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Dr Sudath Gunasekara Former Permanent Secretary to Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranayaka


The objective of this essay is to briefly explain the story of the origin of the Sinhala nation and how the valiant Sinhalese have defended their motherland  and its culture against all invaders over the millennia  and the history of the never-ending chain of Indian invasions on this Island from Rama to date and their ramifications and implications on its political economic and socio-cultural spheres, with special attention on the Tamil menace in the Island nation that had tormented this Island nation throughout history, continues to date and might even persist for ages to come, if corrective measures are not taken by the present day leaders in time.

The Tamil menace in Sri Lanka is as old as human history. The insatiable longing in South Indians to capture and own this Paradise Island on earth also has the same antiquity, if it is not older. In recorded history it goes back to the 2nd Century BC. Long before history dawned, even Rama was supposed to have invaded this Island with an army of Monkeys lead by Hanuman in prehistoric times. But that was, rather strangely, not to capture the country as the South Indians dream Tamils continues to do but to rescue his consort Sita from Ravana’s captivity, who had abducted and imprisoned her to avenge, punishment inflicted upon his sister Suparnaka who was ruling over Dhandakaaranya in South India, that was under Ravana the Great, the King of Lanka at that time. Then of cause another North Indian Aryan Prince Vijaya according to legend landed on the Island in 543 BC who was supposed to have found the Sinhala nation. According to history he has not landed here as an invader to capture the country and his landing was not planned either. It was by mere accident he landed here as he was banished from then India by his father. On landing here he met Kuweni a local Princess of the Yaksha tribe and he married her and with her help Vijaya found the Sinhala Nation and the Kingdom, to make long story short, although there is another version to the origin of the Sinhala Nation to say that it is called Sinhala as it was the Nation found by the amalgamation of the four tribes Yaksha, Raaksha, Deva and Naga who inhabited the Island long before, even Vijaya arrived on this Island.

Mahavamsa the Great Chronicle of the Sinhala Nation

According to Mahavamsa the Great Chronicle of the Sinhala Nation, his arrival in the Island in 543 BC, coincided with the date of passing away of Lord Buddha Subsequently in 307 BC the advent of Buddhism took place officially during the reign of King Devanampiyatisa. In a way it was also an ancient Indian invasion. But to the contrary of what the South Indian Dravidayan Tamils did over time and what present day neo-colonial India is doing it was the greatest religio-cultural gift any country in the world could have given to us. It laid the foundation for the Sinhala Buddhist civilization in this Island nation giving a unique identity to the Sinhala nation in the world for ages to come. Since Vijaya’s time, until 177 BC the country was ruled by Sinhala Kings for 484 years without any interruption.

The first South Indian Tamils to invade this country

Sena –Guttika two horse traders from South India were the first Tamils to invade this island in 177 BC It marked the beginning of an eternal chain of successive attempts by the hungry Tamils from South India to take possession of this blessed land. Historically these sordid events of Tamil invasions that followed on this Island could be phased out as follows.

1. 177 BC -101 BC Sena-Guttika to Dutugemunu. 2.!01 BC–1214 AD. Dutugemunu to Magha. 3.1214 – 1739-Magha to Narendrasinha. 4.1739- 1815.Narendrasinah to Sri Wickrama Rajasinha. 5 1815- 1948 Sri Wickrama Rajasinha to Independence  IBritish colonial rule}.  6. 1948 to 1972 Independence to Republic of Sri Lanka. 7 From 1987 to 2009 and 8.2009 to date. The age of messing up and uncertainty)

1. 177 BC -101 BC

Sena –Guttika invaded and killed Mutasiva the Sinhale King and ruled the Anuradhapura Kingdom until Asela replaced them in 155 BC Again in 145 BC Elara another Tamil from South India invaded the country and he ruled for 44 years until Dutugemunu the Greatest Warrior King of the Sinhala Nation defeated him  in combat in 101 BC. King DutugEmunu brought the whole country under one parasol. The golden period of Sinhala civilization began with his ascending the thrown. He was succeeded by his younger brother Saddhaatissa in 77 BC..

