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The world “we meet\found” is “considered” as directly proportional.

The world & the found world are NOT one but Two

What ? ???????

The Science vs science!

People think that what they see\observe is the REALITY.

(By Dr. Laage.)

But the Opposite of the seen\observed REALITY is the real REALITY indeed.

What ?

Why ?

Wherever there is an image in the world, it always shows the opposite of what is in real.

Didn’t understand.

Stand in front of the mirror. Is your reflection in the same direction you are facing or is the reflection in the opposite direction to the direction you are facing?


Look at this photo.

It shows how the rays scatter. It’s a scene. You see the rays as if they are coming from one point towards you. Have you ever observed a scene that rays dispersing away from this center outwards ?

Those scattered rays seem to be coming towards you from a center. In order to see that, your picture\image within you as same as that. What is in you can only be seen. Then only you can see a picture like this.  To visualize like this, exterior must be Opposite like man’s mirror image shows opposite of man’s real direction. For that, the rays must disperse from a center outwards.

Look! The opposite of an event is the image. The opposite of image is the event.

For you to see\find light rays coming to you from a center, there must actually be rays dispersing from a center outwards in real.

You have an image always. In that case, the event in reality must take place in the direction opposite to the direction in which an event takes place in an image. That is, if you think that the visible event outside of you is correct, the true event is the opposite to what you see\observe.

The word AMBULANCE is written in this way. It is so that the person looking at it in the mirror can see it correctly. That is because external opposite-ness creates internal correctness.

Likewise, the opposite of a reflection is the reality.

Thus, if you want the reality, you cannot recognize the reality by seeing with eye. Because what you have always is a reflection. Like the direction of your reflection is in the opposite direction of where you actually are in the mirror , the opposite of the “found event” is actually the real.

This is the Reality.

But you cannot “Watch \ See \Observe” it.

That is why Abhidharma mentioned 2567 years ago that the world can be exceeded \ transcended by understanding the inverse-ness of the world.

For that, There is no other way except “Satipattana Meditation”.

Is science right or is Abhidarma right?

Thank you!

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