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Recent progress of ‘Western’ Christian society can be understood in terms of a battle between good ideas and bad ideas. Bad ideas are like mental viruses that infect the thinking of, chiefly, the believers of the three main ‘Abrahamic’ religions. ( This Abraham and his ideas are at the root of  Christianity, Islam and Judaism). The ideas contained in their official or sacred books, and other ideas arising from these, have caused these three religions to behave in the most horrendous ways to non-believers over the last two millennia. More people have been killed as a result of the teachings of these aggressive religions than even from disease epidemics. Humanity’s only cure for these ‘Abrahamic’ religions is to have honest, open discussions that will oblige them to face their terrible history and abandon their bad ideas. Better still, Christianity should quietly depart from the scene of its crimes entirely.

Concepts of Morality and their Enforcement

These Abrahamic religions have developed a whole range of the most horrible concepts and then implemented them ever since Constantine forced Christianity onto his Roman Empire with “Believe and Baptize – or be Damned!” after 325 C.E. The Roman Empire was the empire of power, the biggest, most powerful and most brutal of all regimes up to that date and  Christianity complimented and furthered its purposes well, dear reader, as you will see. Christian literalists and other ‘religionist’ experts thought up, developed these concepts and refined them over the centuries. They provided new definitions of human values and “morality” which were then translated into utter cruelty; the searching out, the labelling and hating of others became a way of life for firstly, Europe of the Holy Roman Empire and then it spread all around the world. All the ‘Abrahamic’ religions confronted and replaced the easy-going, human-friendly pagan religions often by brutal, bloody means.

End of the Christian “Dark Ages” of Tyranny

Martin Luther’s list of demands, nailed to the door of Wittenberg church in 1517 C.E. initiated a revolt against the venal, murderous Catholics and their ‘Kings and Queens’. Protestantism developed in all its multifarious forms which finally led to the ‘Reformation’ – the destruction of the infamous monasteries with their ‘Hell-Hole’ torture chambers. Slowly, humanity, sanity and commonsense returned to Europe.   But this rebellion, this struggle for freedom cost a great number of human lives. The European religious wars of the 14th century cost Germans, alone, eighteen million people dead. Napoleon finally cleared away Catholic power but again, at the cost of huge numbers killed in battle. He forced Emperor Franz-Joseph II to abdicate from the Holy Empire in 1806. In fact, these protesters and wars merely put an end to an ugly era but did not change the nature of the beast which has evolved; killing became more political and forms and styles of killing changed. Genocides and holocausts occurred and will occur in the future, and now even more subtle techniques of influencing politics are used.   But the moral concepts and attitudes of Christianity are still there, deeply embedded in most societies around the world. Some examples are as follows: 


The destructive, vindictive ideas written in this book eliminate it as a serious guide to anything helpful or useful for any society at anytime in the past or in the future. (The only safe thing to do is to warn people of its vicious nature – and destroy it.) 


This is where, for example, those who do not believe in the Bible as the word of God, or not believe in the Eucharist, or not believe in the death and resurrection of Christ, etc., will all suffer in Hell, a place of fire and heat for an eternity of suffering. (This concept of Damnation for Eternity is a really, really bad idea. An attempt to make this concept of Hell a reality was when Hell was created on earth by Catholic Monks operating in Hell-Holes built into their monasteries basements where they tortured and disfigured millions, yes millions of normal, innocent people before they were put to a public death by burning or the gallows, during 1400 years of the European Christian ‘Dark Ages’. This history is not taught in European schools.)


This has been the fount of many religious tools for coercion, guilt-making and punishment. A whole lexicon of pejorative terms has been developed for the purpose. Thousands, if not millions of people have been ostracised, their lives ruined, or committed suicide as a result of this bad idea and all the other associated ideas. People must to be told that sex is a natural bodily function and when repeated together with a partner, soon becomes an expression of love


Sin is defined as disobedience to GOD as he commands in the bible. For example: “Death to all children not circumcised” (Genesis 17: vs14). Sin came into the world with Eve – the wife of Adam. It is considered to pass from generation to generation. Baptismal is the washing away of all previous sin. It is claimed that newborn babies cry because they demand Baptismal. It also has a more serious connotation – that

only Baptised Christians are fully, truly human.

The corollary to this is that those people not Baptised are not fully human, being animals and they can be used as such. The unbaptised are slaughter cattle for Hell. 


his derives from the idea that all sex is evil. Consequently, all people are born by an ‘Act of Sin’ and soon after birth must be cleansed by Baptising. (The idea that a child is born bad is a wicked one. We must reassure Children they are naturally good. Sin is used as an aggressive concept; it is a universally humiliating, nasty idea.    The Buddha’s ideas penetrate the truth of the matter.  He observed acts and their consequences and drew his conclusions. He expressed consternation at harmful acts. He blamed the act as harmful but not the wrongdoer!   An idea a thousand times better and factually well founded when compared to this ‘sin’ idea that the ‘religionists’ have created, which has resulted in millions of innocents tortured and killed in consequence.) 


This idea is a clue of the origins of the whole bad idea of an almighty GOD. The God of Thunder and War, striking trees and hills with his sword of lightning, is a strong symbol of maleness. Ancient Pagan or ‘Animist’ ideas seems to be at the root of this ‘Abrahamic’ idea – when a superstitious prophet, Abraham, made his covenant with a male God. 


This shows Pagans well enough that the Abrahamic religions teach hate. They hate Pagans and even hate each other! This is foul madness that causes stress, spiralling cycles of hate and resultant crime. (To the contrary, we should marvel at the workings of nature and its amazing variety of forms and species of life – natural evolution; that humans have evolved from something like a mouse! Paganism is miles ahead and easily wins on this point. Buddhists see hate as one of the major personal defilements and seek to minimise it, for many good reasons.) 


Concepts of spirituality are derived from ideas of humans having a soul. As women were the property of men, women spent their time doing the housework. Consequently, they had little or no opportunity to establish themselves as strongly spiritual. As a result, this idea arose. This ‘spiritual‘ idea now travels around the globe as part of globalisation of religion and culture. When Christians journalists write about Buddhism or Buddhist affairs they sneak this word into their writings – all done to homogenise the world’s religions.


This is the original of the ‘Big Brother is Watching’ concept. All your sins are recorded and on Judgement Day you will be held to account. Only a few pass up to Heaven – the rest will be Damned. (Buddhism has its ’cause and effect’- the common sense, natural law applying even beyond the grave. Throughout history, evidence is that this provides enough coercion for uncorrupted people to behave well. Paganism is people friendly – there is no resort to amputation (Sharia) or incarceration (Justice).   ‘Resurrection of the flesh’ – flesh returning?  How – as a helpless baby?)


“The Gift of Truth, which leads to Wisdom is the Greatest of all Gifts”

B.A.Aryatilake   11/03


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