The Trump administration is making public some shocking news of misuse of US tax payers’ money by USAID. Amidst these revelations is more shocking news of the role of George Soros & his Open Society Foundation in both US & overseas. What the Trump administration accuses Soros of, cannot be any different in Sri Lanka. It is baffling why immediate action is not being taken to investigate the entities involved in Sri Lanka.

Allegations by Trump & officials against George Soros

  1. Financial support for immigration, reforms, criminal justice reform, pro-democracy movements in an attempt to manipulate US politics.

Fox News in 2018 suggested Soros was backing migrant caravans from Central America.

  1. Trump & allies including AG William Barr criticized Soros funding of local district attorney races across US – these attorneys were promoting criminal justice reforms, reducing sentence for non-violent offenses, reforming cash bail systems all resulting in softer law enforcement policies.
  1. Former UN envoy Nikki Haley (2018) accused Soros of interfering in domestic politics of countries through Open Society Foundation which were supporting & funding groups working to undermine national security. Haley had told UNGA that Soros & his foundations were behind efforts to impose international migration policies on countries.
  1. 2017-2020 Soros was accused of funding anti-Trump organizations including organizations that focused on voter rights, immigration rights, womens rights, racial justice. Soros has been blamed for Jan2017 Women’s March & “Black Lives Matter” protests.
  1. 2018-2020 Trump supporters allege Soros is a supporter of Globalist agenda & promotion of open borders.
  1. 2019 – President Trump at the UNGA implied Soros was funding opposition to his immigration policies & undermining his administration. Trump referred to his organization as “globalist” trying to influence govts worldwide & weaken their national sovereignty.
  1. Soros was also criticizes for financial support of left-wing causes including funding pro-immigration / pro-reform groups.

President Trump also alleges that USAID gave $260m to Soros which has been utilized to influence political processes & destabilize govts including India, Bangladesh, Ukraine & Sri Lanka.

The New York based East-West Management Institute founded in 1988 partnered with Soros foundation receiving over $270m grant from USAID over 15 years. Soros foundation however refutes these allegations.

However, in 2018, Judicial Watch obtained documents suggesting that USAID funds channeled through EWMIwere used to support judicial reforms in Albania

Trump, Musk Slam Soros for Using USAID Funds to Destabilise India, Bangladesh, Ukraine & Sri Lanka | Firstpost America

EWMI is engaged in initiatives in Sri Lanka with local & international partners with particular focus on the legal services. It is interesting that these entities have all set up immediately after the 2015 regime change orchestrated by US-India.

  1. 2015-2020 – Advancing Transparency & Accountability

US State Depts Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor (DRL) funding through EWMI to the COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE ALLEGATIONS OF BRIBERY or CORRUPTION (CIABOC)

The US funding given to CIABOC through EWMI was towards

  • Developing an automated case management system to track cases (is this system open to US)
  • Enhancing outreach & communication between CIABOC, govt agencies & civil societies
  • Administering grant program to encourage NGO involvement (for what) coordinating with BASL (all these entities have also been funded by USAID)
  1. April 2019 – Facilitating Anti-Corruption Knowledge Exchange
  • Promoting knowledge-sharing between Sri Lanka & Indonesian anti-corruption agencies
  • CIABOC officials taken for 3 day meeting in Jakarta by EWMI
  1. 2008-2011 – Community Based Legal Aid Project

US State Dept grant given to EWMI to offer free legal assistance to underserved communities (who are they) in North Sri Lanka

  • Giving legal advice for land disputes, domestic conflicts & obtaining necessary govt documentation for land return (how come majority have fake deeds & no original deeds to prove their claim)
  • Funding & training local lawyers & public on legal rights.

Who are the local entities EWMI works with in Sri Lanka

  1. Partnering with Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC) under “Advancing Transparency & Accountability” program
  1. Partnering with Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) – “anti-corruption initiatives” involving civil society organizations
  1. Partnering with Legal Aid Commission of Sri Lanka – “Community-Based Legal Aid Project” – free legal assistance to underserved communities
  1. Partnering with Civil Society Organizations
  • Centre for Environmental Justice (CEJ) – for environmental conservation & public interest litigation & launched “eJustice” app to report environmental crimes.
  • Equal Ground – organization founded by Rosanna Flamer-Caldera advocating for LGBTIQ rightssince 2004 & organizes events like Colombo Pride,
  • Sarvodaya – funding from USAID (15% of its funding), organizations affiliated to Soros including EWMI collaborating with Soros.

