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📚📖✒️ Sri Lanka in denial of the existence of *Islamic-Left* and Christian-Left in the country.

Both groups; Islamic-left, and Christian-left forces Sinhalese Buddhists to renounce national rights over Dharmic Civilization and its territory.

🖇️ *Observation* :

1). It was the *Islamic-left* that transformed; Palatine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan into killing fields that brought devastation to west Asia and South Asia.

The threat of an Islamic left has to be registered on the radar of national security scanners as a serious implication.

2). Why protesters wore *Black-shirts* during Aragalaya?

Who called for such action which implies to a scenario that had been observed in Italy in the 1921 under Mussolini regime?


✍️ Indika Sahabandu, Geopolitical Observer for Asian Millennium

Who Goes to Geneva and Why courtesy ground view org
Ven Elle Gunawansa Thera claimed US Ambassador Julie Chung is a Born-Again Christian and played a major role in instigating the Aragalaya.

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