2 !01 BC-1214 AD

Since then too there had been many minor Tamil invasions from time to time   This period was followed by the most destructive and devastative Tamil invasion in Sri Lankan history ever, the Kalinga Magha invasion of the 12th century (1214-1235). Mabgha destroyed everything that was Sinhala Buddhist. He robbed the treasures, burned royal palaces and Buddhist temples, destroyed and vandalized the Tanks and irrigation network that was the foundation of the Great Rajarata Sinhala Buddhist civilization.  This marked a turning point in Sri Lankan history and civilization and the shifting of the Rajarata Sinhala Kingdom and civilization to the South West part of the Island for the first time in history sending Rajarata civilization in to oblivion under a jungle tide that lasted for 600 years until the lost cradle of Sinhala Buddhist civilization was at last re-discovered under British colonial rule.

3.1214-1739 AD

In the period that followed the Magha invasion Sinhale Kingdom was shifted from place to place (Yapahuwa Damabdeniya, Kurunegala, Gampola, Kotte, Sitawaka, to Senkadagala) and later disintegrated in to two and sometimes three or four and finally the Kandyan Kingdom founded by Wimaladharmasuriya in 1590 got established as the last Sinhale Kingdom and remained so until 1815 which marked the last year of the Sinhale Kingdom that ended up finally with ceding it to the British empire in 1815.Meanwhile with the death of Narendrasinga in 1739, the linage of Sinhala Kings also ended up with his death.

4 1739-1815. Sri Vijaya Rajsingha –Sri Wickrama Raajasingha.

Kin Narendrasinha’s Chief Queen was a South Indian who by intrigue got her brother Sri Vijaya Rajasingha crowned as King of Kandy with the help of Welivita Saranankara Thera. With this change over from Sinhala to Tamil monarchy the tradition of Sinhala Kings came to an end and it was replaced by a South Indian Tamil due to the follies Welivita Saranakara Thera, may be driven by his long time desire to get Royal patronage to get Upasamapada from Thailand.  He was succeeded again by another Nayakkaara, Kirti Sri Rajasinha. Rajadhi Rajasingha succeeded him and finally Sri Wickrama Rajasingha another Nauakkara whose paternity was unknown was enthroned, under the patronage of Pilimatalavva. With Sri Wickrama’s capture by the British 1815, the Kandyan Kingdom also came to an end. The Sinhalese wanted to get rid of the South Indian Tamil, a tyrant King. Thus the Sinhale Kingdom was again ruled by four South Indian Nayakkara Tamil Princess from 1739 to 1815. Although this was not by invasion on their part but by intrigue in the Royal palace due to the follies of Narendrasinha marrying a South Indian Tamil woman, the 76 years of Nayakkara rule of mixed events filled with intrigue and internal squabbles, the Sinhale Kingdom ended up in a historic tragedy of ceding it to the British Crown, thus ending the 2282 years glorious Sinhala Kingdom. These 76 years of Nayakkara rule also left behind a legacy of South Indian cultural impact in every aspect of Sri Lankan life style, which could be described as a South Indian Tamil cultural invasion.

It is important to note that up to this point all Indian invasions were from South India only. The other Indian States in the north had no interest on Sri Lanka for conquering either.

 5 1815- 1948 – As India was also under British and there was no Independent India during this time India did not have any direct involvement with Sri Lanka on  the Tamil issue. But the British carried out a covert programme of promoting and strengthening Tamils in this country against native Sinhalese in a subversive intrigue against the Sinhala nation with the intention of having a future divided Sri Lanka with a strong and dominant Tamil community and a weak Sinhala nation.

 6. 1948 to 1987.  After India was declared an Independent country in 1947 it began to assert over the internal matters of all neighboring countries where there were people of Indian origin, mostly settled by the British. Since India openly spoke and treated them as people of Indian origin they also began to look for India to preserve their Indian identity and solve their problems without trying to integrate with the native people of the countries where they lived and earned their living. Perhaps inspired and motivated by the Kautilyan concept of annexing adjoining States for empire building India must have been dreaming of the building of an Indian Empire. This situation made Indian immigrants a thorn in the throat in the respective countries. This situation became worse in this country due to many reasons like its proximity to India and its abundant natural resources the envy of many nations, its geo strategic location right at the at the centre of the Indian Ocean  in global power struggle and above all the stupidity and naivety of local political leaders.

