Image Adriaan Greyling Pexels

I having seen lots of ‘sun lovers’ looking for a tan skin…and tan was everything to them. They pay highs rates in the world for some hotels that facilities a beach with good sun lounge. Any way can I discuss a topic with you that one day will be very impotent to your life more than a colour of your skin? I know it’s I ask from you a bit of a strange question but I hope you will be get interest later.

1. Do you know some peoples are suffering from skin cancer? (By the being in the sun often over time)

2. Do you know why sun so bad to your skin?

3. Do you know what parts of the body is skin cancer most likely to occur?

4. Do you know how to prevent skin cancer?

5. Do you know the lowest and highest temperature that you can sun bath comfortably?

So let me start you with telling you about sun’s rays, for our naked eyes sun lights are simple phenomena that every day happen, everybody like the sun lights enjoying whatever they need under the sun. But remember which are called ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays (UVA and UVB rays) include in the sunlight damage your skin leads to skin cancer. Melanomas can develop anywhere on your body, like in the eyes,mouth,back,legs,arm,under the nail, digestive tract, urinary tract, chest of men, vagina and on your face and hidden area of your body like spaces between your toes and on your palms, soles, scalp or genitals etc.

So now you know melanoma can develop anywhere. What is your decision? You need to be tan skin holder or safe? Answer in your hand. Remember a tan is the body’s attempt to protect itself from the sun’s harmful rays.

Before you go outing in the sun it’s very important to the look and listen for the UV index level in local weather forecast. And follow the five protective ways

S-Slip on sun protective clothing

S-Slop on SPF30+ sunscreen, reapply every two hours

S-Slap on a broad -brimmed hat

S-seek shade

S-Slid on a wrap-around sunglass

Finally remember your baby’s and under fives skin is 15 times thinner than an adults. Also young children do not understand the risks. Cloud and water will not protect you; sun rays go through clouds reach swimmers at underwater one foot below. Avoid the sun from 11 am to 3 pm. If you’re sun enthusiast check your skin yourself every month. Your personal tolerance to heat is no more value over exposure to UV radiation is danger

UV radiation is and invisible killer avoid it…

By O.W.Palitha Ariyarathna

Deep Sea Diver & Rescuer