic Party of Sri Lanka, Ananda Stephen (General Secretary) of National Development Front, Navin Guneratne of Movement to Unite Motherland, Dinesh Kirthinanda of Alternative Political National Alliance, Professor Siri Hettige of Movement for Democracy & Justice, Dr. Prasanna Cooray of Democratic Social Alliance and Swarajya Foundation.

Dr. Rohan Pallewatte and Mr. Nagananda Kodithuwakku supposedly contesting for 2020 Presidency joined NAAF pledging support for a single National Candidate under the theme Reject 225 + 1” and ‘total system change”.  35 Associations representing nearly 150 organizations took part in its meeting held on 22 August 2019.

So what is the link with NPM and NAAF?

22.Abhiman Lanka අබිමන්ලංකා” (Dignified Sri Lanka)

also launched on the same day by the same people promoting either Rohan Pallewatte or Nagananda Kodituwakku.

Abhiman Lanka invited JVP to join it –’’Abhiman-Lanka’’-invites-JVP-to-join-alternative-force-amidst-presidential-polls–VIDEO-?

23.Law & Society Trust

– formed by late Neelan Tiruchelvan had on its board of Directors – Chairman Chandra Jayaratne (supporter of yahapalana government) Prof. Jayadeva Uyangoda, G Alagaratnam (BASL President in 2015),

Donors are controversial – National Endowment for Democracy (NED) for land rights (note recent Land Privatization bill attempting to privatize all state land)

24.Transparency International – Sri Lanka

In 2017 Coalition Against Corruption used Right to Information Act to demand information from Transparency International SL on its case against TISL Executive Director Asoka Obeysekera, report by J C Weliamuna, Rs.1.1m fraud, and providing job to a foreign female who did not have work visa. Fascinating how these so called civil-society paragons of virtue are all hiding skeletons in their closets but broadcasting to the world their virtues!

Incidentally Weliamuna was elected to global anti-corruption Board in 2010!

In April 2015 Weliamuna said Failure to bring in 19A will be a complete reversal of people’s mandate”

The RanilW Government paid Weliamuna Rs.3.5m for a 136page report on Sri Lankan Airlines which the Airline rejected!

Weliamuna also filed petition against dissolution of Parliament in October 2018 and reinstatement of Ranil as PM. Weliamuna was sent as Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to Australia.

Top Donors in 2015: EU, Norway Foreign Ministry, Swiss Embassy, British High Commission, USAID, UNDP

Top Donors in 2016: Norway Foreign Ministry, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), USAID, Soros’s Open Society, Asia Foundation

Top Donors in 2017: Norway Foreign Ministry, NED (to mobilize citizens), USAID, Soros’s Open Society

Top Donors in 2018: Norway Foreign Ministry, Asia Foundation, Soros’s Open Society, Swiss Embassy, DAI, Neelan Tiruchelvan Trust, John Keels (Integrity Idol) It is interesting to see the type of projects that these entities have funded Transparency Sri Lanka to roll out across Sri Lanka. Putting these programs on a larger platter will help understand their overall bigger objectives – something Sri Lanka’s policy makers and advisors are obviously clueless about!

There are the paragons of virtue presenting themselves as ‘civil society’. They are all well-connected & move in the same circles and funded by the same bodies. They all speak on the same topics and advocate the same themes their paymasters and donors request of them.

The groups deem it their right to impose who the voters vote for and who voters should not vote for. This is their ‘democracy’.

Shenali D Waduge