Vishal Arora: A Christian fundamentalist masquerading as a journalist – Exposed

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May 19, 2010
Sathyasai blog

Source link:

(Please check the source URL for the complete article  which contains photos and videos)
(Readers may also check : source link 2:

Vishal Arora – In Conclusion

Vishal Arora has gone to great extents to package and present himself and his writings as unbiased and neutral. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Vishal Arora is a Christian convert, his wife and brother are conservative, fundamentalist and evangelical Christians and his official domain ( was purchased and registered for him by the USA conservative, fundamentalist and evangelical Christian group NOBTS (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary), which believes:

“It is the duty and privilege of every follower of Christ and of every church of the Lord Jesus Christ to endeavor to make disciples of all nations.”…“The heathen, then, are under condemnation just as well as those who hear and reject the gospel, for they are sinners by both nature and practice.”…“We believe that the Christian life begins with conversion.” (Refs: 01 – 02)

Vishal Arora is also affiliated with the Christian organization “Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life” and the Christian news agency “Compass Direct News”. Therefore, Vishal Arora’s writings and views about “Hindu Nationalists”, “Hindu Extremists” and “Right Wing Hindus” are biased, self-serving and written with ulterior motives. Vishal Arora and Tehmina Arora have a Christian agenda that specifically targets “Right-Wing Hindus” (which can actually refer to any Hindu who does not denounce Hinduism and accept Christianity) and anyone they perceive as having affiliations with “Right-Wing Hindus”.

Vishal Arora, Tehmina Arora, Vivek Arora and NOBTS are “Right-Wing Christians” who feel it is their religious duty and moral imperative to convert Hindus to their Christian faith. So when Vishal Arora “innocently” takes aim at popular gurus and spiritual teachers in India (who have large Hindu followings) and attempts to associate them with “Right-Wing Hindus”, make no mistake about it: Vishal Arora is on a Christian crusade for his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.