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THANHA( desiring)
MANA( measuring)
Ditty(naming)-Wisdom 21
You may have listened these words over 10,000 times now, but you know only the wording & its superficial meaning. But you do not know what they are in real terms. To see what they are, you have to have a vision of “UDAYABBA GNANA”, WHERE YOU SEE THE WORLD AS A BUNCH OF “SANSKARAS”, but one at a time, NOT all at the same time.
In simple terms: “THANHA”, a desire towards anything.
“MANA” means, a person called “I” is living & others are positioned as below “I”, above “I”, or same as “I”.
“DITTY” means the naming of this “Base material”(atoms) like father, mother, table, river, etc. you have billions of names once your education or knowledge is improved as B.A, MSc, P HD,…etc.
But what you really do is:
1. TANHA, you are desiring a mere sensation or a feeling or a “SANSKARA” which is coming up & going down OR  you are desiring the “base material” (atoms) of this world.
2. MANA, You are measuring the “Base material” (atoms) as “I”, you, they, others…etc.
I am below to him
I am above to him
I am same as him OR
You are measuring the “SANSKARAS”as I , you, they, others,……etc.
3. DITTY, you are giving names to different shapes of “Base material”(atoms)as man, woman, river,…etc. OR you are naming them. What really available is “Base material” (atoms). OR giving names to “SANSKARAS”,which are coming up & going down.
The ERROR of this thinking pattern is: you think, you fight, make a war, you crave, which is NOT available in the universe. It’s a creation of you by yourself. This thinking pattern leads to REBIRTH after death, diseases, aging & death once again in an indefinite time.

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