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We are only a fraction of beings in the universe. Many other beings are there. The death of an organism means when an organism in one fraction “transforms” into another fraction. It is called “Transfiguration”.
Among the categories of beings, a being in one category is unique. The being who attains that stage is one who has passed through endless transfigurations and reached his final stage of a being. In his own efforts, he becomes the supreme being of the universe.
The reason ?
He is the first and only being in the universe who has first found the way out of existence and is free from existence. Or being the being who has completely stopped the act of transformation\transfiguration. After that, he was a character who taught beings of universe about this situation and how to get rid of being-ness .
Why should we get rid of being-ness?
Because in transfiguration you don’t always get the same figure and endless transfiguration is very dangerous..
He says that in order to escape from being-ness, the universes must be exceeded. The great teachings of that great man, who later very kindly taught the people of the universe the method of escaping from the universe, were brought forward up to today is by only one clan of beings in the universe. it is them are the Sinhalese. It is this method is practical even today.
Who else should I respect but the Sinhalese who have sacrificed their eyes, heads , flesh and blood to preserve the teaching of a great man who taught the world about such a practical escape?
Thank you!

Dr. Dammika Wijearathna

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