Tamils always look at India as their mother land and they never accepted this country as the home land of the Sinhala nation. This line of thinking was promoted by the local Tamil politicians in the North and the East and finally it ended up in claiming 1/3 of this country as their traditional Homeland as dreamt by the Vadukkodai Declaration. India heavily backed this by promoting a separate State concept for Tamils in Sri Lanka which they called EELAM, which no Tamil realized that it simply meant the land of the Sinhala people. India provided  a massive programe of military training for the LTTTE cadre all over India and they were given all support including 3.2Million US $ in addition to military support to fight against the Lankan Government. Finally forced old J.R. to concede to that request through the Rajiv/JR Accord of 1987 July 19 and paved the legal framework to divide the country in to 9 separate States using the political boundaries carved out on land as Provinces by the British, with the 13th Amendment virtually making Sri Lanka the 30th State of India at gun point. The JR/Rajiv Accord and the 13th Amendment also virtually nullified the 1978 Constitution and reduced it to a mere piece of paper.

Tamils in this country under these circumstances completely forgot that they are living in somebody else’s country. They never treated this country by word or deed as their motherland. They only had their physical bodies here, their minds and hearts were always in India. Their mother land was always India and their total allegiance was to India.  Even the Tamil coolies brought by British to work on plantations in the hill country as their slave labour in millions and left behind as a set of stateless people when British left the country in 1948 began to think and act as they have already formed a branch of Tamilnadu right at the center of this land of the Sinhale Kingdom which they called Malayanadu. This in short is exactly how Tamils became a menace to this country.

What is more appalling was there was no native Sinhala leader who could stand up against this tragic travesty of history of this Island and the right royal betrayal   of the motherland of the Sinhala nation, who had found the civilization on this Island 2600 years ago and built up the unique Sinhala Buddhist civilization.  None of these kalusuddhas spoke a single word against this historical tragedy committed against the Sinhala nation. S.W.R.D in 1956 brought about a Sinhala Buddhist revival and only Sirimavo gave some meaning to the 1948 fake Independence in 1972 and freed the country from British rule by declaring it as an Independent Republic. She was the only head of State since 1948 who spoke and did some work to relieve the Heartland (Sinhale Hadabima) of the country from Indian control.  But all what she did was reversed by JR the traitor in 1987 by signing the Rajiv/JR Accord of 1987.

The sad legacy of British Party politics, the curse of mother Lanka.

The sad legacy of British Party politics divided the Sinhala voters in to rival watertight compartments that compelled them to woo the Tamils vote as warring rivals to come to power, consolidate it and remain in power at the peril of the Sinhala nation. As a result in no time the majority became a minority and the minorities especially the Tamils assumed the power of the majority, taking the control of the nation’s destiny in to their hands both locally and in international fora like the UNO.

Vaddukoddai Convention

Meanwhile the Vaddukoddai Convention a blatant lie and a naked travesty of history of this Island nation was passed on May 15 1976, by the TULF meeting Presided over by Mr. Chelvanayakam. The following quote alone proves the diabolical misrepresentation of history by these Tamil maniacs.

Whereas, throughout the centuries from the dawn of history, the Sinhalese and Tamil nations have divided between themselves the possession of Ceylon, the Sinhalese inhabiting the interior of the country in its Southern and Western parts from the river Walawe to that of Chilaw and the Tamils possessing the Northern and Eastern districts;”

Isn’t it a historical political and national tragedy that the Government at that time or any thereafter never challenged this type of misinformation? This also proves that we never had a patriotic government ever since 1815 in this country.


7 From 1987 to 2009

With the LTTE coming in to the seine in early 1980s and picking up the EELAM idea after this resolution, they declared open war against the State causing massive los to a nation over a prolonged period of 30 years until it was wiped out by the Rajapaksa government in 2009. Although they defeated the LTTE cadre including Pirapaharan on Sri Lanka soil it never consolidated the victory on ground like in the past by Dutugemunu and Vijayaba and also never dismantled the international LTTE network called Tamil diaspora spread all over the world like an octopus. The dismal failure on the part of the Sri Lanka government between 2010 to 2015 and the complacence and negligence and promoting separatism from 2015 -2019 has made the issue more complicated. The dismal failure on the part of the Sinhala politicians to put the clock back and restore pre 1815 status quo of the Independent Sinhala Kingdom is perhaps the main reason behind this confusion.

