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Tour to France-wisdom 10.

Suppose you have sent an application form to French company for an employment. Here, you sent an e-mail with a photo. Company people did not see you previously nor do you have seen them. What they do is by looking at this photo, they get all your skills & qualifications without seeing you proper. What company men saw is a color collection or a photo. They a have photo in their minds.
If you get the job, you go to France. At the air port, till they see you, they have that previous photo in their minds & come to the airport. There, they match the actual photo or figure of you to the photo you sent earlier& diagnose who you are…
If your name is” Amal”. If the name embeds as it is …in your body, if you send a photo to them without details, in France, they could have diagnosed you as” Amal” at the airport. But it can not be happened. Now you can come to a conclusion that to the photo, name is pasted from outside.

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