Critics also accuse Soros of being involved in supporting the Right to Information Act

  1. Partnering with Govt ministries
  • Ministry of Justice for legal reforms to justice system
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs for policy advocacy
  • Ministry of National Integration, Reconciliation & Official Languages providing legal aid to support post-conflict communities
  • Ministry of Public Administration & Home Affairs to reform public service
  • Ministry of Finance to facilitate anti-corruption measures & promote financial transparency.

As per AI reports the East-West Management Institute (EWMI) has relations with both USAID & Soros’s Open Society Foundations via funding & collaborative programs.

As per a 2025 article titled “US granted $270m to Soros-backed institute over 15 years” by Yasin Gungar quoting data from

The Anti-Corruption Action Centre (Soros entity) lists USAID as its largest donor providing 20.7% of its funding.

There is a big question mark.

USAID is accused of giving $270m to Soros over 15 years while USAID is supposed to have also given $270m to EWMI over 15 years.

Is it the same amount the EWMI has passed to Soros or a separate amount?

The below AI generated chart outlines those that have accused Soros of being involved in regime change & colored revolutions.

AccuserAccusationCountries InvolvedYears
Russian GovernmentAccused Soros of funding opposition movements and destabilizing post-Soviet states, including orchestrating color revolutions.Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia2004 – Present
Vladimir Putin (President of Russia)Accused Soros of destabilizing Russia and former Soviet republics, particularly through his funding of NGOs that promote Western-style democracy.Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus2000s – Present
Dmitri Trenin (Russian geopolitical analyst)Argues that Soros’s influence through NGOs has destabilized countries in the former Soviet space and weakened Russian influence.Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan2000s – Present
Oleh Tyahnybok (Ukrainian politician)Accused Soros of supporting the 2004 Orange Revolution and the 2014 Maidan protests, which led to regime change in Ukraine.Ukraine2004, 2014
Nikolai Patrushev (Russian Security Council Secretary)Accused Soros of attempting to destabilize countries through his NGOs, alleging that he is part of a Western effort to undermine Russia and other post-Soviet states.Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus2000s – Present
Stephen F. Cohen (U.S. historian)Argued that Western-backed NGOs, including those funded by Soros, have destabilized governments in Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space.Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan2000s – 2010s
Robert D. Kaplan (Geopolitical analyst)Suggested that Western-backed civil society organizations, including Soros’s, contributed to regime changes in former Soviet states.Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus2000s
Mark Ames (Journalist)Accused Soros of using his funding of civil society and media groups to push for regime change in countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan2000s
Theodoros P. Lianos (Author)Claims that Soros’s Open Society Foundations funded opposition groups in Eastern Europe, contributing to political upheaval.Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus2000s – 2010s
Sergei Lavrov (Russian Foreign Minister)Accused Soros of being involved in the destabilization of countries like Ukraine, through his foundation’s support for opposition and civil society organizations.Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan2000s – Present
Viktor Orban (Prime Minister of Hungary)Accused Soros of interfering in Hungary’s internal politics, using his financial power to promote liberal and pro-European Union agendas.Hungary2010s – Present
Philippine Government (Rodrigo Duterte)Accused Soros of supporting anti-Duterte NGOs, particularly in relation to his stance on human rights and the war on drugs.Philippines2016 – Present
Kazakh GovernmentAlleged that Soros’s NGOs, funded through OSF, were involved in destabilizing Kazakhstan and promoting regime change during protests.Kazakhstan2010s
Belarusian GovernmentAccused Soros of being involved in efforts to destabilize Belarus through funding opposition and media groups.Belarus2000s – Present
Serbian GovernmentAccused Soros of backing anti-government protests and trying to influence Serbia’s internal politics.Serbia2000s – 2010s
China (Government)Accused Soros of attempting to destabilize the Chinese government through support for pro-democracy activists and NGOs.China2010s – Present

The colored revolutions in question are

2003 – Georgia / Rose Revolution

2004 – Ukraine / Orange Revolution

2005 – Kyrgyzstan / Tulip Revolution

Critics claim financial support was given to opposition groups, fake “pro-democracy” movements, hired civil society organizations, media entities to stage the regime change.