8.2009 to date. The age of messing up and uncertainty)

I put the period between 2009 and 2015 as the age of messing up as the then Government miserably failed to consolidate the historic victory gained in 2009 and messed up in priorities by not putting a sound and stable foundation for future political stability which is  must for nation building. The government of the day paid the heavy toll for this negligence at the 2015 elections.

Again the new government that came to power with intrigue and coups hatched both at home and abroad also had no clear leadership or an action plan to rescue the country out of that complacency and mess. It was virtually radar less and leaderless and it was like ship without a Captain, the President and the Prime Minister pulling the rackety government cart in two opposite directions, infested with chronic vituperative infightings  disastrously ended up in August 2019 as the most corrupted, ineffective and disastrous Government this country ever had since 1948.

New dimensions of Tamil Factor in Sri Lanka politics.

With the British leaving the country in 1948 the Tamil living in this country, both estate labor and those living in other parts of the country raised their ugly communal heads calling themselves a separate nation with heavy support from the new Indian Government. They began to agitate for equal rights in everything with the native Sinhala people who comprise over 75 % of the total population of the country.

Today the Tamils living in the North and East claim for a separate Homeland for them while the army of South Indians Tamil labour occupying the land owned by our ancestors before 1815 claim that land  as their Home land. Thanks to all successive Governments since 1948 today have become the virtual owners of this land while the original owners, the native Sinhalese who were chased out by the British from their ancestral lands when they took their land by force either live in the valley bottoms in abject poverty as refugees on their own motherland neglected and discriminated by their own politicians or thousands of villages displaced due to building reservoirs like Kotmale and Victoria  to change  the demographic map of the central Province have been sent out of their ancestral lands en -masse to the Dry Zone.

Meanwhile the Indian Central government treats all Tamils living here as Indian people and provides them with special facilities often bypassing and ignoring the Sri Lanka Government. At the same time India also directly deal with the Tamils living in Sri Lanka and exert pressure on the Government to grant them equal rights and to satisfy the expectations of the Tamil people and fulfill the Government’s commitments on the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, not given even to Tamils in Tamilnadu. This is how the Indian Government is bullying the Sri Lankan Government today.

Classification of Tamils in Sri Lanka

Tamil presently living in this country could be classified as follows for study purpose.

Descendants of

1 War prisoners and captives of early invaders from South India from time to time starting at 2nd  century BC.

2 Captives brought from India by Kings like Gajaba I in retaliation to invading this country after defeating them and waging war even in South India.

3Those who have come on trade from time to time and preferred to stay behind

4 South Indians brought here by the Portuguese, Dutch and British before 1840 to work on their Projects and left behind high and dry.

5 South Indian Indentured Tamil labour brought by the British to work on the newly opened up plantations in the Central Hill Country and left behind when they left in 1948.


6Temporary visa holders living as illicit Immigrants

7 Illicit immigrants popularly known as Kallathonis

8 Transitory labour who come for work as chiep labour

9 Indian who have come here for temporary employment.

10 People employed in Indian Projects like IOC

Early comers

Those invaders who were left behind from very early times got absorbed and integrated to the main stream and became Lankans or Sinhala people while some of them retained their religion and culture. Also in between there were others especially the converte South Indian Muslim Tamils who came from time to time in small numbers, not as invaders but as traders who were later known as Muslims going by their religion. Most of them got married to local Sinhala women and even took Sinhala ge names and lived among the Sinhala people often under Royal patronage. For example those in Mavanella, Galagedara, Madawala, Udunuwara,Yatinuwara an dKuBuk kanduar in th eKAndy District and those in Panamapattuwa in the East settled by King Senarat   But all these immigrants learned the Sinhala Language got absorbed in to the main stream while retaining their religious identity only. In addition to the language of the country, that is Sinhala, they also spoke Tamil. This may be due to the fact that most of them came from South India and also they did business with both local and Indian Tamils across the sea.  But the important thing to note here is that almost all these people, both Tamils and Muslims knew the language of the Land and they never claimed as separate nations until recent times. Prior to 1815 all of them were known as people of Sinhale.  So, even today nearly 95 % of the population in this country is conversant in Sinhala.

