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At the moment of death!

The modern worlds is, in the sense, the current world is, full of knowledge which is spilling out now and sometimes out of control just like a volcanic eruption. People are racing behind the knowledge and the suffering from the disease called ‘’knowledge thirsty’’ which infects from the rich to the poor and the north to the south. Everyone knows that the eruption of the knowledge is not a mere sudden explosion as well as the formation of the world. It’s a gradual process which takes millions and millions of years. But it is an extremely rear of a man whom thinks of an answer to 2 questions of the world which were unanswered over billions and billions of years.

I.e.1. what actually the world is?

      2. What actually the knowledge is?

      Can any one of you in the Audion’s answer these questions?

At least one?

Can you answer?

Sometimes you might throw me millions of various types of answers, but it’s a fact that all of them were taken in to your mind as knowledge through books, documents, public media…etc. etc……….

Once again I ask what actually the world is. What actually the knowledge is?

First of all I’d like to tell you a good example, as we all were undergraduates one time in a university. Remember! Your first visit to Anatomy room where you had plenty of dead bodies and only one dissecting manual through which you learn how to dissect the body and take out the organs undamaged.

Manual gives you only the instructions to which you should all be abide by, unless the target cannot be achieved. So that your duty is to go through the instructions properly at first then start dissecting the body accordingly and carefully. If you do so, no point in lamenting, definitely you will reach the target or get to know what you need to know about the human body.

Why I said this story? likewise in my example, there were a few people whom thought of those 2 above mentioned questions over millions and millions of years, not in one birth, but over millions of births as humans and tried for the answers to be realized themselves without one’s help, which means without taking knowledge from outside to find out what actually the world is and what actually the knowledge is. Then they began preaching these two answers to the world and its people, not because of nothing because they saw, the answers to these questions completely abolish the total suffering of a man of any kind and giving them the utmost satisfaction or bliss which is eternal, never ends up. Like our anatomy manual perching is documented and the needed man wants to follow the instructions thoroughly to reach the target and receive bliss.

If you make a small error in instructions given in that dissecting manual might cause the organ being damaged likewise if you make an error in preaching might cause eternal bliss being missed.

So what is this preaching?

Think a bit about your life. You may have received a lot of credits, medals, gifts etc. etc. for the achievements you have made in your field, for that you have had instructors, teachers, friends, well wishes etc. etc. to give you a kick to reach the target, but can any one of them  in a position to drag you to your goal?

No they can’t    they give only the instructions? You yourself have to follow them.

Reaching the goal is completely depending on you, your effort, your dedication and no one can save you from outside. It’s a matter of you, none else.

E.g. can anybody give you 4 A’s in A/L exam? It’s your duty to study hard and take the results.

Likewise, to find out the actual world and actual knowledge, you, yourself have to try for it under the guidelines of preaching by those few people who found it earlier and delivered  it  to the world.

Let me have chance to derail your thinking pattern in to slightly different path. See! Knowledge you have means the things you have already taken from eyes, years, nose, tongues, body and dump in your mind. Is there any other pathway where you can receive knowledge? No

So means

Knowledge is    eye


                                Nose                                     Dependent



Eye has a visual field to which the outside pictures can be absorbed up to some extent. Man-made equipment made this field a little larger so that unseen pictures to naked eye can be seen with this equipment. Other organs are the same. But, what you don’t know is you can see even smaller particles by looking through your mind. This is called meditation or seeing the mind which we also can see the actual world and the actual knowledge.

Let me tell you a nice story?

See this pen

It’s made of say plastic

Shall we remove the clip?

Now you have two parts

Shall we take the internal particles out?

Then you have many particles

Now the name called “pen “is no more

You can divide these parts further more.

Only the atomic stage will remain (according to science)

Turn to you

Think your hair, belly, legs being cut apart and taken out. Only the body parts then exist. The name called “man” is no more. Let it divide further and further more. Only atomic stage will come up.

Is there any difference between the atomic pen and atomic body? No atoms are the same.

Same atoms which gather and form one shape, we call it as a “pen”

Same atoms, which gather and form a different shape, we call it as a “man”

See we all are in the same boat. The whole world and its contents are like these. All are many versions or shapes of atomic formations.

This is called wisdom. Wisdom is hidden in unused mind and it can be taken out by using it. Using it means the meditation.

So my question is,  if  we all are on atomic based why do we crave for things and men?

Why do we angry or hatred?

