Wanted a man to empower…..
It is said that in the past, when the Buddhism was in danger, Bikkhus gathered around (mostly “Arahants”) &discussed about the measures to be taken to preserve it. Not with arms & ammunitions, but with a weapon of wisdom.
In one story, a king called “Milindu”(Persian king) was on a rampage in India hitting every religions by his strong & deep knowledge he had & defeated everyone of them ideologically. Even Buddhist “Arahants” were attacked & withdrawn to nearby jungles due to inability to face the king & his steep knowledge.
What “Arahants” did was, got together & discussed a way to fight with him & having realized that NO human was available in this world, went to the heaven & asked help from them.
A God called “Mahasena” was invited to be born in this world to fight with the king. Finally “Mahasena” agreed & came to this world, ordained, became an “Arahant” as “Nagasena”. (Read the book called “Milinda questions”.)
Huge “VADA”or argument went on & the king was totally defeated ideologically.
Having satisfied with the answers, the king too abandoned the Monarchy, became a monk & finally became an “Arahant” keeping a halt to “sansaric” journey.
Likewise Buddhism needs a man to day to EMPOWER it.
This is an open invitation to you all.
Dr. Dammika Wijerathna