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Questions I couldn’t solve!

(Never intended to an insult.) (Just for information.)

It was the time of electricity cut in Sri Lanka. There was no electricity in the country for many hours then. One day, the afternoon VOICE was being preached in our ………. I was listening to it while working on my computer. My computer informed me that there was a sudden power cut. It doesn’t surprise me. Due to power cut, the power supply to the computer stopped.

But I was surprised.

The sound of VOICE in the ……… also stopped with the power cut.

If the world was created by a Maker, then electricity must also be created by the Maker. Even if Maker himself created it, how can the electricity cut off and stop a sermon of Maker himself? If He is almighty, how could one of his prayers be stopped by a power cut in the country when he was sounding for the healing of people? That is, has something against Maker’s will happened here? How can that be? If the power cut happened according to Maker’s will, why did He push ourselves to a struggle against it? By whose will was the struggle then?

A power cut in my computer was not a surprise to me, but it was a surprise to me that the VOICE stopped due to this cut. If Maker is second to nothing, Maker must be able to continue his VOICE to the end even with this power outage.

Why not?

I hope for an answer to this from any of you.

Thank you !

Dr Dammika Wijearathna

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