This is wisdom based.to be seen within. You yourself need to see it. No outsider can show this. This is how you can see the world .this is how you can earn the actual knowledge or the wisdom.

Then the final conclusion comes,

A word is full of atoms they get together and form different shapes. We ourselves name them as man, desk, table, cow, goat, cat, dog, mountain, river, etc. etc…

See! There is a hidden truth behind it.

Man, desk, table………In these so-called items, its designated name is the one we pasted to them from outside.

In man, the name “Man” does not embed within it, it’s something we pasted to the shape of atoms from outside.

All names in the world are like these. They are pasted by us for different shapes of atomic formations.

Death, what happen is, body disintegrates up to atomic stage. Once again it comes to form a new shape as humans, animals, and inanimate things.

This is what the world is?

This knowledge cannot be taken from out side. It’s purely an insight, spirituality which can take out from within. Once you see this truth from within, your suspicion about whether you were in previous births and whether you were in other births than humans such as animals, asuras, prethas, gods, brahmas…..is completely erased out and he knows that he is not spontaneously born nor created by a god or brahma & winding up the discussion that he had births in previous occasions not as humans, but other creatures as well. And it’s these atoms getting together as different shapes and giving him a birth in diffident different abodes. Shaping and formation of these atoms are mainly due to several reasons.

I.e.1. kamma- good and bad kamma force coming from previous births.

This is the guiding factor.

2. Thoughts-in mind

3. Environment

4. Food

Again you may ask why some atomic shapes can move from place to place but others not? This question is very important. Those who have “sitha” or mind within the atomic formation can move and others can’t. You may ask from where your mind comes? It’s the energy force which comes from birth to birth with the kamma force and embeds in to the body at the time of fertilization.

Ovum + sperm–>                                         fertilization


From previous birth —->                             mind (sitha)




Pl do not think that this “mind “is a permanent one or a “soul “which moves from birth to birth. No it is not, no link at all. Mind is a thing which is coming up and going down completely without keeping any thing. Life span of one single thought is called a “chitthakshana”, probably a billionth time of a second .so that mind is not a permanent thing. It’s a row of thoughts coming up and going down. Again second one coming up and going down. The last thought of a previous birth gives  rise to the first thought of a new birth, once again the row proceeds up to his death.

This mind parts is the  most important thing in one’s life .body is only a scarecrow, mind is the one moves this scarecrow from within .It is the one, which gives you endless births up to unknown duration. You can’t even move a finger without the mind, not because of god whom says helping us to move our fingers as we were taught in our young age. If one believes god, it is the mind, the god. See, a dead body, you can’t move its finger within a MM distance like its own. If the mind is no more, no more births further. So how do you quit the mind? It’s not an easy task. Preaching said that the mind can be silenced by erasing mind particles called “chaithasika” which are 52 in number but out of these 52, three cause mind to be erupted over and over giving endless births. Those three are called craving (raga) hatred (dosha) delusion (moha) that have the power of continuous thought formations. If the man properly follows the guidelines of the preaching, he can erase these 3, giving no more minds to be coming up after death.

So, at the time of death, there are two options remain.

1. Are you continuing your journey?

2. Do you stop your journey forever?

Continues journey might be a good one if you are born in a good place or a bad one if you are not.so that in whatever the way continuous journey is dangerous. Mind is the wonder of the body and the universe. You may have a ship load of knowledge about a human body, but if you are in a position to see the mind or if you are talented to see it you would say what a knowledge we have as a human & if you can see how the mind is operated, your mouth will be auto-locked. You may have no more words to explain itswonder and that result in your all types of sufferings and pains would be completely over forever. The only way to see it through preaching of Lord Buddha, the most treasured person ever born to this world. I’m not going to explain you about the mind and its operations to day. In next time if you are willing I can talk to you that in a separate lecture on separate occasion.

To wind up my talk, I would say only the gods’ brahma, prethers, asuras and those who went to hell after death (hellish creatures) can re-memories their previous lives and their death experiences. This capacity is in born to them. But 99% humans and animals are not. we can only guess it.it is said that if creature is about to die, if he has discomfort it might cause him to go to a bad place as next birth.so that medical treatment at this stage may help to get him comfortable at the last moment. But I must say, giving this western type of medical treatment may be highly painful to the man at the end moment. So that my opinion is, you should be more careful not to double the pain heor she has while trying to comfort him, because same results would be, if he gets pain at the end.

Like in the past, without physical intervention, only the verbal intervention is highly useful to drag him in to a diving abode.

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna.

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