Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
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In my previous lecture, I explained you the behavior of eye and its operations in details .shall we observe the ear next? Shall we do a small experiment? Take 2 iron bars and touch them each other, finally you get a sound, which was neither previously existed within bars nor existing afterwards. Sound comes at the moment of touching only. Likewise, when you hear a sound, the sound goes through the ears and makes a reflection in the mind, and then you can hear it. Sound is a picture in this world. I.e. you do not have that sound, this sound, which means no sound specifications. Sound means, mere a sound. That’s all. But we hear human sounds, animal sounds, machine sounds, etc., just because normal sounds to which we add specifications or we paste names to the sound from within. The sound is specified by you from inside, otherwise only a normal sound comes from outside.

Why I told this story is that, when you call “I” ,”me” or “mine”, its also a sound from outside and it is pasted from inside that it is my sound.

Then you go to a mirror and take the mirror reflection as my picture and link them together, then  you can call a person named  “I” is existing and sound  called my sound is remaining.

Then you go on saying …..My, my, my, then mine, mine, mine,. The whole world is like these.

Purely I, me, mine are due to link together of 3 main reflections.

I.e. sound, picture and mind

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna

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