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A mug, filled clear water up to the brim
Look at the large mug………..
It is filled with clear water up to the brim.
Keep it on the garden.
You can see a reflection inside the mug.
Think a bit now.
Mug does not have a reflection in its own inside. Nor do the water inside.
Because of mug, water& sun, you have the reflection inside.
So that, the reflection is the collection of above 3. Without any one of them, you do not have a reflection.
Can you hold the reflection?
Can you lift it up?
Can you touch it?
Can the reflection give you a happiness or satisfaction?
Will it make you unhappy?
Will it gain you a pain?
Will it give you a heart burn?
Can you love it?
Can you hate it?
No….. No….. No…. isn’t it?

If you try to touch it, you can touch the water or mug, not the reflection.
If sound comes from the mug or water, it may be due to water boiling. Reflection does not make any sound.
If a smell receives, it may be the cause of spoiling water or an added thing in to the water. Reflection does not make any smelling.

Same thing when you look at you & your mind.
When you look at, it will make a photo or color collection inside your mind. It has no power to do anything. Nor do you handle it like I mentioned earlier. The action of seeing is just because of an outside picture, eye & mind. The collection of these 3 is what you see.
When you hear, an outside sound, ear & mind make a reflection in the mind. The action of hearing is just because of collection of above 3. Sound has no power to do anything. It’s a mere sound .the sound to which you can add million specifications. Eg: human sounds, animal sounds, machine sounds…etc.
When you smell, same phenomenon proceeds. The Smell to which you add many versions like animal smell, oil smell, spoiling smell, etc.
When you taste, it’s a mere sensation or a feeling, a reflection in the mind. The taste to which you add many specifications like bitter taste, salty taste, acidic taste, etc. the taste is taste.it has no specifications. Added thing is what you paste from you, from your mind, from within.
When you touch, it’s only the touching. A Feeling or a sensation because of collective effort of body, outside material & mind. Feeling can not do anything to you. You yourself specify it saying that, feather like, cotton wool like, like a girl, etc.
When you think, mental dots, mind & thoughts (mano- vijnanaya) make you to think developing a MENTAL PICTURE. It’s only a feeling to which you add. it’s my home. It’s my son. It’s my car. Etc.
The people & their actions are like this .but you can not see this due to rapid eruptions & destruction of this mind & its phenomenon. You can see this by VIPPASSANA MEDITATION.
Take a mango seed, split with a knife and then plant it. The tree is not coming up due to the split.
Like wise, when you split the action of seeing in to two the color collection (photo) & the added specification. You will not meet a world. World is going to be ZERO……….

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna

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