Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
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          2.00  THE BUDDHIST DEFINITION OF  ‘GOOD’ and ‘BAD’





Have you ever wondered why there have been so few wars in the “East”, but in contrast, so many major and world wars, purges, pogroms, etc., in the “West”?

European history and mindset has demanded their kings and politicians to be war-like. This required the development the finest weapons of war over recent centuries.

And they used them, causing hundreds of millions of people to die.

Why no massive wars in the East

This is a good question, and should be answered.


Given below are the four main positions held by Buddhists of all the different “Noble Paths to Wisdom and Nirvana”.

These core teachings are the same for all Buddhists.

a) CAUSALITY: Conditions and their effects.

     This is at the Centre of all Buddhist thought.

      –   everything in the world is here due to causes; things and   

           events are caused by conditions.


      –   the law of Karma and its result, Vipaka, applies; in

          Buddhism, it applies to the individual.


    The intermediate way, avoiding one-sided positions,             

    both theoretically and practically:

        – between one-sided opposing viewpoints,

        – between dogmatism and skepticism,

        – between attraction and repulsion (lust and hate)

        – between expression and suppression of emotions.

        – etc.,

        The most difficult way!


     Non-confrontational, negotiation not conflict.

       – the principle of least harm and most benefit to all

          beings applies.

       – finding pragmatic solutions to problems;             

          flexibility. (i.e., not dogmatic)

          (All within a secure nation state – Buddhists must          

         defend themselves to be free to practice)



        – Buddhism recognizes the complexity of ‘TRUTH’ by     

          allowing for a relative truth which recognizes other,

         concomitant truths too.

         (i.e., Buddhism is non- absolutist.)

        An important characteristic of the multilateral or         pragmatic

        conception of truth is that it is dependent on context.


‘GOOD’ is defined as whatever is beneficial or brings social harmony and happiness to society. These actions are good Karma which brings its own good reward. Importantly they help the Buddhist to progress in putting in place his ‘Arya Marga.’

’BAD’ is whatever hampers, hinders or prevents people following the ‘Eight-fold Noble Path.’

(That is, whatever results in pain, harm, anger, conflict, or causes disharmony in society in general.)

Most actions of people fall within these limits of ‘GOOD’ or ‘not BAD’ as defined. This can also be seen as a way of minimizing societies overall unhappiness.

(ie. Maximizing overall happiness in society).

Buddhist society was built on good-natured tolerance, a warmth totally unknown in the “West.”

All this amounts to a philosophy of rationality and the supremacy of reason, which examines and rejects blind beliefs and wild emotions – the cause of great harm in the world.

This philosophy is distilled from the teachings of the BUDDHA, who taught his followers, compassion, tolerance and harmlessness.

(For more information please see “The History of Buddhist Philosophy” by Professor D.J. Kalupahana.)


Christianity is based on one philosophical statement:

“All things flow from GOD”

For Christians, that edict is immutable, unchangeable, and unquestionable. It is taken as the absolute truth – all subsequent deductions flow from this statement.

The book, “The Bible” contains the words of God (Biblical God) and his holy Prophets.

It is unrevised by Jesus. Jesus says: ” I come to fulfill (the Hebrew) Bible and not destroy it: not one iota shall be changed in the Hebrew Bible.”   

It lays down codes of conduct, advice, etc.

The Bible has given guidance to millions of Europeans for 1682 years since its formulation in 325CE.

For long periods in the past it has strongly influenced religious thinking, judicial decisions and commentaries in law. These then have percolated into the thinking of whole societies, strongly influencing the attitudes and thinking of most of people around the world.

Powerful governments and religions implement “God’s will on earth”, and those individuals seen as transgressing God’s laws must be punished on authority of the Bible. People swear to speak the truth by placing one hand on the Bible.

Unfortunately, this book frequently sends out a confused message, as demonstrated by the following:

a) A death sentence for those identified as witches (many now identifies as mentally sick) according to: “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”  (Exodus Ch.22; Vs.18) (“Shalt” being strongly coercive.)

b) The Bible promotes genocide:

    “After capturing the Hittites and the Girgashites and the   

  Amorites and the Caaananites and the tribe of Perizzites and the 

  Hivites and the Jebusites (seven nations greater than thou).”

    (- Deuteronomy Ch. 7.)

     – “And when the LORD thy GOD shall deliver them unto thee,

  thou shalt smite them and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make

  no covenant (agreement) with them nor show any mercy unto   

  them.”  (Deuteronomy Ch.7; Vs.2)

c) The Bible recommends raping defeated, helpless women:

   – “Their children, also, shall be dashed to pieces before their (mothers’) eyes, their houses shall be spoiled (ruined) and their wives ravished.” (Isaiah Ch.13; Vs.16)

d) Similarly:

    And the Lord said to Moses “take vengeance on the Midianites

    for the Israelites”

    They fought against the Midianites, as the LORD had

    commanded Moses, and killed every man.

