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Based on True Life Story

The doctor in the chair next to my chair said, “Dhammika, you have an interesting story to listen.” He left the patient to me and rushed another patient for examination. Approaching him, I asked, “What’s the problem?” in my language. When I saw him trying to answer that question, it didn’t take me long to realize that he didn’t know my language. I asked again “what happened ?” in his language. Then the story began to flow.

Seeing him suddenly reminded me of the image of the mayor from the novel “The Les Miserable” by Victor Hugo that I read when I was a child. He is so similar to him. The body is hevy,strong. Height is about 6 feet. The white patches in the beard and hair. “How old” ? “52”.

“Released ……….years later”. Three came out with me. There were over a thousand of us. I have not seen my child and wife for that long. Go to the north to see if they are there”. “Where is the village?. ……… What did you do ? . Fight fight fight. What is the problem now? The eyes do not work. Mostly black.”

My dear doctor returned. Even if the torch is pointed at the eye, he immediately removes the eye. That is, he cannot see light. In the end, it was decided to admit him in the hospital. “Let’s go,” I called back in his language. I accompanied him to the admission counter and then to the ward, and they were informed that he was not very familiar with our language.



“Take this thousand rupees”.

“name of you sir”

“I am Dhammika”.

“Give me your phone number.”


“I’ll give you a call when I go home”

“How do you know my language?”


“I will bring the food.”

I came back. The heart was breaking.

There is no eternal hatred in Buddhists. Such hatred does not exist. At one time, we have heard a famous saying by his own leader, “……… only remember something two weeks”.

Why is that ?

There is no lasting hatred in Buddhists. The moment the two previous kings came to the battlefield together with thousands of troops, Buddhists’ king said, “……….we both will fight first. Let’s see who wins. It is for the sake of saving the lives of thousands of people,” we remember how  ROAR called out.

Finally, when the invader was about to die after being speared, victorious king got down from his elephant and removed the spear that hit him and put his head in his lap and said, “Friend! I have no personal enmity with you. I have no hatred for you except for the sake of the nation and Sambuddha Sasana.

The dying leader said, “Friend! Do not harass my relatives, my people after me.”

“It shall be so”.

Buddhists are such.

If anyone thinks to defeat such people and win, we tell you & the whole world that such people cannot be defeated.

Reason ?

Because there is no opposition to a person but opposition to opposition in Buddhists.

Thank you!

-Dr. Dammika Wijerathna

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