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The Miraculous Disease Prevention Technique of East !

Unexplained portion of PHYSICS !

Untold PHYSICS !


If something has been used for a long time in the world, it is\contains PHYSICS!

Look at this Sun.

The Sun, the generator of energy is a world accepted truth.

Ask a question?

Do you believe that the energy production of the Sun is constant all the time?

If you say “Yes”, the matter or planets born due to the energy of the Sun cannot have different natures. Because uniform energy produces a uniform particular\structural arrangement or uniform nature in space. You know very well that the planets born under the same sun are different. The planets differ from each other by huge craters, pits, mountains, etc. If the same sun emits a constant intensity of rays all the time, the planets which are Sun’s receivers cannot have distinctively different structures. One can argue that a planet is born not only by the energy of the one Sun but also by the influence of other Suns. But there cannot be such vast differences between the planets under one Sun.

Why ?

A number of previous posts have been written about this. It is stated in those posts that the variations of the Sun’s energies from time to time can be seen by examining the planets under that Sun. If so, by studying the nature of that planet for a long time, it is possible to infer the variations of the incoming energy frequencies of the Sun.

There is Great Physics here.

If it is true that due to the variations of the Sun’s rays with time, the differences of the planets are born, it is not surprising that the physical human body born from those rays of the sun also undergoes variations accordingly. This reason is in line with the discoveries of the Great Nikola Tesla & it was his view that the human body is made in line with the frequencies of the Sun. All the details related to this phenomenon have been presented to the world by the Great Scientist Nikola Tesla. He has clearly shown the world how the standard human body varies according to the variations of the Sun’s rays.

This is the wonder here.

Eastern scientists (Rishis) who have studied this for a very long time have investigated how their body and its existence change from time to time according to the changes in other planets. They have charted it. Astrology (Jothirveda) is the result of such a long study. These observations were presented to the world by authors introducing the book “Veda” to the world. There four forms of the Vedas. Today I will present you only Jyothirveda (The Science of planets\stars). Science of the TIME, horoscope, palmistry, the Science of body features, etc, are related arts born according to astrology + many other Eastern Sciences. They all contain PHYSICS in them.

What is the Physics behind Astrology?

Give an example?

Mercury and Saturn are not one planet but two. If both are the same, two names are not necessary. The two planets are two because it is made in two ways. Then we can come to the conclusion that both have not created by the same frequency series of the sun. It is clear that both require two types of frequencies. But there may be a common frequency related to both.

It can be concluded that different planets are formed from the different frequencies of the Sun. Mercury exists because of one frequency range, while Saturn exists in another frequency range. If you study your horoscope carefully, it also describes the existence of Man, based on an analysis of planetary existence like this.

Why ?

What is the PHYSICS in it?

Saturn is because of related frequency series of the Sun. Mercury is because of related frequency range of the same Sun. it was said in Astrology that Saturn shows its power for 19 years. What was it ? Is the Saturn died down after 19 years ?

It means that the Sun’s frequency range aimed at to produce Saturn is strong for 19 years. Actually a specific frequency range of Sun emitted within a time period of 19years is much preferable for the formation of particles of Saturn is the reality behind this saying.  Looking at it this way, it can be concluded that the Sun’s frequency changes from time to time.

How does the position of each of these planets affect the human being?

The frequencies that released by Sun affect not only the planets but Man. The Sun’s frequency range that produces Saturn also produces human body particles as well. The Sun’s frequency range that produces Mercury also produces human body particles as well. The Sun’s frequency range that produces Mercury may be more favorable to Man than the Sun’s frequency range that produces Saturn. Then it says that the Mercury period is more favorable to Man than Saturn period.

 e.g.; A Man’s destiny is written in his horoscope. His destiny from his birth to his death is written there. Destiny is determined by the time of birth. His inherited destiny is indicated in the horoscope according to the positions of the planets.

According to his time of birth, if the Sun frequencies that are strong to the existence of the planet Saturn is dominant, it says that the infant is born from Saturn. In other words , the infant’s body is made by the frequency range related to Saturn existence. If the sun frequencies that are strong to form the planet Mercury is dominant in the space on his birth day, it says that the child is born from Mercury. It means the child’s body as well is made of Mercury frequencies. See ! it is inevitable that such frequencies series influences the human body particles as well.

According to Jyotirveda (Astrology), this period of Saturn is 19 years. Therefore, a human body has to stay under those frequencies during that period. During such a period, the particles of the body are produced in relation to that particular frequency series. Even though the existence of such a frequency range helps the existence of the planet Saturn, but it was said in Jothirveda that it is not a good condition for the existence of a human body, so it is referred to as “Apalakalaya (Bad time)” for a human in Astrology.

In the same way, if this Saturn frequency series is bad for a human body, that bad effect to the body can either be counteracted\weakened or aggravated by the appearance of a “Athuru Dasava (The period during which effect is intervened by another frequency series)”, in which the Saturn targeted frequency series of the Sun is intervened by another frequency series of a Sun. It leads either to weakens or aggravate the bad influence of Saturn to a human body.

The time period when the frequencies related to the existence of a planet are strong is called “Maha Dasava (The period during which effect is not influenced\intervened by another frequency series)” and then the weakening or excitation of its influence to a human body cannot be intervened by any other frequency series. Actually what one body receives as frequencies is a side effect of what Sun releases as rays to space to produces planetary clumps. This side effect may either harmful or beneficial to a human body.

 What is the advantage of this kind of teaching to a Man?

The advantage of this is that by using various methods (Several previous posts have been written about this) the influence of those frequencies can be supported or counteracted depending on the advantage to a human. Therefore, It is possible to push the Man to make necessary complementary or counter frequency methods to safeguard his\her human body & Mind.

This is also a method of preventing diseases in humans.

Thank you !

 (The above explanation is according to Nikola Tesla’s theory that a body is formed only by physical energy. But in addition to the physical energy mentioned above, Mental energy, food energy and karma energy influence the formation of particles in a body. It is only mentioned in Abhidharma.)

Dr Dammika Wijerathna

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