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What can we learn about Ancient History?

Yes! They have found what is almost certainly the original and definitive ‘Noah’s Ark’ as described in the Christian historical records – the Bible. It was built to survive a coming world-wide flooding event. Any critical examination of the rocks, hills and mountains of the planet tell us of a most violent history; of huge cataclysmic events, involving giant cyclone winds, huge, massive thunderbolts, dust and rocks rain and flooding. One such event is proven to have happened around 9600BCE.

Researchers have found the boat lying in a mud flow 6,375 feet up high in mountains close to Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey. Metal detectors and deep ground penetrating radar have located the timbers and other details; it is 300 Egyptian cubits long (515 feet) and 50 cubits wide – just as the historical records tell us.  This tells us the size of the great flooding event, one which carried the Ark 6,375 feet high up a mountain! Imagine at least 6,375 feet of dirty water above your head! It is not surprising that the historical records say that only a few people and still fewer giants survived.

However, there must have been some warning of an impending cataclysm as they had time to build such an enormous, gigantic boat. The researchers have identified stalls for animals on both sides for the length of the boat. The ancient books tell us the captain and passengers of the boat had been Noah and his wife, his three sons; Ham, Sherman and Japheth, together with their wives and all their children; the boat builder, Puzur Amurru; and a large crew. But who designed this boat using great seafaring knowledge, all designed to sound mathematic principles, including Pi (    ) and The Golden Ratio (   )? And who were these expert boat-builders living before the Flood, 11,600 years ago?

It is helpful now, for the reader to get some facts about the development of steel. The United States has recently developed a more advanced structural steel for building purposes. This advanced steel has additions of about 8% Aluminium and also 2% of Titanium.                                  

This is the latest, most modern metallurgical development only reached in the last five years or so..

Concerning the boat, however, metal rivets have been found in the soil above the boat and a sample or two of these have been sent to laboratories for analysis of the metal.

The results of the analysis of the iron in the rivets gives around 91% Iron, 8% Aluminium and 1.3%  Titanium. Therefore, these rivets are made from ‘high-tech’ steel taken from a boat, built 11,600 years ago! And you need both electricity and great heat to make Aluminium from Bauxite: therefore these craftsmen must have had a good knowledge of electricity – and even more ‘high-tech’ knowledge to refine Titanium. Also, they must have discovered that these two materials, when added to iron increase its strength considerably making it very useful as a structural steel. Who were the people who built this High tech boat, the Ark?? What do the historical records tell us about Noah?


The Arrival of a Comet on Earth and then, a Great Storm

Several comets hit the planet around 10,800BCE. This caused water vapour and dust to rise up into the air, blocking out the warm sunlight. This lack of sunlight caused temperatures to rapidly drop to minus 47oC (central Greenland) – and caused an ice age, named the “Later Dryas” to set in for 1,200 years. These dates have been established as scientific fact by the best qualified researchers in the world.

A second cataclysmic event occurred around 9,600BCE. It was seven days of terror in complete darkness with no sun. People could see nothing in the dark. It was a hurricane storm of gigantic proportions. Great bolts of tornadic lightning blasted the earth creating shockwaves with a terrible noise. Burning sand and molten white-hot rocks mixed with highly charged electric plasma, came raining down all around the earth. Whole mountain ranges were formed from the burning dust and rock by shock blasts and tornadic storm winds many times stronger than those we normally see in tornados. The storm was like a screaming beast the ancient texts say. Howling high winds carried red-hot sand and dust; burning oil falling as rain, caused many deaths around the world,

people climbed trees but many people were drowned in it. (Ref: lecture by Dr. Michael Steinbacher – see note below(*).)

Waves of tidal water surged around the globe, descending over mountain passes, roaring like wild bulls. This was followed by more days of chaos as the storm subsided, leaving mud and devastation as far as the eye could see. According to the ancient texts most Annunaki giants, 409,000 of them, were killed, and even more humans – the Adamu, were killed. Those people who survived were completely terrorized.  The gods were angry indeed!

There are reports from all around the globe of how Venus flared brightly and illuminated Saturn – its parent in the Solar System. It is also possible that another planet (Nibiru?) passed close by at that time and so, disturbed Venus, which then developed into a comet and toured our neighbourhood conflicting with Earth and Mars.

It is clear that there has been a conflict between the planets, in the form of exchanges of rocks and sheet lightning, as each planet either gained or lost energy and moved away into new orbit.

On the face of Mars is a scar of huge length and depth, machined out by an electric arc which gouged out many cubic miles of rocks and sand, some of which must have landed on planet Earth in the storm. This was an extreme event, probably caused by Mars and Earth coming too close.

Concerning the 6,375 feet or more of water; it is thought the source of this water can only come from the sea basins themselves; only they have enough water for that effect.

The Moon causes tides of up to 30 feet at the Equator. But here we have a flood of more than 6,375 feet in central Turkey. To get this great tide of water flooding the world, it seems likely that a planet – perhaps Mars, came very close to Earth and raised this great tide of sea water. And also, during the exchange of electric charge it is possible that the rotation of the earth slowed, so that this great tide of water under its own inertia, momentum, flooded around the World. It was not the wave of a Tsunami – that could roll and destroy a boat. This tide gently raised the Ark and deposited it high up in the mountains with little damage.

Those few humans who hid in caves and survived were in great shock and fear. They were the new hunter-gathers, without their tools and food.

[(*)Michael Steinbacher’s presentation was made to the Electric Universe Conference, 2014 (see U-Tube Clip)]               

Roger O. Smith, 22/1/2017

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