The Language is Tangled!
What ?
A language is a mess. This situation is the same in all languages. A language hides the real situation and introduces a strange kind of creation into the world. That is, it convinces man as if there is something but that is not really there.
How do you say that?
Humans have 5 sensory organs & everybody accepts that without an argument. Man receives “Sensations” through sense organs is the Science. But, it is NOT really taken as sensations from outside, but the sensations are produced with the help of the sense organs is the correct explanation. See the example below about this.
You think you see far away!
But what you see is near to you.
You have this drum in the distance. What you see is not the light rays near the drum, but the light rays in your eye. If the light rays are blocked anywhere between the drum and the eye, you will not see the drum even though the light rays are near the drum. This means that you will see light rays that are near to you, not the distant light rays. In short, you only see the light rays that touch the retina.
What can be concluded from this?
You see not the distant drum, but only the color picture made of light rays in the eye. You can never see a distant drum. That is, you get to see only the light rays that reach the eye due to the drum. According to Science, man always sees only “light rays”. That is, only the colors or color photo can be seen. Man cannot see beyond the eye.
Remember well! Only a color picture is born within in relation to eye. It is not a place where hearing is born.
Then ?
If someone says:
“I can see the drums beating”.
Can this statement be trusted?
Sight is the sight of an image in eye. If you say you can see the drum, we all can believe it. If you say you can see the drummer, that too can be believed. If it is said that the movements of the drummer upon drumming can be seen, it is also something that can be believed. But the verb “drumming\beating” cannot be seen but, it can be heard. It refers to a sound. It is an action that does not provide sight but is heard. If you say “drumming\beating is something that can be heard”, it can be believed. See ! How languages have been produced as if something is happening that is not happening. This is how all the languages of the world have been produced. In this case, where only sight occurs, hearing is tangled.
Similarly !
Remember well! Only a sound is born in the eardrum. The eardrum does not produce vision.
If so, how was the sound due to a drum? Where only a noise is born, how do you say that noise is a drum noise?
As in the example above,
The cochlear membrane produces only a sound & that is Science. “The drum sound” is then a question mark. Why ? The drum is a sight. Sound is something that can be heard. The ear does not provide vision. The ear only provides a hearing. If so, it is questionable to say that there is a drum in a hearing.
Is there a drum in the place where sound is produced in the eardrum? In short, there are no musical instruments in the ear. If so, how is sound due to a drum? How can it be a “drum noise” where only sound is born? It is impossible. Why is the sound called the drum sound? See ! There are no items in the sound. It’s just a noise\sound.
Feeling (smell, taste, touch) is the same.
01. “Flower smell”. The nose only senses the smell. Actually nose is the place where smell is produced & that is the Science. A flower is something that has a sight. It is done by the eye. If so, there cannot be “flowers” in the nose so that there is nothing called “smell is flowered”.
02. “Chicken flavor”. Taste is a sensation produced in the tongue. Chicken is a sight. There is no sight where there is taste. Then how does “chicken taste”?
03. “Women’s Touch”. The body is where touch only produces. A woman is something that is seen. If so, the place where the touch takes place is not a place to see to be a woman. Then how is a “female touch”?
See ! Seeing & hearing are two separate actions & there is no intermingling between the two. But, “Hearing can be seen” is 100% contradictory statement. That is why the statement “The action of drumming\beating can be seen” is questionable.

“Hearing in what is seen” means something that is intertwined.
There are 5 sense organs that receive & produce 5 separate physical sensations is the Science. There are no interconnections among them in brain is also the Science. If so,  the statements like “What seen can be heard” & opposite “What heard can be seen”, “What seen can be smelled & opposite “What smelled can be seen” , “What tasted can be seen” & opposite “What seen can be tasted”, “What touched can be seen” & opposite “What seen can be touched” are all controversial statements.  So, there is vision in a voice\noise, hearing in a vision, smelling has vision, vision has smell, taste has vision, vision has taste, touch has vision, vision has touch and so on are all controversial.
This is a net now. Net of only views. No practical existence.
See ! How languages have conjured and convinced Man that impossible actions are possible. Impossibility becomes possible by languages.
When there is no interconnection among 5 perceptive centers in brain Who is responsible for this kind of thinking ?
Is there any scientific answer to this question ?
This type of thinking is a work of the Mind is the Abhidharma.
You are always striving for things that do not really exist. That is the explanation of Abhidharma.
The language is something that is made by Mind by hiding what really happens. So, Men are on the RUN always.

