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The value of a human.
Most of the people in this world do NOT know the value of them & their that they used to harm others & loose their own lives, most probably they are incorrectly taught. To day I am going to talk about the VALUE of a human or value of being a human.
If I say, a man receives a golden chance, to be born as a human & it is a bonus in “ Sansaric” life, it is 100%correct.
Go back to your birth date & count 40 weeks backwards & imagine where you were. You all can do the job.
If you have the ability to see that past, ¾ or even more of the world population will get the Heart Attack or they will abandon their duties & will come to the temples to be ordained as Buddhist monks to follow the way from their bottom of  hearts.
Unfortunately we do not have that ability to see that…….
I am going to ask you a question.
Suppose a man wants to kill you in a secret way. He comes at night & makes a trap in your foot path & goes home. Another one sees it & comes to you & warns you about his plan.
If you accept his warning, you will save your life.
If you do not, your life will be in danger.
Likewise, great men warn you about what to do & what not to do for your own benefit, saving is depending on your acceptance.
If you do well, good results in future.
If you do bad, bad results in future.
But the most pathetic thing is you yourself hand over your life to a 3rd or 3rd party just because of lack of wisdom. 3rd party depends on your merits.
If a 3rd party lives, we are like scarecrows. Can not do,say, think anything. 3rd party becomes an ancient Roman king. The king is satisfied by sending 2 worriers to fight to death. Likewise 3rd party is satisfied by sending men to this world & makes them to kill each other. How many religious killings nowadays?
Can it happen?
We are not 3rd party senders. Our birth depends on dependent origination which is difficult to understand. We can be kings, Arahants, pachcheka buddhas,Lord buddhas depending on the try.
Man can develop special knowledges by which you can fly in air, walk on water, touch the sun & the moon, dive under the earth. These are called “Ashta samapaththi”& also can see the Sansaric life of everyone, can see the future world called “Pancha Abinna”etc.
See man has this much of power!
What you need is the try.

Dr. Dammika Wijesinghe