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Udayabba gnana-wisdom 18
Turning point in salvation pathway
In my previous lecture, I did explain to you about the exceptional vision of body & mind separation as NAMA- RUPA PARICHCHEDA GNANA. To day I am going to tell you about the next turning point “UDAYABBA GNANA” where you get formation & destruction of SANSKARAS or body & mind.
In this vision, you can see the separated body & mind is having continues formation & destruction.
Mind being continuously formed as “thoughts” & suddenly bursts without keeping any residue. i. e Formation of a thought, existence & destruction or disintegration.
This phenomenon is continuing around the clock without a stop.
Then you can come to a conclusion that mind is NOT a permanent one or a “soul”. It subjects to continuous formation & destruction.
In the case of body, situation is the same.
Because of this process:

  1. You can see that everything is impermanent or” ANICHCHA”. Coming up & going down.
  2. You can not keep everything as it is for a long duration, so that you feel sorrow or “DUKKA”.
  3. You will realize that nothing is available under your control. It’s happening according to CAUSE & EFFECT. This is called” ANATHMA”.
    Once you have vision within you, you have completed the realization of” THRILAKSHANA”
    ANICHCHA, DUKKA, ANATHMA which is the turning point for liberation.
    Everything in this universe is formed constantly due to several causes.
    The thing you see as world is the effect of 3 causes. Then you get the meaning of the formation of world which is momentary. Momentary eruption, momentary persistence and destruction.
    Result of this vision leads to: 1. Reduction of craving and hatred towards world.
    Clinging to world is getting reduced day by day.
  4. Your mental pain, grief, suffering, lamentation and anger, hatred, jealousy, ill will, all are getting reduced.
    So what you should do is to continue to see everything as ANICHCHA, DUKKA, and ANATHMA without clinging to them. What ever you drop in your mind should be evacuated or let them go off and your effort should continue until you see the phenomenon.
    Next step next time.

Dr. Dammika Wijearathna

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