How man makes a network of ideas!
Man has 6 physical senses or physical institutions. It is human nature to obtain external data through only 5 institutions. What the rest agency does is repeat the externalized data and generate new psycho-data.
It is the nature of the common Man to associate a sensation that comes to one institution with the other 5 institutions. It is not actually there but only a state of Mind. That is, although the data are isolated & specific to its particular institution, single institutional data are deliberately linked with other institutions by a Minded process (It has a long explanation according to Abhidarma.).
What comes specifically to the eye is linked\ engages the ear\nose\tongue\body\Mind. That is, the eye connects the remaining 5 institutions. e.g.; Human voice. The flower smell. Chicken flavor. Female touch. Beautiful remarks.
What comes to the ear is connected with the eye\nose\tongue\body\mind and thinks. That is, the ear is tied to the remaining 5 institutions. e.g.; The sound of drums. Your sound emits bad smell. Tastes like “Karas”. Noise of an applause. enchanting voice.
What is received by the nose engages with the eye\ear\tongue\body\mind.

That is, the nose connects the remaining 5 institutions.
e.g.; The scent’s smell. The smell of the voice. Musty smell. The smell of pus. The loving scent or the scent of love.
What is received to the tongue engages the eye \ ear \ nose \ body \ Mind. That is, the tongue is bound to the remaining 5 institutions.
e.g.; Meat taste. Licking taste. taste of blood Divine taste.
What touches the body binds the eye\ear\nose\tongue\Mind and makes it think like that. That is, the body binds the remaining 5 institutions. e.g.; The chair touch. “His voice is so comfortable to me. “Scented Caress” (artistic). “Tasteless touch iritates me”. Divine caress.
What is captured by the Mind engages with the eye\ear\nose\tongue\body. That is, the Mind binds the remaining 5 institutions.
e.g.; Lovely view. Golden voice. Divine taste. Beloved body. Love (Raga) turned in to hatred later on.
Examples of this type abound throughout every language. Indeed a whole language is just these. If one were to find out exactly what a language is, then only the words of seeing, hearing, feeling and thinking are left. If one cultivates Satipattana correctly in himself, he will understand the truth or falsehood of this article. Until then you are in this web of words. Entangled in a web of words. Or tangled in language.

This seems to require further clarification.
01. Water – only the color of water is sensitive to the eye. That is, water is a color to the eye. Drinking is a touch to the body. Even if someone says “drinking water”, it is a statement that “Hints” something is but it is NOT in real.
Why ?
According to the above explanation, there is no such thing as “drinking water” to “see”. The eye can only perceive color. Eye cannot identify “Drinking” part. “Drinking” means touching the body. The body can identify Drinking part but not the “Visible water” part.  If so, the body cannot say what is drinking is water. The body meets only the touch of water. Seeing is one thing. The act of drinking is another. There are two separate actions here. Even according to science, these two never happen together IN ONE PLACE. Two actions are supported by two institutions is the Science. The reality here is that two actions take place in two places. Science says that seeing happens in the visual center of the Brain. Sensation or touch occurs in the proprioception center of the Brain. In order to make the above statement, there must be a connection between these two centers.

Does Science say that there are neurons that make a connection between the two centers to make such a statement ? If so, who gives a creative contribution to such a statement? These words are then formed by combining the work of the eye and the work of the body. If So, how has this statement been formed? See ! Although there is no scientific explanation, Abhidharma says that the Mind provides this creative contribution to express such a statement.
02. Earth – Earth is a color for the eyes. The eye can only detect the color. Hardness is a physical touch to a body. Eye does not meet hardness. The body does not meet the color. If one says “hard earth”, it is due to a merger of two works. Abidharma says that the Mind unites the two separate actions & make Man to say like that.
03. Sky/Wind – Only color is captured by the eye. The body experiences coldness or warmth. If someone expresses “Today the sky/wind is cold” or “Today the sky/wind is warm” it is a combination of two separate works. Abhidharma says that these two works are combined by the Mind or the combined expression is a work of Mind.
Thank you !
Dr. Dammika Wijerathna