    Now, the LORD commands: ” Kill all the boys. And kill every

   woman who has slept with a man”  (Numbers 31. Vs.17)



A comparison:

For Buddhists, they must first understand, but also PRACTICE the teachings.

Buddhism is not about reading theories or the enjoyment of learning; it is firstly the understanding of some basic principles and importantly, the subsequent practice.

For Christians, they are called upon to simply believe and be baptised. (Mark xvi, Vs16) and must accept the word of God as contained in the Bible. This is requirement for a full-bloodied belief.

But when Christians try to understand and implement the Bible, they must be confused by the message it gives.



A comparison:

Throughout its history, Buddhism has been spread by Monks and lay people peaceably, by discussion and debate. Never has a Buddhist army been sent to impose its will on others.

But in contrast Christianity has usually been imposed by Emperors, Kings or Soldier-Missionaries known as ‘conquistadors’.


a) “He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved,

    but he that believeth not, shall be damned ”   

   (Mark xvi: 16).

b) “If any man preach any other gospel unto you than

    that ye have received, let him be accursed”  

   (Gal. i: 9).

An explanation is due here.

The general principle applies that only those who “Believe and are Baptised” will have the LORD’s grace and go to paradise, also known as heaven.

Therefore, all those peoples who refuse baptism are still at the level of animals, and can be treated as such. (i.e., used, abused or killed).

The Bible says that God provided animals for use and consumption by God fearing Christians.

“Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.” (Genesis Ch 9:Vs3)

[St. Augustine explained that “to refrain from the killing of animals and the destroying of plants is the height of superstition” (from ‘Practical Ethics’ by Peter Singer p.267 Cambridge University Press, 2000)]

So, all animals are the property of mankind, but only people belong to GOD. So, it is necessary to convert the heathen and baptise them to save them from Damnation (Eternal Hell Fire).

Thomas Aquinas said that taking a human life is a sin against God in the same way that killing a slave would be a sin against the master. By implication, one can kill slaves and subjected peoples. 

(Practical Ethics by Peter Singer p. 89. Cambridge University Press, 2000).

This killing has been the practice whenever Christian Explorers and soldiers encountered peoples of other lands and cultures. They doubted that these strange peoples had souls.

The Negroes of Africa were considered soulless, and as such could enslaved and just shipped off. (c40m died at sea) This explains the popularity of the Southern Baptist Church in the USA. – Black Americans HAD to get baptised to protect themselves!

Bull fighting in Spain, is ritualised slaughter, one young bull after another – pure entertainment, to be enjoyed accompanied by light refreshments and even Champagne. Saint Paul asked “Does God care for oxen?” – and expected a negative answer.

Until two famous court cases in Victorian times involved ships’ captains and crew having eaten cabin boys in order to survive shipwreck; one can deduce that ship’s (unbaptised) cabin boys were a (unspoken) consumable commodity for the Ship’s Captain in dire circumstances.

Two Major Events affecting Peoples of the East :

On 8th. January, 1455 C.E., His Holiness Pope Nicholas V, being God’s representative here on Earth, issued his Papal Bull “Pontifex Romanuwa” which gave all the territories – kingdoms, principalities and lordships in Africa and Asia “discovered” by Portuguese conquistadors, to the King of Portugal and his heirs and successors in perpetuity.

“In 1494 C.E., the reigning Pope, Alexander Sixth divided the world into two under the Treaty of Tordesillas, all done on the basis that the earth belonged to God. Therefore, this gave him the authority to give away distant lands and regions not yet discovered.

The Portuguese had been given the “Eastern Hemisphere”.

Portuguese soldiers had two roles to fulfill as emissaries of the various Popes: firstly as soldier, but also as Christian missionary. Subsequent to these Holy pronouncements, when such soldiers arrived anywhere in the world, they claimed legal rights to all that they saw.

“They arrived in Sri Lanka 1505 C.E. and demanded vassalage to the King of Portugal plus the conversion and baptism of the King followed by all his subjects.

When this request was not accepted a soldier “accidentally” killed the king, Bhuvaneka Bahu, and the Friars brought in his son, Don Juan Dharmapala and then they took recourse to forced baptism.

Sri Lankans had no choice, they had to accept baptism or flee from their villages. King Dharmapala made a gift of his coastal kingdom to the Portuguese.

Subsequently, De Mello, the Portuguese Captain, embarked on a campaign of destruction and demolished the hallowed and time honoured Buddhist citadel and shrine at Kelaniya in 1575 c.e.because it was the very nerve centre of Buddhism at that time. The protesters were either summarily killed or thrown into the Kelaniya River to be eaten by crocodiles. This crime was then followed by the mass destruction of over four hundred temples and four seats of Buddhist learning along with their inmates.

All this is far from being the Buddhist approach.



“The Gift of Truth, which leads to Wisdom, is the

Greatest of All Gifts”


“Ignorance is the Crowning Corruption”

Venerable Piyadassi, Maha Thero.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = AggaDhamma 2003 = = =

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