How mind works?
Mind is not an eternal soul which moves from birth to birth.
It’s also an eruption due to a cause.
E.g.; if you want to see something, mind erupts & get the thing seen. I. e. Mind has a momentary eruption. After seeing the thing, it breaks down without keeping anything as a residue.
Life span of a mind is called “CHITHTHAKSHANAYA”.
If anything of 3 is not, you can not see anything. To see something, you need eye, object & mind. Very interesting thing happens, when you see something.
BECAUSE OF THIS MIND PART, something called ASAWAS or KLESHA adds to the action of seeing.
Shall I explain in details?
What you absorb through your eyes is a color photo to which mind adds father, mother, son, daughter, river, mountain, dog, cat, like name.
Then you see, not a color photo, you see a mother
You see a father
You see a river…etc.
The function of ASAWAS is that.
ASAWAS OR KLESHA is mental defilement which have been added over billions & billions of years. Can not say exact duration.
Shall I explain this?
To one color photo, in failing to diagnose it as a color photo or a color picture, you call it “farther,” in this birth. In next birth, same results come. So this long SANSARIC PATH , the idea of a” father” is being embedded (not in the same word as ” father”, in other births) deep in side the mind , so that , once you see a picture & get it introduced as a “father”, you quickly grasp it as a “father”. This is called DITTY ASAWAS. MANY MORE TO EXPLAIN………!!!!
Preaching & teachings enhance the “KLESHAS” in mind i. e. After the birth, when picture comes to your mind, it is being clarified by outsiders in many ways, you grasp them.
The whole education, knowledge, teachings& preaching are clarifications to what you see, hear, smell, taste & tactile which are not actually existing as they are……..
They are added things, to what you see, hear etc.
Even Buddhist teachings are the same as above & it is not important, once you go beyond the world.
But until then, you need this Buddhist wording to find the path way form world to beyond the world journey.
I am going to tell you another very interesting story.
Making a photo or a picture inside the mind is very interesting. As you all know, in a camera, TV, computer or what ever, picture is made up of small dots which get together and form a photo, but you cannot see them. In my lecture, I said that the world is full of atoms (according to science). But actually a dot even billionth times smaller than atom, that cannot be seen in by naked eye or any other equipment available. These minute dots called “RUPA kALAPA” that can be seen by meditation only. These dots go to form a picture.
Eye means the one which gathers dispersed dots to make a picture. I must say one thing too. Eye means not the eye you have in your face. What I mention is the spiritual eye which cannot be seen by the naked eye. This is actually invisible. This spiritual eye has the quality of an eruption followed by destruction, as well as other five senses. When you want see a picture only, this spiritual eye erupts, after seen, destructs. For the formation of spiritual eye, you need an object to be seen.
In this long lecture I discussed the story of eye. Same story is available for other five senses. In the case of mind,
Mind dots- Mental dots + Mind—— Eruption of Mental Pictures
E.g. Nightmares & Thinking etc., fall to this Category.
To see these events. You must gradually reduce the KLESHA part of your mind. For that you need VIPASSANA MEDITATION under the guidance of an excellent master. In this process of meditation you have to have unbroken mindfulness or SATHI, possibly 24 hours of the day.

Dr. Dammika Wijerathna