(DR , Lage.)

What ?

Is there no human vision ?

There are no animals or objects in a vision.

What ?

How can you say that there is no human vision if he is a human being?

If so, how can a vision be related to a human being?

Vision is in a man, but there is no man in vision. A vision is a Physical act.  e.g.; Look at the whole process of creating a human vision. Vision in it is a physical process, not a process of a “human”. Do you say human vision because there is a human in that process?

Why not ?

A vision that is born in a human is not a human vision but a physical vision.

Correct yourself…….

Vision is generated in a man, but there is no man in vision. A vision always only a physical vision. It is a physical process.

What are you trying to say now ?

Here, because of this lack of understanding, you develop a sense of desire for a vision. e.g.; Seeing women. There are no women in a vision. A vision is a physical creation caused by a certain frequency of light. When a vision is a woman, you go after the woman. But you don’t know that the vision you follow is a particular frequency of light. You cannot catch vision (Never ever) because it is Energy but you catch body (Mass) instead.

It is because of this lack of understanding that you develop a sense of anger and hatred. e.g.; Seeing an enemy. There are no enemies in vision. For a vision to be a foe, that particular frequency of light must be a foe or hostile to you. Is it ?

See seeing as seeing (ditte ditta mattan). Abhidharma will help you do that. After that you will have no lust or hatred upon a vision or upon any light frequency.

That is Abhidharma theory….

Isn’t that what you want?

Thank you!