The estate Tamils who were brought by the British after 1840s, even though they were deliberately kept separated from the local as a community also learnt Sinhala as they came in contact with the neighboring Sinhala villages.  So if you take the language as the dominant factor that unifies a nation, in this case Sinhala, what is the other name by which you should name this country and the Ratavesibhaavaya (Citizenship)? they should be given. See our immediate neighbor India, then countries like Thailand, Japan, China, Korea, Russia, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain and England to name only a few. All these countries are named after the dominant language spoken in those countries and the citizenship is name by the name of the country; in our case Sinhala.

Rise of Tamil Ntionalism

It is only at the Donoghmore reforms the Tamil politicians tried to establish a separate identity, though there were seeds of Tamil nationalism even as early as 1911 when Aurunachalam Ramanadan as Director of Senses and Statistics named the Tamils in the North and East as Ceylon Tamils (when translated SinhaleTamils)   and he broke away from the Ceylon National Congress and founded the Ceylon Tamil League in 1923.  Ponnambalan in 1935 demanded the famous 50-50 representation.

With the growth of Tamil communal politics they assumed a Tamil National” attitude and Tamil nationalism emerged which in later years tried to assert as a separate nation within this country. No wonder these minions behave like goliaths when there are no Sinhala statesmen of stature to draw the line and tell everybody that this country has only one nation and those who talk of many nations will be charged for treason or deported to their original places.

Communal Tamil politics getting firmly established in this country

1947 Formation of the Federal Party

The Vaddukoddai Resolution was adopted on 14 May 1976 calling for the creation of an independent Tamil Eelam by the Tamil United Liberation Front under the leadership of S. J. V. Chelvanayakam. It contested the 1977 Sri Lankan parliamentary election on its demand for Tamil Eelam and won an overwhelming mandate in the Tamil areas, becoming the main opposition party in Sri Lanka, the only time a minority party has done so.

LTTE taking to arms and its defeat in 2009

This was followed by the LTTE taking to arms. Fought for 30 years and finally defeated in 2009 under Mahinda Rajapaksa But in spite of the defeat of the LTTE cadre still the Eelam ideology and the Tamil separatists movement is living both at home and abroad as the powerful Tamil Diaspora supported by the Western world.. As such no one can take it for grant that the Tamil threat is over. It will persist for ages to come unless we take immediate corrective measure to defeat it and the Sinhala nation is at great danger and risk.


The concept of a nation

Although the idea of nationality is difficult to define the term nation in modern society is generally used to describe a community of race and language, geographic unity, community of religion, common political aspiration and, above all,  historical development over a long time. This is of course not universal. But however it is essentially a sentiment of unity, spiritual in character and the will of a people to live together as Laski put it. The unity is the outcome of a common history.

The Sinhala people in this context had been a nation at least from the 6th century BC in this country, long before the west even conceived the idea of a nation as outlined above. Even the four groups who lived here previously got identified as one nation as Sivhela/Sinhala. That is why the land was called Sinhale, meaning the land of the Sivhela/Sinhala. With the introduction of Buddhism in 307 BC they became Buddhists and ever remained as ”The Sinhala Buddhist Nation’ in this country. With all the vicissitudes of history even in 1815 more than 95 % of the people in this country came within this category except a few numbe, along the Northern and Eastern coastal littorals.

Both Tamils and Muslims have their own motherlands elsewhere whereas Sinhalese have none, other than this country their homeland and motherland from the dawn of history or even before.

Tamils have a motherland in South India and Muslims have motherlands all over the world including the entire Middle East Africa, Pakistan, Indonesia and  Malaysiya. Therefore none of these people can claim this land as their motherland. Thanks to British they also have Maldives, a part of Sri Lanka Sinhale before 1948. Therefore Tamils and Muslims living here are only visitors or intruders who are enjoying the nature’s luxuries on this Island and trying to make this their own land by annihilating the Sinhala Buddhist nation.

