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(Poya day – 2024\02\23)
Science is that the taking the Mind’s abilities out of the Mind. Science’s birth is Mind.
If there is something in Science, it is because it exists in the Mind.
What ?
Suppose you make a discovery as Science. If that discovery and all the actions related to the discovery must first exist in your Mind only, it will b a discovery of you & to the whole world. If the discovery or related actions do not exist first in your Mind, then there is NO Science\discovery for you to show the world.
E.g. Think of the world’s first computer. It may have some abilities. Get the world’s latest computer today. Check out its capabilities. What is the ability today than the ability then? All these abilities have been given to the respective computers thanks to the abilities of the Minds of the respective individuals called SCINTISTS.
The amazing thing here is that if even one of these abilities is not in your Mind, you will not be able to establish it in the computer. Mind foreruns a discovery. Any possibility in the universe can only be recognized as a possibility if it itself is a possibility in your Mind. If it is not, there is no possibility found. There are millions of the world’s abilities & there may be hundreds of Sciences, all of which you have come to know and see because they are first born in relative individuals’ Mind.
e.g.; Computer is a product of Science. It has many features and many abilities. Let’s take one computer ability. You can insert that ability to the computer because you must first had that ability in your Mind. Only then can it be used to the computer. If you can delete a picture on the computer as one of the capabilities of the computer, you should first be able to do the same in your Mind. The ability to perform that action in the Mind is then adapted to the computer. Only then does a computer get that deletion technology. If you can remove one picture and replace it with another picture in your PC, you must have a similar ability in your Mind to do so. Only then can that capability be planted in a computer. Science up to now has done all the actions by following this method.
A computer is a product of a person’s thinking. Not only the computer but all its functions are the result of individual thinking. It is human nature to produce everything after thinking. There are no inventions\products in the world without thinking. Thinking generates hell of actions similar to that in a pending computer actions. Those functions of the Mind are then planted in a computer is the secret behind technology’s birth. Although all the initial functions are in Mind, functions of the Mind are regarded as instrumental in origin or instrumental capacities is the nature of every human because of the thing called IGNORANCE.
Making various devices as technology is an action that man has been doing since his birth on earth. Attaching one’s thinking ability to external objects happens there.

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna

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