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Dr. Sudath Gunasekara 31.5.2016

All Tamils have a Subcontinent called India to go, from where they intruded to this country from 2nd C BC either as invaders or illicit immigrants or people imported by Dutch and British to work for them on their tobacco, coffee and tea lands established on our lands conquered by them.

Muslims have a mighty Arabian world to go.

But what is the place Sinhala people could go. This is our own and native Land and this is our Country where we had our first breadth. It is also the place where we, our children and their children’s children have to have the last breath as well. It is the place where our ancestors built the civilization ancient and a culture pristine and unique. It is the land where millions of our ancestors died in battle against the invaders Indian and western in defense of their motherland. It is the land where every grain of sand is soaked with their warm blood and converted to gems and jewels for the benefit of their posterity

History has proved beyond all doubts that this was the land of the Sinhala people. Until the devastative Magha invasion ruined our ancient Rajarata Civilizationin in the 12th  Century, the whole Island was inhabited by Sinhala Buddhists. It was ruled by 186 Kings with an unbroken lineage  from 427 BC to 1815 AD and they founded  a unique human CIVILIZATION IN THE MEDIEVAL WORLD. That is why from Kadurugoda (Kantharodei as it was named by Tamils later)  in the northern tip of the Island up to Dondra in the southern tip of the country, the length and breadth of this Island displays a fabulous treasure of Sinhala Buddhist Archaeological treasures.

Tamils on the other hand, other than those in the tea estates on the central hills, are descendents of South Indian invaders from 2nd century BC. , Kallathonies (illicit immigrants) who crossed the Palk straight in search of green pastures or South Indian dalit coolies brought here either by Dutch to work on tobacco plantations in Jaffna  or British after 1860 to work on coffee and tea plantations on the hhills) and left behind. No fake history by any Tamil or a Westerner can prove it otherwise. Estate Indian Tamils as everyone knows were brought in by the British, starting from 1860s were British citizens up to 1948

Muslims came to this country as traders from early times in small numbers. But they never invaded this country or claimed a homeland like Tamils until recent times. Unlike the Tamils they married Sinhala women and even got Sinhala ge names and were in fact in the process of getting integrated with the native Sinhala people until mad communal Muslim politicians like Ashrof and Hekeem started a Muslim Homeland claim.

As such none of these people have any right to claim them to be recognized as separate nations or nationalities and ask for separate administrative or political unit under Federal or any other. They all have to accept this country as ‘The only Sinhala Buddhist country in the world’ and learn to live with them as they do in all other countries, without dreaming of a small India or EELAM or a small Arab World inside this country. Those who cannot do so should go back either to India or any Arab country from where they came here. You shall never have a motherland here in Sri Lanka if you are not prepared to accede to this reality and prepared to live in harmony with the Sinhala people- the Bhoomiputras of this resplendent Island.

A word to India and the so called International Community instigated by the western colonial forces who are conspiring to ruin this country. Why don’t you look after your own problems without fingering in to others domestic affairs.

We will look after our country and people the way we have done for the past 2500 years without you help.

 Dear all patriots!

This country needs a Patriotic National Leader who can boldly say this much

To the Tamils and Muslims in this country and stop crawling behind them for their vote and betray the great Sinhala Nation any more‘

And then make a clarion call to the whole world including UK, EU. USA , Canada,Norway and India, This is our own and native Land and this is our Country” none shall interfere with our domestic matters.

 I call upon all the Patriotic Sinhala forces to give up all their blind political attachments to the existing political Parties such as UNP, SLFP, JVP etc that are playing pandu with this country and the nation and unite under One Sinhala Banner to save this Pinbima” our beloved Motherland under

a new political Party with an entirely a different political culture

lead by  A Patriotic National Leader   

who can boldly say

‘This is our own and native Land and this is our Country’ none shall interfere with our domestic matters’.

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