Sinhalese have only this Island as heir motherland

Sinhalese are the people who found this land and who built up the civilization on it for 2500 years or more. They are people who defended it against all invaders throughout history. This was indeed their only motherland from the dawn of history. Thousands of archaeological, epigraphical and literary evidence often running even to prehistoric times spread over the entire length and breadth of this country bear enough evidence to this conclusion that has been proved beyond all doubts. Therefore it is irrefutable. From point Pedro in the North down to Dodra in the South and from Puttalam in the West to Batticalloa in the East what is buried underneath is the heritage of the Sinhala Buddhist civilization

I challenge Vignesvaran (who claim that 4 specimens of Sivalingam or  Hakeem or any one of their grandfathers name who had been a Tamil or a Muslim King in this country who has built one Stupa, an irrigation tank or even a field canal or an edict by a Tamil besides a one made by a Sinhala King in any part of the Island. In this historical backdrop Tamils, Muslims and any other minor ethnic group in this country that forms a part of the Sri Lanka nation or the Sinhala nation is only an integral part of the ”Nation Lankan or Sinhala’ as this country had been known as the land of the Sinhala people right through out in history. The land cede to British in 1815 was Sinhale.  (See the Kandyan Convention).  No man or woman can contradict it unless he or she is an incurable lunatic. Therefore at least now these minority ethnic mental cases should understand their limitations and the legitimate role within the Lankan nation, and concede to this historical reality and learn to live with the major community without running to America, India and other countries asking to tame the Sinhala nation and thereby create unwanted problems for us as well as for themselves. I am positive that the big majority, who are sensible, are prepared to do so. For those who are not prepared to concede to this irrefutable reality, I think, it is high time that they should renounce their craving for this day dream of possessing this land and go back to their own motherlands without trying to dream of a motherland on somebody else’s country and claiming illegal ownership of someone else’s soil by going round the world just denigrating our country.

On the other hand one last word for our politicians. I think, it is high time that first and foremost  they should rise above petty and narrow party politics and assert and behave as statesmen and write this provision in to the Constitution of this country and declare that anyone agitating, behaving or instigating, aiding and abetting others to talk, act or behave as separate nations or agitate for separation, contravening the law of the land, shall be charged for high treason

The Indian Government always thinks Sri Lanka is one of its suzerainties

Otherwise how can the Indian Minister of External Affairs orders Sri Lankan Government like this?

The latest verbal invasion by India on this country was displayed last week when Indian Minister of External Affairs Dr. S. Jaishankar yesterday urged the Sri Lankan Government to satisfy the expectations of the Tamil people and fulfill the Government’s commitments on the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. He further said It is in Sri Lanka’s own interest that the expectations of the Tamil people for equality, justice, peace, and dignity within a united Sri Lanka are fulfilled. That applies equally to the commitments made by the Sri Lankan Government on meaningful devolution, including the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. The progress and prosperity of Sri Lanka will surely be advanced as a consequence.” He further added The progress and prosperity of Sri Lanka will surely be advanced as a consequence.”

What are the expectations of Tamils in this country he is talking about? Is it the separate Tamil State, when India itself has denied it on its own land in Tamilnadu, where even their language is not recognized as an official language andagitation for separation has been banned by Statute. This was the first official visit of a high-level foreign dignitary in Sri Lanka in 2021 as well as the first official visit outside India in the New Year. That alone shows the importance India pays to Sri Lanka at a time in history when India’s relationship with all it’s neigbhours right round is at stake


Thus the South Indian Tamil invasion on this Island had been a continuous chronic legacy from 2nd century BC to 1815. All these invasions from 2nd Century BC up to 1815 shared the following characteristics. First they were all South Indian and the rest of the subcontinent had no connection to them. Second they were frequent and recurrent but short lived except the Elaara invasion. Third none of them could capture or control the whole Island. Fourth all these invasions were decisively defeated and Sinhala Kingdom was fully restored. As such none of these I early invasions has left behind any imprints of their culture other than the vestiges of their destruction and devastations done to the native Sinhala Buddhist civilization in this country.

Only after India became an Independent country it had started to throw its weight around dictating the neighbour countries as to what they should do and what they should not do: with what country they should have dealing with and with what country they should not etc Whenever there is difference of opinion it bully and invade. It appears as if India thinks every country and everything around the Indian Ocean belongs to India. That is why India has fallen out with all its neighbours Probably India is trying to experiment Kautilyan tactics of statecraft for empire building. It is high time that India and its crazy politicians should understand that the world has changed a lot since then and every Independent and sovereign country has its own right of decision making irrespective of it size and military power. It is the responsibility of the Government of the country to  tell India in plain terms to mind its own business without interfering with our domestic matters. On the other hand if India is so concerned about the Tamils in Sri Lanka, often more than their own people, the best thing it should do is to take all these people there without trying to dictate to us as to how we must treat our citizens. So that both India and Sri Lanka will be relieved of this pain in the neck for good and the Tamils presently living in this country will also enjoy heavenly pleasure back in their beloved and cherished Motherland.

