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The most venerable, the late, NAAUYANE ARIYADHAMMA Thero was onetime asked by his known person about why Lord Buddha has selected a land called -Sinhala Deshaya – Sri Lanka to properly install his Doctrine called Buddhism for 5000 years?
Thero explained 5 reasons for that.
01.The land is self-sufficient all the time.
02.The land is small enough to rule by a one ruler.
03.The men of this land are highly devoted (“SRADDA”).
04.The men of this land are intelligent (“PRAJNA”).
05.They are brave enough all the time to face any opposition came either from outside or inside.
From the day that the prince VIJAYA came from India or even before, this land was attacked by different rulers of outside & inside to bring this beautiful land under their control\wish for different purposes. They followed a hell of ways & means, from a total genocide to the social, administrative, economical, psychological & even an ideological warfare to bring this beautiful country under their hand or bring it under their wish.
 (sometimes all males including children were put to death, sometimes those who just passed a designated age limit were gunned down, the paddy lands were set on ablaze, total destruction of homes, constructions & even the temples were set on fire by the invading forces & by using mercenaries as well, total destruction of irrigation systems which were used to supp

which were used to supply water for paddy lands around the clock, introduction of new weeds to topple paddy cultivation & so on)

The secret idea of playing these games was to ANNIHILATE the Buddhism & its protectors from this land.
Although they played a hell of miracles openly or secretly with all doors closed over the past 2600 years, were those playings successful as their wish up to now?
Were those games successful up to their target?
Was the target achieved up to now?
The most wonderful thing is; those who fought bitter fights\wars to abolish this truth from this land in the past are increasingly getting refuged now under the same doctrine & you can see how their current life is if you visit a solitude or hermitages of this beautiful land.
Either virtuous or non-virtuous, we must sincerely thank the SANGHA community or the community of Buddhist monks for their unprecedented, irreversible guts, courage & wisdom rendered on behalf of this land for a total safeguard of this eternal truth & the country. We must respect them from our bottom of hearts. We must bow down before them around the clock for their service rendered on behalf of the nation. We should NOT criticize them in whichever the way because the “Thing” they protected & brought forward, sometimes without knowing how much it costs or sometimes due to privileges they get from the community  was that much of precious & nothing is available in the universe to tally its value.
The value of a gem can be counted by money. But, the money means NOT the gem. Though you take one million dollars by selling a gem, the money you took will disappear with time but the value of the gem remains unchanged even after your demise. Likewise, even if you sell the TRUTH for one million dollars, the money will disappear one day but the value of the truth remains unchanged.
The value of a gem is felt by someone who knows its value & a man may throw it in to a bin if he does not know the value of it. But, having seen the gem in the bin, a man who knows its value will take it once again for his benefit. The preciousness of a gem is precious among men who know the preciousness of it in a community like people in Sri Lanka. The preciousness of a gem will not tarnish at wherever it situates. The gem found about 2600 years ago is equally valued even today & will the value of a gem be getting reduced with time in future?
See! much you grind or cut open a gem, much it glitters. Likewise, much you grind, cut open, criticize, assault or do whatever a harm to this truth, will glitter it much why because then only the people get to know much about it & then only the people go to know that there is something still prevailing in this world at least to make a search for it for an attacking purpose.
Even today, some try to hit it as much as they could thinking that they can tarnish its shine without knowing a hit will receive much shine to the truth than ever. A new waves of plans are on the table & some are ongoing in an astral-bodied way.
Pl. note that NOTHING will be successful in the long run & it’s like the crab’s dance till the water boils.
Thank you!

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna

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