AI generated list of Sri Lankans linked to Soros provides the following

Name/OrganizationRoleConnection to Soros
J.C. Weliamuna (Jayantha)Prominent Sri Lankan lawyer and anti-corruption activistInvolved in anti-corruption initiatives supported by OSF. Associated with TISL.
Ruki FernandoHuman rights activist and civil society leaderInvolved in human rights campaigns, particularly on freedom of expression and post-conflict justice, supported by OSF.
Fr. Nandana ManatungaCatholic priest and social justice advocateInvolved in peacebuilding and reconciliation initiatives in post-war Sri Lanka, supported by OSF.
Chandrika Kumaratunga (Former President)Former President of Sri LankaWhile not directly funded by Soros, aligned with global democratic reform efforts. Engaged in human rights advocacy.
Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL)Anti-corruption and transparency organizationTISL has received funding from OSF for promoting anti-corruption, governance, and transparency in Sri Lanka.
Lankaputra Development Foundation (LDF)Civil society organization focusing on governance and mediaLDF has received support for promoting transparency, media freedom, and good governance, aligning with OSF’s priorities.
Human Rights Organizations and Civil Society LeadersVarious human rights organizations and activists in Sri LankaHuman rights organizations in Sri Lanka, working on post-war justice, human rights, and reconciliation, receive OSF support.
Media and JournalistsJournalists and media outlets promoting media freedomMedia outlets and journalists advocating for media freedom and press protection have been supported by OSF.
Nirmala RajasinghamSri Lankan legal and human rights activistRajasingham has worked on legal and human rights advocacy, collaborating with organizations funded by OSF.

The below is based on widely available, well-documented sources on Soros, political activities, donations from reputable sources (campaign finance records-FEC), OSF website, media outlets, speeches & interviews where focus has been drug policy reform, justice system reform, “democracy-liberalism” promotion, support for Democratic Party (2004, 2012, 2016, 2020 elections)

YearEvent/ActionDetailsPolitical FocusSources
1984Establishment of Open Society Foundations (OSF)Soros founded OSF to promote democracy, human rights, and good governance globally.Democracy promotion, civil society supportOSF website, media outlets
1994Project on Death in AmericaSoros initiated this project to transform end-of-life care in the U.S.Health policy, medical ethicsMedia sources, Soros Foundation
2004Support for Democratic CausesSoros donated $23 million to defeat President George W. Bush, becoming a major donor to the Democratic Party.Opposition to Bush administration policies, election reformNY Times, Washington Post
2004Speech: “Why We Must Not Re-elect President Bush”Soros publicly criticized Bush’s Iraq War policies and his approach to civil liberties.Foreign policy, civil libertiesSoros’s The Age of Fallibility, news reports
2004Donation to MoveOn.orgSoros donated $2.5 million to to support anti-Bush efforts.Electoral politics, progressive, Soros Foundation
2008Support for Marijuana Legalization in MassachusettsSoros donated $400,000 to support decriminalization efforts in Massachusetts.Drug policy reformSoros Foundation, media outlets
2010Support for California’s Proposition 19Soros donated $1 million to support the legalization of recreational marijuana.Drug policy reformSoros Foundation, media outlets
2011Refusal of Claims Regarding Occupy Wall StreetSoros denied any direct involvement in funding the Occupy Wall Street protests.Economic inequality, social movementsSoros interviews, media coverage
2012Donation to Priorities USA Action PACSoros contributed $1 million to support President Obama’s re-election.Support for Obama, Democratic PartyFEC records, media sources
2015Donation to Hillary Clinton’s CampaignSoros gave $1 million to Priorities USA Action to support Hillary Clinton.Support for Democratic presidential candidatesFEC records, media sources
2016Further Support for Hillary ClintonSoros increased his donation to $6 million for Clinton’s presidential campaign.Support for Democratic Party, Clinton’s candidacyFEC records, media sources
2020Soros Family InvolvementSoros’s son, Alex Soros, began playing a more active role, donating over $60 million to Democratic causes.Support for Democratic Party, Biden/Harris campaignWSJ, media sources
2024Dinner with Minnesota Governor Tim WalzAlex Soros hosted a dinner with Gov. Walz, reflecting the Soros family’s ongoing political influence.Support for Democratic leadershipNY Post, media sources

What readers in Sri Lanka must ask & question

  • The conflict of interest of those who have received any form of support from the above entities being seated in positions (public or private) making decisions & putting these decisions into action. These decisions are obviously what they have been funded to take. Does this not constitute a violation of Article 77 of Sri Lanka’s constitution?
  • What programs are presently rolled out in Sri Lanka at grassroot levels & up & what impact have these initiatives made on public by funding NGOs/Civil Society. Is this not fooling the masses by launching well-crafted programs funded to revolve around a larger geopolitical agenda?
  • How far have these funded initiatives penetrated into officials in the Public Sector, Parliament Staff, Judicial apparatus including the 3 pillars of governance to influence their decisions & actions & are these impacting Sri Lanka’s national sovereignty & people’s sovereignty?

These and many more questions should not be working in people’s minds.

Shenali D Waduge

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