Post Colonial Period.

The British who discriminated against the Sinhalese in fact had over the years built up a superiority complex in the minds of Tamils in Sri Lanka by providing them with better education facilities in their areas and more government jobs whereby they prepared the background for communal clashes between the native Sinhalese and Tamils

During the period between 1505 and 1815 of Western colonial invasions all the colonial powers brought slave labour from Malabar in South India to work on their tobacco farms and other projects as the proud native Sinhalese refused to work under the White invaders. Meanwhile between 1840  and 1910 British imported large number of coolies as indentured slave labour from South India to work on their newly opened up Coffee and Tea Plantations in the central hill country partly as again native Sinhala people refused to work under the white people but mainly because South Indians were cheap and submissive labour. Adding insult to injury the British, maintained these estate regions as virtual enclaves’ separated from the native Sinhalese and left them behind as an army of Stateless Indians coolies (over 1.2 Million) when they went back in 1948 leaving an eternal political headache and an economic and social burden to this Island nation.

It is the fruits of this sad legacy of divide and rule British colonial policy we are compelled to reap and struggle for the survival of our nation and the motherland

One last word to modern India for our mutual interest, isn’t it worthwhile to remember that not only  in ancient times but even in modern days Sri Lanka has decisively defeated the Indian manipulated LTTE menace in 2009, without their support, even though it took 30 years to do so due to the fault of our own leaders at home.  I hope the local Tamils will also learn a worthy lesson from what I have said here.

1 My advice to Sinhala political leaders.

First to Sinhala political leaders

I am addressing this note to you as Leaders without addressing it to all politicians for the simple reason that you are the people who lead other politicians by whipping them with the Party whip and they just follow you like a herd of lambs either to everybody’s prosperity or doom.

Please understand at least now, that you and your predecessors who had lead this country since 1948 the date of so-called Independence, that is still to come, are solely responsible for  all the current appalling political, economic and social crises that bleed this country and the nation for

Firstly, groping in the dark, without not knowing what this country is, its nation and its heritage are

Secondly, your sole objective of self – interest and power that opens the door to wealth and privilege

Thirdly, even if you know the three things mention under one above you have sidelined them as they run counter to you ambitions under the second.

Fourth In this rat race for self- interest you forget about broader national interest and pamper the minorities to get their votes and ignore the Sinhala majority who are divided on blind Party lines and blindly vote the Party to which they are wedded.

So knowing this predicament and the only way to come to power and remain in power is to woo the minorities, like the hungry fox that followed a goat expecting its testicles to fall you went after the minority foxes to form Governments and made the minority a majority and the Majority the Minority in this country and brought about this pathetic situation.

To get out of this pathetic and tragic situation, assuming that the none of the present day politicians will abandon this practice we have now look for an entirely a new to counter this situation and save the Sinhala nation and the motherland.

Now that all the major Political Parties such as the SLFP.UNP.LSSP.CP and JVP are no more there and also all of them have failed and the SLPP which I not a political Party and it is only an interim arrangement of former SLFP rejects and drops outs from all other parties around one person Mahinda Rajapaksa who also has failed as a Sinhala National leader with his runnibg after Tamils and Muslims  even his brother Gotahabaya  also has failed by his dependence on Muslims and this is the best time to look for a new National Sinhala LEadeship. Tamil in spite of the fact none of them have voted him, as he himself has admitted after the Elections is also pretending to act as a Sinhala leader sonly this is the best

As a result of this game of political Chess the country has completely failed to raise its head as an independent country for 72 years. Therefore if we are to move ahead as an Independent and vibrant nation first we have to restore back to the pre 1815 status as a free and Independent country within the framework of one country, one nation and one law first. Ban all political parties named after ethnicity, religion or any other divisive criterion and have only two National Parties until we evolve a political system without Political Parties. All political leaders who cannot agree to this formula should immediately say good bye to politics in this country for good.

2 and Tamil and Muslim minorities living in Sri Lanka

Then ask the minorities to accept that status quo or return to their own countries without giving headache to us. Under this system Tamils can go back to their Motherlands in South India and Muslims to  either Arabia or India depending from where they have come,

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