Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
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in Myanmar and elsewhere in South East Asia

It is most unlikely that Sri Lankans are aware of the true causes of disruptions, mob events, confrontations with the military and destruction of property – the turmoil that is happening in Myanmar. What little news that is published comes from the western- controlled press and it is not truthful by design – it is usually artfully misleading. Buddhist reporters do not search out information and explanations are not available and so, the Buddhists are in the dark. No-one is available to report honestly on what is happening there. As a result Sri Lankans have no knowledge of what is happening and just think of Myanmar, their old friend and neighbour as just incomprehensible.

But there is a very dark story to be told. It is all to do with the geopolitical loss of status of the USA in the face of a changing world and the low depths to which the USA administration is willing to stoop to achieve its purpose of maintaining its hedonist, hegemony – power. China, the challenger to the USA, has now an enormous economy with a large manufacturing capacity, using advanced technology, which perhaps in some areas, even surpasses the USA. This powerful challenge is resented by the USA. The fact is, the US wants to keep its pre-eminent position that it inherited after the fall of Communism. In consequence, it chooses to disrupt and destroy by any and all means possible, this unwelcome rise in Chinese power. It does this to all the countries surrounding China, China’s natural markets for its goods.

The countries around China: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, all benefit from this Chinese business activity. And China has its “belt and road initiative” which seeks to develop its neighbour’s infrastructure and manufacturing facilities in order to greatly assist with supplying the great Chinese manufacturing machine.

China needs customers, markets for its products and in return it needs raw materials and fuel energy to support its manufacturing, building and construction. For example, China would like to build a trade link through Myanmar to a port on the Indian Ocean. It also wants to build a land link to India. These would help it export its goods.

If this road building can be blocked or its trade activity can delayed or disrupted, this will enable the most powerful country on earth to remain the leader of the free world, so they think! The USA takes this competitive development activity very seriously as this challenges its unsurpassed power, which in turn enables some of its top citizens, the decision makers, the elite, to live comfortable lives without great effort, worry or hardship and with the power and authority to dabble in and influence events around the world. They can act like king-makers around the world. Great, inflated egos are at stake here and are being challenged!

In the case of Myanmar, the US does this by setting up NGOs based in the safety of Thailand, done with the purpose of sending activists to Myanmar. The USA finances and trains these NGO groups. These different groups, human rights groups, etc., are paid to agitate, and campaign – to go villages or on the streets and agitate, stirring up protest movements to cause civil society unrest. The enemy includes all those who work for the state, the military government, even doctors and nurses. After so many years this US. outside interference has fired up very serious hatreds among the many ethnic groups, mostly the Buddhists but some are Christian! When they are not fighting the government, they are fighting and killing each other – chaos has been created.

So, to neutralize any government the US  does not like, it has established powerful state organisations dedicated to do this nefarious undermining or even regime change (as has happened in Pakistan recently) but in Myanmar’s case, a country on the border with China. The leading US organization, the National Endowment for Democracy, or NED, is well financed and has directors who have a terrible historical record of bringing chaos and ruin to countries in the Middle East. It routinely uses NGOs to undermine target governments by supporting their opposition, or any other disgruntled elements, and where necessary to slowly find, bring together, finance, and train these people to go out and foment unrest. This is done with the purpose of challenging those in power with regime change. In the case of Myanmar, the NED’s web site gives the names of 57 NGOs created and funded for the purpose of training and subversion, and in this way to reach the US goal of neutralizing China’s trade and manufacturing expansion. A factory burned down by fire is as effectively destroyed as having a bomb explode on it!

The little news you get is carefully crafted. Aung San Suu Kyi, the leading politician in Myanmar, married Michael Aris in 1972, an English Oxford academic and has three children. She is the good lady, or so we are made to believe. She has been enabled to rule because her government has made the position of State Counsellor for her. But they do not tell you she also has an inner cabinet and is surrounded by three Western advisors, Mr. Joseph Fisher, who also works for the British Foreign office, Sean Turnelly – an Australian economist, and lawyer Robert San Pe, who is also simultaneously working for the UK Foreign Office!

It is a form of recolonization of the old British colony of Burma! But in February 2021 the Myanmar Military had had enough of this outside interference and staged a coup and drove these foreigners out of office and arrested the Government.

How did Aung San Suu Kyi get enough support to win office? The reason is that over many years the NED has poured a great amount of money into the NGOs they created, using them to praise her work and create support for her among the tribes. These NGO’s have worked over the years and propagandized with the result that Mrs. Aung can win political power easily, bringing the desired result which is to reduce Chinese influence and trade. She fulfills the USA’s objectives of preventing the Burmese and the Chinese working together. But on the negative side, there is also much fighting and killing between tribes, they are fighting and killing each other. Aung San Suu Kyi is a politicians who rules over deliberately stirred up mayhem and murderous chaos.

ROS: October 2022

Note:  Information From “New Atlas” web site.

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