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Picture courtecy by national Geographic

Crop circles were first noticed cut in fields of grass, and other crops in mediaeval Europe about 400 years ago and they were said to be the work of the devil, along with many other things science has now explained.

Every year new crop circles appear in late spring all around the world cut into fields of growing agricultural crops and the shapes cut to form geometric patterns of exquisite beauty, of high precision and accuracy. They are both works of art and informative, if not instructional. No-one knows who is making these but a high degree of intelligence is required to make them. Hundreds of crop circles appear every year across Europe and around the world, each one is different and unique. Some are very big – perhaps a hundred feet in diameter. They appear very quickly, mostly at night, which is impossible for humans to do and leave no tracks, even in rain and mud.. It is a huge puzzle that no-one has the answer to.

It can be further explained that some people now have come forward showing us bright balls of light flying over an area even as the patterns in the crops are taking shape. We even have a film of military helicopters chasing them away. But note, all the patterns are complete – none are left unfinished.

During World War two, airmen on both sides of the war reported seeing small bright lights following them into war. They called them “Foo” fighters.

Many people are puzzled by this phenomenon and thousands of photographs have been collected. Some are just beautiful pictures, of strange beetles or jelly fish, others are of a mathematical nature and have been identified as explaining advanced ideas. The first to be recognized was the mathematical constant “Pi”, counted by segments of a circle, the second was the “Flower of Life.” They have given us a new way to square the circle, an ancient quest Greek philosophers set themselves to solve. Another depicts the human DNA spiral, others depict three-dimensional shapes cut in grass. .. and so on. Embarrassingly, we only understand this handful, showing us how we fall short in understanding them.

Each image is of great importance or they would not send it to us. But what is the message?

This is the best evidence that we are not alone in the universe.

It is doubtful that they will ever show themselves to us – just look at our murderous history of war on earth. We beat to death harmless snakes, and then complain about being overrun by rats! We then kill the rats!

Occasionally, Vijaya children’s newspaper publishes pictures about this topic. If you want to know more – go to You-tube and search for ‘Crop circles’. P.H. 4/ 2021

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