Larry King interviewed Ross Perot
Larry King Live Show on CNN, seen 6th May, 1999
The interview was chiefly concerned with the matter of the widespread violence that had now become a way of life in America. There had been news recently where young people in schools had expressed their hatred of other children by resorting to the use of guns. This had given rise to a great debate in the media of the USA.
But, for a minute or so, Ross Perot turned away from this use of guns issue and spoke about the neuron wiring of infants.
The Neuron Wiring of Infants
Mr. Perot said that the following information is a scientific fact:
Babies newly arrive into the world just as computers arrive through the post – unconnected. Babies arrive with only the brain to heart, brain to eyes and a few other life-giving functions – to start with.
They have trillions of wires called ‘neurons’ all of which have to be wired up right.
Educationalists used to say “leave the teaching to us, don’t teach him to read or write, etc…- we’ll do it.” The bad results are now plain for all to see.
Modern investigation has discovered what really happens.
From birth to eighteen months is the time when a child develops its own positive or negative self image – he (or she) is a little engine that either thinks he ‘can do’ or ‘he cannot do’.
So it is a matter of getting these children to their full potential. You have to coax the child through the learning process. The creative part of the brain is like a muscle, so, if the child just sits and watches television it gets nowhere. Parents and family must provoke and stimulate and question, in order to awaken the child’s potential.
Switch off your television!
You have to give the baby ‘building blocks’ and to develop the creative side of his mind – get him enthusiastic about simple things.
You have to keep baby ‘charged up’ and doing creative things.
Then his (or her) brain becomes ‘wired’.
If a child reaches the age of six years old, and has never developed this way, all the education in the world will not be able to remedy the problem, his IQ is now fixed for life.
Ross Perot gave the example of the West Dallas County School which takes in orphans and children from ‘no-hopers’ and ghetto children.
In that special school the children get shown love and affection and stimulation, they are loved and cherished. (As a result).. the child develops a great ‘self-image’. They are kept there right up to third grade.
When they go to the next school 80% of these children are on the honours roll of the school. The other children, without this special treatment are nowhere – they are not on the lists of achievers of the school.
Ross Perot then talked of how successful people from Asia are in the USA. Usually, they have come from a tightly-knit family background where the neighbours all speak different languages, so that they must speak these to get along.
You can take this one step further and teach children to play the violin at three years using the Suzuki method; that wires up the neurons like crazy.
Larry King observed that during the recent murderous incidents, the priests, pastors and prelates had nothing constructive to say about these expressions of hate. They just said it was ‘the hand of GOD’.
Mr. Perot said that the child’s integrity is also the responsibility of the parents.
He strongly recommended the teaching and the practicing of ‘truth,’ ‘honesty’, ‘integrity’, and teaching of the value of virtue and ethics.
(He fell short of recommending Buddhist practices of observing and controlling ‘the three fires within’ and one’s other defilements; avoiding idleness and its the opposite, taking extreme action.)
Mr. Perot said that the USA needed its intellectual horsepower if it is to maintain its position as a superpower.
U.S. television shows (broadcasts) violent films all day long. Now kids think violence is entertainment. Kids think violence is important. It is what adults like to watch. Violence, bullying of other people weaker than yourself, and other predatory behaviour, has become acceptable in the U.S.A., it is their way of life.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = PH = = 5/1999 = = =
Post Script.
Why does it takes Ross Perot, a US Presidential candidate, to speak out on this basic and important information? All this must have been known by researchers for fifty years already. I personally conclude that government officials do not want you to know this information as given above.
It seems that those in power, governments, military men, do not want educated, thinking people – such people will not want to go off to fight in wars!
Article re submited to CD News by R.O.S